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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Well, you can go with the greater of two evils I suppose; see how that works out; maybe it would be best to go ahead and speed up the decline, get to crux of the Great Meltdown and get it over with and rebuild. For the children and all that. Romney is probably the most conservative guy the GOP is gonna put out there for some time; matter of fact, if he doesn't win, I expect them to trot out someone even more centrist next time around. - OS
  2. Amazon isn't telling you to pay tax. State of TN says you must pay sales tax every year on items brought into state for your use here. Nothing has changed. - OS
  3. If Romney loses, the GOP will go even more "centralist" next time around. And they're probably right that a true conservative simply can't win in today's electorate (which is a far far far cry from TGO, btw). Irony is we can still thank Dubya for a good bit of that, and he wasn't even any more conservative than Mitt is, really -- just generally somehow perceived to be. Dumb ass grin under a cowboy hat I reckon. - OS
  4. Yeah, I tend to favor plausible deniability policy myself. - OS
  5. Yup, NC is $5 and ~7 day wait, unless you have carry permit. And discrimination apparently still exists in getting them in some of the 100 counties, too, as it's handled sheriff by sheriff. - OS
  6. YOU should look at them a little closer. No permits issued, no carry in entire state. - OS
  7. Yeah, for Gawd's sake let's get it properly posted.
  8. Nothing retroactive about it. TN residents have always owed sales tax on this class of items. - OS
  9. As David said, open the ad, click on Features, look at their location. Much better ... oh wait Seriously, I agree with ya -- location not showing right off the bat is the only real drawback I've found in the new classifieds. Indeed, location is such an elemental consideration of any classifieds system it's hard to believe that feature was overlooked by the creators. - OS
  10. Statute says: "Notice of the prohibition permitted by subsection (a) shall be accomplished by displaying one (1) or both of the notices described in subdivision (b,3) in prominent locations, including all entrances primarily used by persons entering the property, building, or portion of the property or building where weapon possession is prohibited. Either form of notice used shall be of a size that is plainly visible to the average person entering the building, property, or portion of the building or property, posted." To our knowledge on TGO, no case law exists regarding exact interpretation. Our state AG has opined that one may be found guilty of carrying in a park even if the park is not posted at all (even though law dictates it must be), so as always many TN weapons laws have gray tinge. - OS
  11. It's become more like "far out, man" wing than merely right. He makes George Norry seem rank and file most of the time. - OS
  12. I have one in non-serrated, but paid about $20. This is a very solid liner lock knife overall, not "little" in any sense, 3.5" blade, full grip handle, fairly comfy even with all the additional stuff buried in it. Standard 8CR13MOV steel as on most of their PRC models; left or right tip down clip. Socket extension has ruler also. 8 clams is quite the steal indeed! - OS
  13. Hopefully all those who voted for Hussein the first time to prove they aren't racist will vote for Mitt this time to prove they're not stupid. - OS
  14. Only have the Sub2000. The stock pin ain't supposed to come all the way out of it, but it did, and lost the retainer plunger and spring under it, and the front sight broke in two for no apparent reason. But minor quibbles, gun still was functional, really do like the thing, very innovative company, but does seem in dark ages when it comes to production. - OS
  15. Oh Shoot


    92FS has aluminum frame. - OS
  16. Actually, the human bod doesn't need any carbs whatsoever. Zero. Almost impossible to avoid getting some though -- even the strictest part of Atkins, the initial induction phase, is 20 net carbs per day. - OS
  17. Well, you've asked this same question in the last year about every firearm type and caliber made since 1900, so thought you probably had your own database by now. Or at least a reloader's catalog. http://www.ammoengine.com/ http://gun-deals.com/ammo.php http://ammoseek.com/ - OS
  18. You honestly don't know how to search for ammo prices yet? Maybe a trip by Walmart to get an idea? .357 lever rifles are in $500-850 price range. When you can find one. - OS
  19. Yeah, stick to your principles. That's how we got Hussein over McCain, and how we can get Hussein once again. In which case your principles are merely sabotage.
  20. Doh, had already done check, but it didn't register, was thinking slang for some operating system or something, thnx. - OS
  21. Bureaucracy is one thing; "evil", sure, but it's mindless and self-perpetuating -- but BHO is actively evil; if he ain't the freaking AntiChrist, he'll more than do until the McCoy comes along. - OS
  22. Just marvelous, thanks for posting it.


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