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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. I'd say a good chance of that if polls look truly bad for him by Dem Convention Time. Dunno about it being the Hildebeeste though. According to the new Klein book, "The Amateur", Slick Willie and others urged her to run in primaries this time against him, but she refused. Little doubt she has eye on 2016 run, but she'll have to weigh odds of whether best way to win would be as BHO's running mate in '12 or divorce herself from that whole admin for '16. Especially if BHO loses, that could really queer it for her if she's on the losing ticket. According to Klein, the Obamas and Clintons really detest each other; and it seems obvious that Hillary was given Sec. of State in the old sense of "keep your friends close and your enemies closer" and of course she took it to keep a big ante in the ongoing game. - OS
  2. Could be, that's an old building, used to be lighting sales upstairs, cabinetry downstairs. Just never heard it called that. Might have been where I'm thinking of,before they redid the streets around base of it down to World's Fair area ere long ago. I guess it is sort of triangular, come to think of it. - OS
  3. 1. can have gun at one's place of work (debatable as to "who" can) 2. if use gun in justified shoot in defense against criminal behavior, not to be charged with any weapons violation (pretty clear cut). - OS
  4. I've lived here since '66 -- have never heard of "triangle building" in downtown Knoxville? Google didn't help either? Btw, "way back when" is actually a bit further back than you've been on the planet, kiddo. - OS
  5. Y'all Gopher Staters have to spend a probationary period in the Memphis area before you can inhabit the rest of the state. - OS
  6. Ah, point taken...
  7. Ah, thanks. I knew Preston a little bit, from (way) back when he was working out of a building somewhere down under the downtown overpasses. The woodworking tie-in to Perrin sounds likely, seems part of his Blaine presence has been a woodworking enterprise under a couple of different names. - OS
  8. "Indiana Applicant must be twenty-one (21), complete a DOS approved handgun safety course, complete the Tennessee Handgun Carry Permit application, provide proof of U.S. Citizenship or Lawful Permanent Residency, and pay the applicable renewal fee. (Indiana requires applicant to be eighteen (18) years of age and to be fingerprinted. No handgun safety school required.)" It'll only cost you $50 for the permit (instead of $115); safety course averages maybe $80. Supposed to have TN permit 6 months after establishing residency, your IN one is good till then. Welcome to TN! - OS
  9. Point is, why use the paper filters if you have the permanent mesh one already? - OS
  10. Echo? (same link in my post 19). - OS
  11. I reciprocally submit that it was more likely I was traveling through states which did not require my non-resident non-commercial trailer to be registered in the first place, which I assumed to be all of them. Btw, as per your experience, Colorado does, at least for your class of trailer -- I must say though that I believe I would have taken countermeasures before the THIRD fine, but that's just me. Btw, looked it up and TN does indeed require tags for any fifth wheel trailer and camper trailers with permanent tops (as opposed to pop ups). So, WD-40, I must revise my agreement re TN and small trailers; according to this info, even a very small one person camper needs a tag if it's a hardtop. http://www.countycle...equirements.pdf - OS
  12. Unfortunately, your requirements for the MN permit are different enough that you'll have to do the whole process here, and pay full price. From: http://www.tn.gov/sa...uirements.shtml "Minnesota Applicant must be twenty-one (21), take a DOS approved handgun safety course, complete the Tennessee Handgun Carry Permit application, provide proof of U.S. Citizenship or Lawful Permanent Residency, pay one hundred and fifteen dollar ($115.00) fee and be fingerprinted." Your permit is good here for 6 months after establishing TN residency, at which time you are supposed to have a TN permit. The safety course is taught all over the place, probably averages about $80. Permit is good for 4 years, then renewal is $50 for every other 4. Several will probably chime in with a Memphis area course recommendation. Welcome! - OS
  13. Unless you croak purt soon, I'll kinda be surprised if they won't. Not so easy to even spot, let alone hit with conventional small arms. That's why they don't get shot down in mid east. Perhaps whole new underground shooting sports industry will arise: mobile trailers with heat seeking .50BMG or larger synced with radar and infrared. 21st century big game hunting, can even do it from an urb. - OS
  14. Forever filters. Da bomb. - OS
  15. Where is "old gallery"? Factory is in Idaho, Jeff Randal lives in AL, Mike Perrin near here in Blaine. What's really going on there? - OS
  16. All of that type sit too high above belt line to suit me for IWB (see where belt actually engages). I much prefer belt attachments to be raised on separate parts of holster so that gun sits low as possible but still able to grab, such as this TT and Bullard:
  17. Will he even indeed carry his own district that last sent him to The House? Meaning, the same constituency that may see a man fit for Rep may not see him also fit for Prez? - OS
  18. I've seen that before ... sure seems like a MUCH gentler collision that one would assume; I guess it's all kosher. On the other hand, the camera car routinely runs down the road recording all the time? - OS
  19. Not sure why you see my comment as "coronary" level, unless you have heart rate of the average blue whale Anyway, since it's been years since I hauled a boat out of state and understand that Amerika has closed all nooses tighter over time, I'll back off on my stand and admit you're probably right about less hassle in the long run doing it your way. Although they don't specify exactly what you're supposed to do to tag the thing, Knox County says this nowadays: "Registering and licensing a boat trailer is not required by the State of Tennessee, however, other states may require boat trailer owners to do so. Because of the differences in laws from state to state, it is strongly recommended that all boat trailers be titled and registered if the boat trailer will be traveling outside the boundaries of the State of Tennessee. It is also strongly recommended that all boat trailers be titled and registered due to theft problems. A boat trailer can be traced much more easily if titled and registered." - OS
  20. That's ridiculous ... you'd have to stop and buy/change plate for every state you passed through. I admit I've never hauled a boat through CO, but have though several southern states, many times through the years. A regular trip was TN to the keys, got stopped a couple times for something or other through the years, but the untagged trailer was never an issue. Both GA and FL require boat trailer tags. Why don't you have to stop in each state and register/change plates for your car? Because there are differences in requirements for travelers and residents. - OS
  21. And just where would you get one? That's the correct answer, of course. And you may drive your non-tagged trailer anywhere in the US. Just like you can drive without a front license plate on your vehicle, even in states that require them of their residents. - OS
  22. Oh Shoot


    10-Ring has it. He doesn't need to have any supervision and indeed, doesn't even have to be going hunting to have the guns in his vehicle, as long as they are unloaded and ammo is well separated by vicinity. Minors can own/possess both handguns and long guns as long as they were given or loaned to them "for the purposes of hunting, trapping, fishing, camping, sport shooting or any other lawful sporting activity". - OS
  23. "39-17-1322. Defenses. A person shall not be charged with or convicted of a violation under this part if the person possessed, displayed or employed a handgun in justifiable self-defense or in justifiable defense of another during the commission of a crime in which that person or the other person defended was a victim." - OS
  24. You can also now carry concealed in a VA bar with a permit. The "Virginia Tuck" is gone. With a permit you can carry openly or concealed into a bar in TN, unless it is posted. - OS
  25. Well, you realize there's a separate defense that addresses just that, with no need to unload, right? But it's only for that purpose, picking up and dropping off passengers. - OS


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