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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Yeah, I know, I have one. You say you carry that around "everywhere" in puter bag, so presumably around in public on your person? If so, my not so subtle point is that it just ain't at all legal in TN to do that. - OS
  2. Agree totally. Quite a blade for at least twice the bucks. Also has tip up/down left/right carry too. Rare even in many higher knife lines. The obligatory pic:
  3. Cool. Way you told story, you really had everybody going. Obviously. Glad you scored. XDs are fine fine guns.
  4. ... on History 2 at 9 EST tonight. 120 min. - OS
  5. Actually, both my Marlin .30-30 and .357 came with swivel studs. I added scope to the .30-30. And a butt pad, 'cause I'm a weenie I guess. - OS
  6. That's a cool definition, but it's your own via your interpretation. It's not found in TCA. Exceptions to unlawful carry must be shown with preponderance of the evidence if push comes to shove, including going to and from range. For example, you'd be guilty of unlawful carry, even going to the range, with a permit, with a round in chamber of long gun. Failing other exceptions, you're guilty of unlawful carry with a 5" blade, regardless of your intent of offensive or defensive purposes. But you're not guilty if it's a 4" blade, regardless of your purpose. - OS
  7. Canebreaker being too blithe about whole thang, I'm thinking he's pulling our collective leg. - OS
  8. Me too, but I'm gonna make even less of a special effort to go get in somebody's face armed. Not to mention somebody who can obviously probably whip my ass in fisticuffs from the gitgo -- which is a much bigger field these days than yesteryear, btw, and that doofus out-geezers me by 8 years! - OS
  9. Well, I don't have a horse or ATV for scabbard, so will have to be an iconoclast. Shouldn't have a scope either, I know. Oops. - OS
  10. See if he's got any full auto weapons or silencers he'll part with. Or heroin. - OS
  11. I was always kinda partial to Saint Christopher. But the Pope sorta dumped him. - OS
  12. Shot his dad, not the kid. Dad was fairly recently returned home military. Anything's possible. Black guy comes armed from his house across the street to confront them over skating on the tennis court, though. Certainly the main lesson is to keep out of petty crap that doesn't harm you in any way, or at the most file a complaint through proper channels if you must. - OS
  13. Yeah, he admits in initial hearing of pulling the gun BEFORE there was any physical contact from the unarmed victim. All over a kid skateboarding in a frigging park across the street. I swear we're already well into Idiocracy. - OS
  14. Handguns have to be sent some form of overnight also, by their policy. However, as I said, FedEx will almost certainly NOT ship it between individuals, it is NOT in their TOS to do so, if you notify it's a gun, as you are supposed to under their TOS also (but not under federal law since not going interstate). - OS
  15. All these diseases that SO FAR stay mostly in Africa are pretty scary when you think of what a world epidemic would be like if they propagated. And of course AIDS did. Always thought that something like Ebola might be eventually become the apocalypse. If you read books like The Hot Zone, seems it's already been pretty close a time or two. - OS
  16. Police chief Bill Lee: Temporarily removing himself, has "become a distraction" to the process City Manager Norton Bonaparte: Will appoint an interim chief. Case turned over to state attorney's office with US Dept. of Justice assistance. Short and sweet, that's about it. - OS
  17. News conference from down there on momentarily.
  18. Of course an individual can send guns to a FFL in any state. Both UPS and FedEx will do it. Or USPS if long gun. - OS
  19. It is not in FedEx's TOS to send between unlicensed individuals period. It is in UPS's to do it, but good luck if you notify. Under federal law (FAQ on BATF site is wrong) you only have to notify if NOT sending to licensee in INTERstate shipment, but UPS's TOS says you have to notify -- not federal law, but UPS rules. It is also UPS policy to send handguns some form of overnight -- again, not federal law. - OS
  20. I think Mitt might surprise us if elected and be a quite effective president. We're in way too deep for any president's admin of even two terms to significantly unravel things (that's ultimately going to take some real sustained national pain). but Mitt will likely make rational and practical moves based in business and economics rather than blind ideology. And as mentioned, I believe he really loves this country. And he doesn't care if he ever makes another buck, either. That's one reason I discount a lot of the "seesaw" criticism thrown at him. I know we all want to see some man of unwavering long time principle and all that, but flexibility to change to meet changing circumstances is important too. Lest we forget, The Conservative God Ronald Reagan was a liberal Democrat until the 60's. - OS
  21. While that type procedure would almost certainly keep you safe from all but the most rabid LEO who had some axe to grind on you, note that the actual laws speak only in terms of physical space: exception to unlawful carry: - "Of an unloaded rifle, shotgun or handgun not concealed on or about the person and the ammunition for the weapon was not in the immediate vicinity of the person or weapon" definition of "loaded" is even stricter, and I've always wondered if they left out the word "loaded" in front of "clip or magazine": - "Unloaded" means the rifle, shotgun or handgun does not have ammunition in the chamber, cylinder, clip or magazine, and no clip or magazine is in the immediate vicinity of the weapon." "immediate vicinity" of course is not defined. Depends on what the definition of "is" is, eh? Just another case of where actual LEO practices generally differ from actual statutes (thankfully), as it would be pretty out there to arrest you for having unloaded mags in same bag as unloaded gun on seat next to you, with ammo separated elsewhere, but the language nonetheless exists to stick you for doing exactly that if push came to shove. - OS
  22. Loaded? - OS
  23. Sounds more and more like Zimmerman has a protector somewhere in the local LEA. If he indeed does get indicted for something, I'd be surprised if another head doesn't roll. - OS
  24. TN may go overwhelming red anyway, but maybe it could be closer than anyone thinks. TN did go for Clinton, twice, so it's possible. Should it be close, enough votes for Paul/write ins/whatever "protest" votes could indeed make the diff should they instead have been cast for Romney; in which case it's guaranteed most of the those folks would regret it -- such regret might take a few years once The Hussein Supreme Court takes full effect, might be much sooner. - OS


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