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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. That Tommy's reclusive brother?
  2. Well, how's our welfare ratio these days? Perhaps about time for Memphis to start tipping the balance for whole state? Only need one, really. Kennedy has already said he was postponing retirement till after this coming election, hoping for NoBama, but doubt if he'll wait another 4. Ginsberg wlll likely die in office in next four, and we'll probably wish we had someone as "conservative" as her again. Etc etc. Except for Roberts and the two lady commies O has already appointed, these folks are OLD. Anything can happen in four more years. - OS
  3. Let's be clear: the explosives section was put in the thing FOR Disney. - OS
  4. With this forum software, a "b" in parentheses = ( and a "c" in parentheses = © - OS
  5. You may not like the degree of difference, but to say that indicates a lack of understanding of just who Barack Hussein Obama really is. And if you think Mitt will put loons like Sotomayor and Kagan on the Supremes, you're also just simply wrong. But suit yourself -- hopefully TN will stay GOP without you and yours, but if not, your chains may well wear heavier as you look back in regret. - OS
  6. Yep, they're damn obsessive 'bout them flat rate boxes. Can't use 'em for regular Priority for lesser price, can't send regular Priority packaging as flat rate, etc.
  7. Actually, no pump shotgun I know of is drop safe. - OS
  8. "Moffitt, who is a firearms enthusiast and had legal weapons in the apartment...: Always makes it sound as if having "legal ones" is some sort of rare and complicated process. - OS
  9. Pocket carry option is main attraction to me for a small gun like this or the 238, but cocked and locked in a pocket doesn't grab me at all. - OS
  10. Hence root beer. Don't know when they quit using the real thing in it. I smoked it some growing up too, but was able to score Bugler and Topps rolling tobbacky early on, which gave a buzz in addition to the cough. - OS
  11. <OffTopicApology> Carp patties is the way to go. Seriously, I've eaten my weight in them (long story): Take preferably 3 pounders and under (bones in fillets are smaller). Fillet and skin, make sure to cut out bellies, where any muddy taste collects. Run fillets through meat grinder a time or three. Mix with an egg, minced onion, bell pepper, seasoning, whatever you like. Make patties, dust with flour or corn meal, fry as you would salmon patties. Great stuff. </OffTopicApology> - OS
  12. I didn't rate your opinion as "worthless" -- only impotent for making any difference in the coming election. - OS
  13. Looks like total trash. And irresistible. - OS
  14. Well, 5' 9 1/2" according to IMDB bio, but certainly not the giant he seems in flicks, no. Wow, read his training regime for Rocky: http://sylvesterstallone.com/health-fitness/one/ Aaarnold is 6 2", didn't have to cheat too much there. - OS
  15. Whatever is going on, you're just not getting an accurate saga. There's no agency, state or federal, to submit fingerprints to or receive fingerprint information from for a normal gun purchase, it's simply not an option at all for the FFL selling the gun. If the FFL is indeed claiming such, then he could be as you postulate, not willing to sell a gun to a black man without having the balls to say so, is only thing I can think. No dealer would go to the hassle/expense of getting an FFL without knowing the rules and also consequently not selling any guns at all. - OS
  16. NM, had you confused with another vendor, sorry.
  17. No, but the first part of his statement is pretty close. - OS
  18. Sorry, but by believing that Romney would appoint anyone even in the ballpark of either of those two, you'll lost all credence with me as someone who has any basis in political reality at all. I seriously suggest you just stay with your convictions, and not waste time voting for a write in/straggler, or even carping in political forums about your version of the hopeless status quo of US elections, since you'll make zero difference doing either. It may well be that the US is on an inexorable course to crash and burn, regardless of who's at the helm. But that's only a bet one way or the other. What's clear is that there really is a choice of direction in this election. You pays yer money and you takes yer chances, but you can't possibly win if you don't play at all. - OS
  19. Sounds like yet more gray on gray. New heights in cryptic lawmaking to avoid simply repealing the signage statute for permit holders. - OS
  20. He said he dropped it at shop in another thread: http://www.tngunowne...tallation-help/ I just hate it when folks don't report back in ... especially when they got help needed in the thread to suss out he prob in the first place. - OS
  21. Wow, thanks, I never ever somehow got this throughout all the news coverage, or this thread. edit: oh, okay, he was staying in his father's girlfriend's house in the same gated community, got it. - OS
  22. You know, one thing I've never gotten from all the coverage. Was the gated subdivision directly on way from store to his home? A shortcut, even? Or was it an out of the way route? Not that it makes a legal diff, I don't guess, but ... ? - OS
  23. That's gonna require quite the custom holster, eh? - OS
  24. If Sotomayor and Kagan haven't fazed you I don't have any more arguments. Comrade. - OS


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