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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Correct: definition of "unloaded" in TN law does NOT specify that only gun itself was unloaded. - OS
  2. Yeah, I try not to advise -- or tell. - OS
  3. Which if true further reinforces idea that intent was unloaded, since normal citizens couldn't have loaded guns in cars at all then. Yes, but the charge in question is not a: "intent to go armed" (actually, illegal carry or possession), but b:Carrying Weapon On School Property. Way laws read, depending on HCP status and loaded/unloaded status of gun, you could be guilty of both, innocent of both, or innocent of a: but guilty of b: - OS
  4. I get bad script error from time to time:\ "A script on this page may be busy, or it may have stopped responding. You can stop the script now, or you can continue to see if the script will complete. Script: http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/prototype/1.7/prototype.js:4802" and/or long hesitation with "firefox not responding" as if it has locked and crashed, then pops back to normal. Usually when I first hit TGO, sometimes during a session. Only on TGO and just started 'bout a week ago or less. Latest FF 11 on Win XP. - OS
  5. Down the road, you'll feel better in the gulag knowing you chose it, comrade. - OS
  6. I'd posit he won't do it if for no other reason than because of Rand. RP would become a legendary GOP pariah, and it would almost certainly rub off on Rand to whatever degree -- I just can't see RP doing anything to queer his son's seemingly bright political future. Also, RP would be another death knell choice for the general, period. - OS
  7. Wow, ya mean I was right? Shocking. - OS
  8. We're talking state here. A state can enact laws for their own residents that the Fed can't for all states. This was mentioned even in regard to the Obamacare thing. The states that have enacted the parking lot possession thing show no signs of billeting their Guard troops in same locations. Though if you wanted to keep one or two of them inside your car, I'd say it should be okay. - OS
  9. I've pondered and think just the opposite, for two reasons: 1. For the "going armed" paragraph, there is NO mention of being able to store gun. "Going armed" = "loaded" 2. For legally stashing it as an "non-student adult" there is no mention of going armed (loaded) AND there is no mention of HCP, so would have to be stored as per someone without HCP, which again means unloaded. Unless you want argue that even though you'd be guilty of unlawful carry (for loaded gun in vehicle without HCP) but yet still be innocent of violating school statute by doing same on school property. - OS
  10. Not Glockless OhShoot (see above).
  11. They all say that as this stage. And him saying Jeb would be great choice is just grease; even some non-related feller named Bush would also be total anathema. - OS
  12. Palin is absolute kiss of death. Can't have another Yankee, like Christie (who btw, is absolutely NO friend of the gun owner, makes Mitt look like Ted Nugent) Best to have someone from the South or west, South better, and Rubio really IS a conservative, might also swing the Latino Hispanic white Mexican brown American or whatever the hell it is these days vote. Rubio is Da Man. Not quite as sure as I was along of Mitt being the nominee, but almost. That is, IF Marco will bite. - OS
  13. Romney will try to run the place like a biz. He's not an ideologue, has no overwhelming agenda of just "how' things should be in some sort of utopian destruct and rebuild -- he'll be pragmatic enough to try to make things work. He cares about America and its traditional greatness, and certainly does not want to change 236 years of our history into some theoretical new construct that simply steals income tax money from the (barely) 50% paying it to the other half that don't while those with an in make extra money from that same pool. Also, though all presidents must be ego maniacal to a certain degree, he'll look like a humble sequestered monk compared to Obama and his over-exalted sense that history will show him to be The Visionary Savior Propelling Us Into The New World EveryDamnThing. Gun rights won't even be on his radar one way or the other; if anything arises, he'll just accede to a (hopefully) GOP majority in both chambers. Perhaps most importantly, his choices for the Supremes will absolutely not change us into a further Amerika over the next 50 years as would Obama's. Romney's main criticism as a "flip flopper" may actually prove to be quite a strength in this crazy world of fast changing priorities -- he won't pursue failing options, but will change to meet realistic changing circumstances, just like a successful CEO. Much like the now Conservative God Ronald Reagan -- let us not forget he was quite the liberal Democrat into the mid 50's. Also, Mitt doesn't care if he makes another single buck the rest of his life, and will demur from trying to write his own history books as he goes along. - OS
  14. Beyond me, was just priming the pump, hopefully a semi owner with some savvy will pop by. I looked at manual exploded parts view -- if there were a pool I'd guess broken off end of feed latch, though:
