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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Truly a classy move. (I need to go over there and see if I can get ignored a few times myself!) - OS
  2. I usually don't go there, but couldn't resist, the way you used it in sentence. - OS
  3. Admittedly, I've spent little time there since I was 30 or so, so don't know what the animal stats are now (although Counselor Reed suggests they may be on the upswing). I tapered off going when I'd see more people on average day hike there than on the bike trail in Knoxville! My ex did whole Appy trail GA to ME about 5 years ago, and though she met some nifty folks, that was her main lament too. - OS
  4. Too big, I'm sure. Look at properties of existing ones, they are most all under 10k after being automatically resized. Upload dialogue says "recommend an image 200px or larger", which makes no sense to me since the forum software scales it down to 90x90 pixels, so might as well make the best looking image you can at 90 pixels on longest side or 90x90 square to begin with. - OS edit: here's yours, 90x65, if you like it you can just save it and upload it to TGO:
  5. Normal non-godlike member like me, it says once in 90 days. - OS
  6. Sure, but can we spell it? - OS
  7. I think most of the bears in the Smokies visit Cades Cove at least once in a while. It has always been common to see bears there; back when I was a kid you could 'bout count on it. There's a reason of course. Also back when, Gregory was common scout hike and around the shelter area there, it was the rule rather than the exception to see bears, again for the same reason. Good spring nearby plus lots of camper food. Got a good story about that, but another time. Also, boars were pretty common around toward the top of the bald area itself. - OS
  8. No. Not for me. Brass brush wouldn't do a thing. I've leaded up an XD barrel a couple of times big time with some Amscor leadhead 9mm, must be too soft. I mean, lead strands were sticking out of the barrel, I essentially was shooting a smooth bore toward the end! As Dolomite says, copper is the trick, not brass. Real copper, like ChoreBoy pad. The cheapo pads that look like copper are just steel with some kind of coating to look pretty, don't work and rust right away. Dolomite pulls some strands off and ties cord around middle and pulls through -- I took several strands and wrapped around a worn brass brush and used it that way, but if I have to do it again, I'll use his method, as you only pull one way, probably better on barrel. The real copper material seems to be the magic trick, though. - OS
  9. Looks like you can just pull down on the delta ring with one hand and pull one half off, then do it again pull the other half, without the tool or another pair of hands? - OS
  10. Ah, IC, thanks, never did find that on their site. So you do take guard off each time, that was main thing I was wondering. - OS
  11. I can't quite figure out how rails attach to those, can't even find a vid. Apparently screws (with nut?), but do you have to take the handguard off/apart each time to add/remove them? - OS
  12. II grew up with a guy named Joe Veeblefrizer. He always hated the name and as soon as he was 18 he legally changed it. To Ed Veeblefrizer. - OS
  13. He answered you in post 23. - OS
  14. - shot him twice, check - dragged body to more secluded area and covered with tarp, check - took 300 in cash from dead body, check - had a pound of weed on him when arrested, check Doubt that even Jose Baez would touch this one. - OS
  15. Except his own Catholic base, which he didn't carry in Michigan or Arizona, and apparently not in most of the Super Tuesday states either. Strange he's carrying the evangelicals, half of whom ain't even sure the Catholics are going to heaven in the first place, but alienating his own. I was tickled by my own 86 year old mom, who wouldn't vote for Kennedy, but now chose a Catholic over a Mormon! In a way, I actually agree with her -- if there's anything weirder than Christianity itself, it's the spin Mormonism adds to it. - OS
  16. Wow, you guys must have some powerful goop built up in your belly buttons, but will the commercial product work also? - OS
  17. Goldwater lost in one of the biggest landslides in US election history. - OS
  18. Yer TV broken? TN was called for Santorum hours ago. RP came in a (very) distant 4th. Statewide: http://www.foxnews.c...y-super-tuesday County by county: http://www.foxnews.c...sults-by-county As always one must remember that TGO is not necessarily representative of TN as a whole and FAR from it compared to entire US electorate. - OS
  19. None of those you mentioned are off limits by federal law. Schools carry is handled state by state. Except for beyond security area, airport carry also handled state by state. You can carry in non-secure parts of airports in TN if not posted. - OS
  20. Old debate, but I'll just say, I have a variety of rifle types and find it strange that only ARs have dust covers -- and If I have a round that doesn't want to chamber, I've never thought much of the idea of using more force to cram it in there. - OS
  21. Everybody still kicking and screaming for the "not Mitt" candidate, but it's an inevitable grind, and Mitt's the only one of the bunch who can beat O. You gotta remember that much of the electorate that's willing to vote against O are still socialist liberals compared to much of the south, or certainly TGO denizens. Big worry at this point is the process, and whether Mitt having to slowly pound it out will diminish his overall preference in the general. - OS
  22. Yeah, that's the place, dunno what the story was. I've been to one there in the "modern era" a year or so ago, and parking lot was fairly full. Back in the 60's and 70's, it was actually the main venue for Knoxville Gun shows. - OS
  23. I knew exactly what you were driving at. - OS
  24. Hate knife threads without pix. Spydie Military: Great knife for sure. Carried the Camo one for a good while, will probably periodically go back to it. I prefer 3.5 - 4" blades for main carry knife. But always have my Buck Stockman for normal tasks -- it's mostly what the citizens see. Currently carrying a Chink Kershaw Tremor, just to prove I'm not a snob. Really do like it, and have gotten hooked on the assisted opening. Also a Buck Vantage Force Avid, even though it's only 3.25". Also very much like the Cold Steel 4" Voyager, both older and new model. I want my main carry knife to have a decent point on it. Even my last ditch stand necker follows that advice (Meyerco Law Dog): - OS


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