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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. That you could put it fully inside a backpack would seem to be numero uno to me. - OS
  2. Thanks bro, and it is tempting, just 'cause I am indeed somewhat of a Rugerite. But my heavy duty hiking days are over, likely even during The Meltdown. Besides, I'm thinking about something probably even more unnecessary. Looks like I'll get to handle one anyway since Garufa is getting one. Perhaps the contagion will spread, though. - OS
  3. You don't need a will according to federal law Federal law verbiage does not specify "will" or "probate". To echo JRW... [the law regarding interstate FFL ownership transfer] "shall not apply to ... the transfer, transportation, or delivery of a firearm made to carry out a bequest of a firearm to, or an acquisition by intestate succession of a firearm by, a person who is permitted to acquire or possess a firearm under the laws of the State of his residence..." Read it yourself: http://codes.lp.find...ode/18/I/44/922 As long as you don't need them shipped, which is generally a can of worms between non licensed individuals even intrastate, I'd just go get them. If you're really concerned about it, y'all could do a little signed written statement listing guns/serials and have it notarized, but meh, lawyers aren't necessary for every damn little thing in life. - OS
  4. The bag that comes with it looks like it oughtta be worth at least 25 clams alone. - OS
  5. Cottonmouth blue timber racer hoop rattler. (seriously: clearly not venomous, whatever exactly it is) - OS
  6. I've likely eaten a tanker load of them myself over my lifetime. At one time, when you could still buy them cheaply from Kroger, had a parking area "paved" with empty shells. - OS
  7. My sincere condolences. - OS
  8. First distant ancestor who slurped down a raw oyster was pretty bold too. - OS
  9. Hunter: Contour (2 different barrel lengths):
  10. Yep, always sounded lewd; that's why I can remember it.
  11. Guessing now that he mistyped "expansion" the first time. However, expansion ain't everything. Minimum penetration is just as important. A shallow wound may be gory, but not very effective. (think frangible, birdshot, .22 stingers, etc). Old adage: you want expansion, but you need penetration. - OS
  12. If yer gonna drill into butt, might as well drill forearm too. Much neater, and won't screw up finish on mag tube. Really, little swivel bases don't look bad at all -- most all lever rifles have come with them for years now. - OS
  13. We don't even need Dems in TN legislature, most of our Republicans stand as fine liberal examples. - OS
  14. "O.C.G.A. § 16-11-127 ( A person shall be guilty of carrying a weapon or long gun in an unauthorized location and punished as for a misdemeanor when he or she carries a weapon or long gun while: (4) In a place of worship;" Seems pretty unambiguous, what's the "conflict"? - OS
  15. Bzzzzt. Nope. - OS
  16. Fix this one too. "opps" should be "oops" ;)
  17. Ruger site: $389 The same stainless model that doesn't break down is $299 'Course street is much less. The basic wood or polymer carbine is $277 and they're $199 or less most of the time. But even though Capbyrd reported the two sold for $319 shipped, I'd expect the price on the new break down to stay high for a while in general. - OS
  18. Boy, when you left, you left, I'll say that -- was gonna have ya shoot the Sport some, but whoosh! Here's Gunblast vid on the take down 10/22: !- OS
  19. How/where did you get it? I don't like any that have attachments at the already thickest part of the affair, but this one looks promising: - OS
  20. I only had one, indeed a 10/22. I'm a veritable piker by comparison to your own illustrious Rugerificity -- only have 5 different models (but double down with 2 ea 10/22 and Mini14). - OS
  21. Yeah, barely: but that only works well when Zim is "white Hispanic".
  22. Ah thanks, didn't know he was supposedly actually "selected". Just more of partial "news" I had picked up. - OS
  23. I didn't get that anywhere? Whazzit exactly you're referring to?
  24. http://www.ruger.com...n/features.html http://www.thetrutha...kedown-version/ - OS


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