  15. Separate defense. One is as it says, for picking up and dropping off passengers, the other is for storing gun whether you are in vehicle or not. If you have a permit, you can do the first with loaded gun; the storage is for any non-student adult and almost certainly is intended for unloaded weapon. Well, look at your employee's handbook. Whether it would take "one hell" of an effort or not, I dunno. Certainly staff were fired while I was there for breaking various of the many things listed as grounds for termination, but of course, as I said, generally when they were already looking for a reason, except for some obvious biggies like major theft or something. I also don't know if tenured status for profs changes things significantly in these regards or not. I also don't know just how different, except by policy, a state university is from a plain private biz as far as the "employment at will" thing in TN. UT generally has a "no layoff" policy for example, UNLESS positions are simply de-funded by the legislature. Which is what happened to me -- I was one of two folks in whole state system with a certain job title, a title that actually had been created just FOR me by an audit. But by a combination of internal politics and budget cutting, I also became an easy target, too, double edged sword. And by the way, a friend high in HR told me shortly before this happened, much the same, that "they'd play hell zapping YOU of all people". She was wrong. - OS
  16. Yep, that's the simple way I think of it. TN already includes your vehicle under the "castle doctrine", which does little good it you can't keep something in there with which to avail yourself of that right. - OS
  17. Did bolt come out free when you took it apart and chamber is empty? I mean, no insult intended, there's definitely not simply a spent shell frozen in chamber with extractor still grabbing it, right?
  18. Correct, the allowance of storing weapons in vehicle on school property does not allow such with "intent to go armed", which of course a loaded weapon is generally considered to be the main criterion. However, my further point was that faculty and staff can still be fired for it, even it no law was broken. I know it was a listed offense for termination when I was on staff at UTK, assume it's same for faculty, even tenured I'd imagine? Of course, of the 30 or so no no's, I once figured that over my 21 year stint, I had broken most all of them, except a couple I didn't fully understand, so probably broke those also. Always comes down to whether they want to sting you or not. - OS
  19. Yep, domestic violence and stalking 'meanors, and DUIs in the time limit come to mind. There's also the issue of having a case of just about any kind that doesn't show a final disposition. Happens all the time when folks try to buy a gun. Even when the charge would not have be disqualifying even if found guilty. So the pending Mutt 'Meanor could possibly be a temporary bugaboo. - OS
  20. Since a cottonmouth can look almost solid gray or black, depending on time of year, environs, and lighting, I'd say clearly no. Copperheads may vary from vivid to subdued also. Head shape is surely most reliable, since except for the coral snake, the pit viper triangular shape is quite distinct and consistent, at least for folks that don't panic at sight of any snake at all -- and don't want to get close enough to try and make out frigging shape of iris. - OS
  21. They should, to keep consumers from getting ripped off. Include ProMag into the statute too. - OS
  22. Just shoot it as is. Sweetie. - OS
  23. "Red on yellow will kill a fellow, but red on black is a friend of Jack." "Red on yellow, deadly fellow; Red on black, venom lack." " Red and yellow will kill you fellow; Red and black is friend Jack." "Red on yellow, kill a fellow. Red on black, you're alright Jack." "Red next to black is a friend of Jack; red next to yellow will kill a fellow." "Red to yellow, kill a fellow. Red to black, venom lack." "If red touches black, you're okay Jack; if red touches yellow, you're a dead fellow." "Red next to black, you can pat him on the back; red next to yellow, he can kill a fellow." "Red next to black, venom I lack; red next to yellow, run away fellow." "Red and black, friend of Jack; red and yellow kill a fellow." "Red touches yellow, Not a nice fellow; if red touches black, good friend of jack." "Red touch yellow, kill a fellow; red touch black, you're okay Jack." "Red touch black, good for Jack; red touch yellow, kill a fellow." "Yellow and red, you are dead; black and white you're all right." Eastern Coral Snake: Red Touches Yellow Milk Snake (type of kingsnake also called Scarlet Kingsnake) Red touches black - OS
  24. Finger grooves addition is why I don't own a Glock: I'd have gotten a 17 or 19, but just never found good deal on a Gen 2 when I had the bux to spare, so I saw even Gen 3 as a downer. - OS
  25. Hope so. That NBC edit of the 911 call was absolutely egregious. Completely took statement where Zim merely answered dispatcher's question of "white, hispanic, or black" and made it into a "by the way, I'm a racist" statement. - OS


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