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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Just informational for whippersnappers who didn't grow up on good cartoons. - OS
  2. Just a note: Kel-Tec has changed to original owner only warranty. - OS
  3. Yeah, me either, and mine has been dry fired who knows how many times, too. - OS
  4. Of course. What county isn't, at least outwardly near its largest burg? - OS
  5. Red hat is Elmer. Bandana is Magoo
  6. repeat: http://www.whitehous...es-preparedness It's not terribly long. Nice and general enough so it covers most everything. Though firearms are not specifically mentioned, I'm sure they are "national defense resources" too. - OS
  7. Yeah it comes and goes, get a few then craps out. - OS
  8. "The hostname specified in the Coralized URL is currently over its hourly quota. Please try back later."
  9. Governor role already been announced and it wasn't Rooker.
  10. Like torrent source or something? - OS
  11. I was thinking more in general than just planning for an already small existing group, which I don't have. Thinking I wouldn't know who my allies might turn out to be -- if any. - OS
  12. AFAIK, Paypal and eBay have always mirrored policies since eBay bought it. - OS
  13. Dunno, but it had two armless humanoids on neck leashes trailing behind it. Now THAT'S creepy. - OS
  14. Aha, found it, indeed updated on site: http://pages.ebay.co...ons-knives.html Thanks for the notice. You'd think this would be something they're feed ya as new policy when you have a seller account, but no. I guess they finally decided that the extra revenue outweighs perceived legal culpability. Didn't initially see anything about how hicap mags are handled. Maybe the states where they are banned are automatically nuked from bidding/buying, dunno. EDIT: hmm, don't know how it's controlled,maybe when you list, but I don't see anything but 10 rounder and less listed. Quick glance through 10/22 and Mini14 mags have nothing over 10 rounders. EDIT2: Oh double duh: states that in the above link I posted. - OS
  15. I've never seen the "rules" that detailed. Is that from eBay's site? Indeed, this is seems to be newly amended. - OS
  16. This is THE biggest downside of the Mini. There are parts you simply can't get for a stash, have to send whole gun into Ruger. Firing pin is a big consideration, for example. Nobody has had the two aftermarket ones hold up for any decent length of time. A hassle at best, but a very big deal if SHTF. OOTH, neither platform actually breaks much. - OS
  17. Folks posted pix last night from a shoot using PB. I don't use it, but is your account still okay there? Storage limit, bandwidth limit etc? - OS edit: I saw your prob in test forum: You had double IMG tags before and after url of image, forum software ignored it. You probably used the image icon with dialogue and then entered the tags manually also, my guess. Here's your image you were trying for there:
  18. If I knew which day EOTWAWKI was scheduled, I'd buy 50 Hi-Point C9s and 50 995 carbines; most cost efficient way to arm whatever band of folks circumstance might make one a part of. - OS
  19. Fine pix P Great writeup, one of yer best ever!
  20. I'd be amazed if he did for two reasons: - For the reason you just stated - The GOP disgust would rub off onto his son to whatever degree, and he won't hamstring his son's political future - OS
  21. Ruger should have probably just renamed the Mini after all the improvements of the current 580-581 series. At least call it Mini14-II or something, so at least folks would have to compare the two generations against each other rather than just lump them all together. - OS
  22. He's just fighting the what I call the Patriot Fight at this point, He stated flat out after South Carolina he knows he isn't going to be president, and hinted as much much earlier. His goal is simply to take the delegates he can garner to Tampa and squeeze the party for a plank or two in the platform, hoping that Romney may not get the delegates for a first ballot nomination, so that his delegate power, though small, can make a diff before releasing them. I'd imagine in his heart of hearts he knows at his age this is probably the last roundup for which he can get this degree of media attention for the policies he advocates. One can see it as futile Don Quixote syndrome, or simply a man toward the end of his significant public influence going out on principle for whatever difference he might make to the public conscience, for a country he truly loves. I tend to see it as the latter and he probably does too. - OS edit: Oh, and Newt, he's just a megalomaniac; he can't help it. I suppose he has convinced himself in some extended sense of similar altruistic politics, but he's just fooling himself, the real impetus is all about Newt. He and Obama share that. They both see themselves as Grand Historical Figures, the smartest guys in any room.
  23. I know that particular emptiness all too well. Offering my sincere condolences. - OS
  24. Some of us (ahem) don't have a flattering pose! Thanks for doing the pix! - OS


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