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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. I've had two riles transferred through Bill's; zero hassle, and hard to beat $20 + TICS. And yeah, a nice friendlyi responsive bunch of folks each time I've been in. He's become well patronized enough that apparently he's already on file with most of the popular online sites, so no hassle getting them to fax their FFL and all that. At least was on file with CDNN and Palmetto State in my case. - OS
  2. What you get for what you pay, simple as that. Generally excellent functionality, good steel, good grinds, etc. Sometimes a bit of a cosmetic flaw on blade or handle, but these are to be used, not simply collected. Main criticism is that some of the models are quite emulative of some American models, like the SRM 710 and Sebenza, some of the Navy models and Spyderco ones, etc. On the other hand, some of these PRC companies are the ones that are making or have made the Chinese renditions FOR Spyderco, Buck, Kershaw, etc etc. to being with -- they're just now starting to be recognized outside of China under their own names. Other carp is the "buy American or you're not a patriot" argument, but to me that just shows a rather naive world political and economic view. So in short, in a market like knives, where it's often said you only get what you pay for, many/most of these various models far and away out pace that adage. Price is starting to creep on these a bit as more folks discover them, and some of the companies are apparently going to deliver more options for higher end steel than 8CR13MOV and 440c too (although both of those are more than serviceable blade materials), maybe some fixed blades and whatnot, so I expect them to grow in the market. - OS
  3. Well, one million rounds speaks pretty darn highly of the thing, I'd say! - OS
  4. Let's see, if we just make it illegal for criminals and crazies to have guns they won't be able to .. oh wait... - OS
  5. Ooooo, cool, I see why TT is a preferred way to do it, thanks...
  6. Where do they actually go? Is it using your phone as the server? Meaning, if your phone is off, the pic doesn't appear in thread?
  7. It's an island. With fishing. Perhaps biggest tourist mecca in middle east. Assume your cuz is military or contractor, so assume basic needs are taken care of. But hobby equipment is generally not issued. - OS
  8. Fishing tackle.
  9. Pretty small god to be limited to that sort of thang.
  10. Well, chances approach 100% that if ThePunisher had been born a Yemeni, he'd be as stalwart a Muslim as he is now a Christian. That's the thing about religion; only a very slim minority ever deviate from their upbringing into The One True Faith (whichever one that happens to be). - OS
  11. HST had no great love of the Jews, and finally came around to the separatist movement after trying every other way to resolve tensions in the region. Great read here: http://www.mideastweb.org/us_supportforstate.htm Well, just for statistical accuracy, final vote on Resolution 181 was 33/13 with 10 abstentions and 1 absent. Would have passed by 2/3 with US abstaining also (only votes cast counted in the %). But of course most of the other 32 pro votes were US coerced, so the stats aren't that important. Continue to scare the children with that. Though now steadily diminishing in effect, it has been quite effective for a good long while now. - OS
  12. The "w" indicates walnut stock, and also has gold trigger and embedded medallion in stock, yes? While they may have sold them at Wally's among other places, the "w" does not denote being made for Walmart. As far as I can tell from Marlin Owners, it's the only walnut stock 60 model they made, except for some of the old Glenfields. - OS
  13. Well, the money really has run out. We're only kicking along on the financial faith of the countries in the world who are equally or worse off, which is most of them. I've come to understand that it really is possible for the whole world to go broke. I'd wager that clean water will eventually become a fungible world asset. - OS
  14. I give more credit to the bulldog tenacity of the Jews as a race/culture than any divine intervention. They've made their own "prophesy" a reality. Whatever, but of course they dismiss the Jesus addendum to their own bible. Jewish bud of mine from yesteryear always used to carp about that -- basically, "if you Christians wanted to reinvent the legend of Horus, why did you have to tack it on to our much older existing ethos?" He really resented it on a personal level, used to love to hear him rant. But they'll get theirs, right, since they're all going to hell anyway? - OS
  15. Irony is, the worse things get, the more the Dem's voting base automatically swells -- since their policies cause things to get worse but also make more folks more dependent on their policies to get by, who then have vested interest in keeping those polices going. A real vicious circle of self-perpetuating failure. - OS
  16. Yeah, the chaos might be quicker than we imagine. Might be good for progeny down the road, but gonna be some kind of hell for the current players. - OS
  17. Should have been in General Chat in the first place. Political it ain't. - OS
  18. I don't think you get the US electorate nowadays. There will not be a more conservative man elected than Romney in the foreseeable future. Maybe ever, until there's chaos enough for significant hunger and death to occur inside our own borders. - OS
  19. "When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert Persig "Religion; noun: A daughter of Hope and Fear, explaining to Ignorance the nature of the Unknowable." - Ambrose Bierce
  20. The small USD profit on that probably feeds the seller for several days. Or buys 3 more knives to sell. - OS
  21. No, but you'll probably generate a whole new safety thread about how The Undead, Gunpowder, and John Barleycorn don't mix!
  22. Yeah, you ain't seen nothing yet. Once we're left behind, I'll break out the bourbon and we'll let 'er rip. Maybe just normal EOTWAWKI will suffice. Drunken zombie plinking and tall tales! - OS oops: back to "morals"
  23. If they used the China Post thing, the number will show "preparing shipment" on that end until it reaches US (through Chicago I believe), then will show up under USPS. You'll know it's just a couple days more once you see that. I've bought most of my PRC knives through about 3 vendors on there. "sanrenmu.knives" has shipping on multiples at $3 each, so found him cheaper over all if getting several. I see with quick perusal that prices seem to be up on all these by at least 15% since the last time I bought any -- folks are tuning into them more and more, obviously. - OS
  24. One the niftiest things I've ever seen! - OS
  25. You should surmise that at least 2/3 of humanity doesn't believe it and that not even all Christians believe it. - OS


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