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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. I have a fridge magnet given to me by an ex lady friend: "We're been through so much together -- and most of it was your fault." - OS
  2. Yes, about 3 years ago; no longer required. But the prints weren't checked against a database in real time or anything for gun purchase approval even then. I don't know about your friend's story, but I suspect you didn't get an accurate description of whatever transpired. There surely can't be an FFL in TN that stoopid, even in Fayetteville. - OS
  3. If ammo were anywhere on your person at all, it would be in "immediate vicinity of the person or weapon". Wouldn't fit the "unloaded" definition either. - OS
  4. Well, the opponent is the Prince of Darkness Incarnate, so the GOP may need all that kind of firepower it can get. Maybe induce Santorum to get the Pope involved too! - OS
  5. Oh Shoot


    Yah, great win, and whether it's proper to say or not, glad a good ole Southern boy beat out the RSA feller, though he is mighty good too. Yeah, that shot from trouble ... in Butler Cabin, he said, "well, I was there earlier in the round, so I knew it pretty well." LOL! - OS
  6. Yeah, agree that it's quite the successful niche of politics, faith, and entertainment, obviously has found a traditional American value audience. I find it at least a bit encouraging that actually still exists in meaningful numbers. - OS
  7. Thought has occurred to me in past that main reason for his ongoing Fox show was to continue political exposure as much as any other reason, but when he didn't run this time I sort of let it slide. - OS
  8. I still think the GOP may have the ongoing goods ready to go for impeachment, but can't hit the switch without the Senate. So that's a possible backup plan if O wins but GOP gets both chambers. - OS
  9. + for evangelicals and South I reckon. Must admit Huck wasn't on my radar. - OS
  10. What IS the source? Sounds like part of an essay I'd like to read. - OS
  11. I thought it was quite well written indeed. Also, links in most every paragraph were quite effective for additional clarification and nuance while keeping the basic essay lean and pithy. My terse take: science, statistics, and common sense sans political correctness. - OS
  12. And I believe these airport cases were involving out of state folks? Meaning, if they are convicted we still won't have any clarification about their losing their carry permits also under 39-17-1352. - OS
  13. To be clear for you, gunbuster sign of any size is now a valid posting. - OS
  14. No, wording was left even more vague back then, there was only the "substantially similar" admonition, with that phrase left undefined. And presently, though the "substantially similar" verbiage has been clarified, only the park statute has exact wording specified (and minimum size). - OS
  15. There's really nothing in the statutes to allow one method of carry yet bar another. It's all or none. He could put up the words without the graphic, but it would be enforced only by others' sense of courtesy. Of course, he can always tell anyone to leave after the fact of entering with threat of trespassing if they don't. - OS
  16. I haven't been pulled over in the 4 years I've been legally carrying. But if I do, I'm gonna TELL. 'Cause it seems more folks than not seem to get off without a ticket. I just wish when I hung a no-stop right on red about 3 years ago I had been caught by a cop instead of a camera, so I could have tried it out. - OS
  17. I'll send you PayPal invoice for the nickel.
  18. gun buster makes it statutorily compliant posting for no carry at all, regardless of any words, so this one is mooter than many. - OS
  19. You didn't see a button to post ad at all. He's seeing "You cannot start a new topic", which is what the old Trading Post shows. So, I betcha a nickel. - OS
  20. Sounds like you're trying the old Trading Post which appears in the column of all the other forums? If so, it's dead for selling, which is why it says "archive only". Use "Classifieds" from link at top of entire site. "Add An Advert". If that's not it, mea culpa for underestimating the prob. - OS
  21. What's the question at thi So what's the question at this point? 1. Can a LEO take control of your firearm(s) during a stop?: Of course. Whether you have permit or not. What are you gonna do, REFUSE or STOP him from taking them? Bad! 2. Can he search your vehicle?: Only with your permission, reasonable suspicion, or probable cause. Which in real world simply means, "yes". Your're going to do something to STOP him? Bad! If you disagree with any part of 1 or 2, you can attempt, AFTER the fact, to: a: file complaint b: convince DA to lodge criminal charge c: file civil suit What's left? - OS
  22. ObamaCare: no Illegal immigration: no Suing individual states: no minimally selective deportation policies: no Transparency claims: no Choices of the bazillion czars: no choices of cabinet secretaries, particularly Geithner, Chu: no choice of Attorney General: hell no majority of presidential orders: no increase taxes on the segment already paying 70% of all taxes: no selectively picking companies for fat loans: no quantitative easing: no (more, but my fingers are tired. And snuffing Bin Laden doesn't make up for it all, and I've got severe reservations about Al-Awlaki period) - OS
  23. Yeah, but FFL can put any number of guns on one 4473 for just the one charge of 10 clams. There are five spaces for guns, but instructions say to just attach additional piece of paper. State only charges dealer for each 4473 not each gun. 'Course, only TN charges for the damn thing at all. - OS
  24. Oh Shoot


    Dayum, even at bulk box prices, that's some serious coin! Yeah. He's still two under but that's 7 shots off the lead and lots of guys running hot ahead of him now. That Knoxville kid, Scott Stallings, easily made the cut in his first outing there, btw. - OS
  25. Oh Shoot


    Rats. Couples' putter was cold as a witch's teat today, looks like no miracle in Augusta this year. - OS


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