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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. He didn't even have a "semi-official mandate" from homeowner's association or anything, right? I mean, he simply self-appointed himself as a "community watch captain", yes? - OS
  2. You'll be paying for legal explanations but not necessary to change anything from TN's point of view. Might as well just do a ten clam 4473 first, see what comes up. If denied, do the appeal, so at least you'll have either/both federal and state reasons for denial first, at least have that information in hand before spending more to see if there's any procedure that can change it. - OS
  3. Yow. Descent into totally wigged out twisted territory. Though I do have a nice ass for a 102 year old. - OS
  4. Was arrested for gun possession as a felon. Pawned handgun, wasn't actually on him when arrested. http://www.ajc.com/news/bond-set-for-new-1398575.html - OS
  5. 'Except for ATS-34/154cm, AUS6/8/10, 8CR13MOV, S30/60/90V, 6 or so Sandvik knife steels, etc etc - OS
  6. Interesting how those flogging the racism thang call him a "white Hispanic"; if he had done something unequivocally admirable, he'd be labeled "Hispanic American". - OS
  7. But a .44 mag is a .357 that goes to 11! - OS
  8. Seems to me a stock $400 Savage bolt rifle will still equal or outshoot a $1000 tweaked 10/22, but if it just must be a semi, the Ruger is pretty much best choice. - OS
  9. You still gotta be careful walking around in a field of beheaded zeds. Buncha biting zombie land mines. - OS
  10. Again, that's federal. You're going to be in TN. There is a court case pending here (haven't heard anything about it for awhile, and there's a topic on TGO somewhere) about a fellow pardoned for felony in GA who can't buy a gun after moving to TN, as TN won't recognize it. Best o' luck... - OS
  11. I just got 10K from State Farm on guns, and yeah, it was $200 per year. My renter's insurance is limited to $2500 on firearms, which adds to the 10K to make 12.5K, and I guess the NRA one is still $2500 too. However, I knocked back total renter's coverage to 50K and was also able to reduce both of my cars' policy because I drive so little anymore, so that my total payments per year on all policies only increased by about 35 clams. - OS
  12. Will it feed using slide release instead of slingshotting by hand? Perhaps just a matter of more tension on the top round from mag spring, needs max force to drive it from mag. Kahr's are well known for this, manual recommends chambering first round from slide lock lever rather than by hand. Also make sure top round is all the way back in mag (smack mag against hand couple times), make sure top round is tilted slightly up like top round in the shorter mag. - OS
  13. Good to see your real world use of the Clash; I have one (have maybe 5 of the different PRC Kershaws); I see it as "poor man's ZT 350", roughly same dimension and grip and blade shape. All the inexpensive Kershaws and 8CR13MOV steel itself have be proven to be quite capable and all around good choices, too. - OS
  14. I assumed he would have checked with them first to see if they'd issue a call tag, or would have mentioned that too. - OS
  15. FAQ is wo Actually, only to a non-license holder when shipped INTERstate (or foreign), which would be illegal shipment period between individuals in the first place.. Intrastate shipments do no require notification period, regardless of between who. Also requires written notification if it's needed. Right. That's the federal law. However, UPS and FedEx TOS says to notify. Whatever. They're dead wrong in FAQ. All you have to do is read 18 U.S.C. § 922 where this is covered, twice. I'm tired of quoting it here. I'm not too worried about not informing UPS or FedEx either. They don't notate the shipment as firearm in any way, on box or paperwork. Since the few firearms I've shipped off have all been to FFL's, and I can print my own labels from UPS account, I just slide em on counter at UPS store and gone. I actually have acquiesced to sending handguns the cheapest class of overnight; that's really the only thing they could sting you with, on the basis of inspecting a package and finding handgun sent wrong class according to their TOS, and send it back to you, or it disappears and not honor your claim on that basis. - OS
  16. Unlawful possession or carry is a felony "at his discretion" just how? It's not even at a DA's "discretion".
  17. Not really, after his speech, camera pans up over trees for shot of prison in the distance. - OS
  18. But if you justifiably shoot someone, you won't be charged the having it in car without the permit. Welcome to the Patron State of Gray Gun Laws. - OS
  19. Look on outside wall, likely not real near the door.
  20. In this same vein, is there a switch to throw that would allow folks real name to show if they choose to? vBulletin showed them. - OS
  21. Only in the car with HCP, not loaded around in general public on your person. "Loaded" would be having ammo anywhere on your person, whether in mag or not. - OS
  22. dang, ever since this new look, I seem to hit quote instead of edit for some dang reason.
  23. Wouldn't know what else to call one who voted for FDR four times, loved the man, loved the New Deal, president of Screen Actors Guild (that's a union, ya know), campaigned for other lberal Dems up through the early 50s', etc He became a less liberal Dem after that, then finally a Rep. But he praised FDR his whole life. I'm not the only one who characterizes him as such back then, history does. - OS
  24. "Living" as ongoing undead in literature, lore, religion etc. Talking about the more factual parts of human history, burials, folklore and literature of the undead etc. Ever wonder why we still lock coffins? Very little in there about voodoo part, which was good as that had become trite. Lots of stuff I never knew way back to Chinese and Scandinavian lore. And then, yes, zombies as metaphor to a certain extent, but then real scenarios of what IF. Very nifty quickies before each break about hand to hand on zombies, weapons, etc. Nice combo of facts and tongue in cheek, too -- Brooks was commenting quite a bit in a nifty dead serious way -- I really enjoyed it; if you get History 2, check it out sometime as it comes back around. Search on TV Guide doesn't show any repeats soon cept it's on right now. - OS


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