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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Oh Shoot

    AMC War Movies

    I simply can NOT watch movies edited, blipped, with commercials, whatever. - OS
  2. Good policy, methinks. I simply do not want any of my public interaction to be nuanced by another's perception of my having a heater (well, save one circumstance which I hope never happens, anyway!). I don't want negative or positive vibes, questions, or discussions. - OS
  3. Whether you wind up EDC an XD or XDm or not, you will never regret the purchase. Just like a Glock, it will be a lifelong reliable firearm. I have 3 XD 9mm models, love all three. I carry one of two options: XD Subcompact 9mm in IWB holster (the 13+1 capacity is quite comforting): Or when (as of late) I need to be as absolutely discreet as possible, a Kahr PM9 in pocket: - OS
  4. In TN, yes. In MO, open carry where not locally banned requires no permit, so the request is non sequitur. Would be like asking for your driver's license to show it is legal for you to walk. No permit required for open carry statewide, but not preempted, local gummit may have ordinance against it. Note that someone stated in video that no local ordinance existed where they were. - OS
  5. This is why the Dems keep close to half the vote no matter what -- as our country fails due to more big brother/big gummit policies, more people vote to keep their "gimmies", perpetuating more of the same downhill trend. This is why you'll never again see a more conservative candidate than Mitt with a chance to win -- at least not until after a big crash with lots of pain for most everyone. - OS
  6. Is this on regular History Channel? They've been advertizing on History2, where the best stuff is these days. Regular History channel has turned into Swamp People Pawning Stuff For Antique Roadshows and the like. - OS
  7. As far as the Founders, it is clear they acknowledged a Higher Power, but were careful not to define it as Christianity; indeed, a number of the most prominent ones, including Jefferson, were clearly Deists. Had they wanted the Constitution to be based on Christianity, they would have used the word. However, your posts fall well beyond an examination and/or debate of this nature to merely pure Christian evangelism; apparently the TGO rule against proselytizing has fallen by the wayside, but it's a big Web -- with many more appropriate places to Bible thump. - OS
  8. You keep missing the point. Unlike TN, they needed no permit to open carry. They were merely standing up for their rights by exactly following the law. In TN you must have a permit to carry in any manner, and you must show said permit when asked to do so by a LEO; he can also relieve you of the firearm for the duration of the interaction. Lighten up Francis .. just playful overstatement to make a point. - OS
  9. What's with the xenophobia? America's worst enemies are American citizens. - OS
  10. Oh Shoot


    39-17-1319 would suggest that is true as regards a minor with a handgun, but seems to me a long gun would seem to be simply covered with the same exceptions and defenses in 39-17-1307 and 39-17-1308 that would relate to an adult -- meaning simply having unloaded long guns in the car all the time would be fine. - OS
  11. You realize, the word "God" was not added to the Pledge until 1952, right? Pledge itself wasn't written until over 100 years after the Declaration of Independence, btw. Also, "In God We Trust" was not added to currency until 1957, mostly as part of the pep rally against the "Godless Russian Commies". Point is, neither had anything to do with the Founders, and indeed, I wonder if they would have supported either idea. - OS
  12. Can I get some pain meds for such a thumping? Christianity is rather a socialist philosophy -- most swallow one, easier to swallow the other? - OS
  13. Sorry, perhaps sheeple is more appropriate? Point is, if you open carry, you make a point every time you do it, and most open carriers are somewhat activist about it. Might as well take it to the legal limit each time. Or just conceal carry and not have to deal with the public or cops at all, which is my preferred MO. I don't want a positive open carry experience, don't want to convert anyone, don't even want to talk about 2A or TCA. I want no interaction with the public at all that happens because I'm packing heat. If I did, I'd open carry. - OS
  14. No permit required to open carry in Kansas if no municipal ordinance forbids it. Not required by law to show ID just because asked. Just people standing up for a couple of the few rights they have left, comrade. - OS
  15. I think this would be a heckuva .223 backup weapon for SHTF purposes too, except lack of iron sights rather rules that out as one.
  16. "39-17-1322. Defenses. A person shall not be charged with or convicted of a violation under this part if the person possessed, displayed or employed a handgun in justifiable self-defense or in justifiable defense of another during the commission of a crime in which that person or the other person defended was a victim." I guess if you used a rifle or shotgun, you'd still be guilty of whatever else you may have violated, though, eh? - OS
  17. Works for me, goes to story: "Car shot, but no injuries reported" It should be cleared up soon, as I see Lt. Don Johnson is on the case.
  18. Without knowing the rules, yeah, I'd assume that carrying an extra non-issued firearm is a no-no. Drop guns, etc. - OS
  19. Started with change to IPB, happening with FireFox through several revisions, now at 12.0, Win XP. Only happening with TGO. Get delay with high CPU use, sometimes blank screen with Not Responding as if totally crashed, then clears up after 10-45 sec. Generally no notice at all,but maybe 20% of time, get various script error notices: "A script on this page may be busy, or it may have stopped responding. You can stop the script now, or you can continue to see if the script will complete." Followed by one of these: Script: http://www.tngunowne...=32006&g=js:470 Script: http://ajax.googleap...ototype.js:4802 Script: chrome://browser/content/browser.js:6921 Script: chrome://browser/content/browser.js:7045" Nobody else? Haven't set down with Win7 machine to see if happens there too? - OS
  20. A "bit" indeed. Google around for Scrapyard Knife Test, Busse Knife Test, etc. Pretty sure they're like ESEE, with lifetime no questions type warranty too? - OS
  21. Didn't know they did, either. Interesting that all models have dust cover but no forward assist. Looks like street price is ~$700 - OS
  22. Their "SR" steel is normal tool steel with their own super secret razzle dazzle heat treatment/tempering. Supposed to be quite good, actually, don't mean to poke fun at it. Certainly, this is a part of knife-making that really separates blade quality. For example, Buck's 420HC stands pretty much alone because of their treatment, other examples like Cold Steel's AUS8, etc, steels of a certain class that actually rise well above the competition to rival more exotic blends. Whether Busse's various stuff is better than ESEE, Ka-Bar/Becker, Ontario etc who use similar steel stock, I dunno, constantly debated by knife people. It is fine fine quality though, little debate about that. - OS
  23. Oh Shoot


    That's a lot of ticks -- you must be talking about those tiny "seed ticks" from the plateau westward? Not the larger wood ticks like we mainly have in the east? - OS
  24. Was talking to a Knox County deputy up at range one time about knives, he had a CS SRK. Said he kept it in kit on shift just for finishing off critters so he didn't have to shoot them for same reason, the paper work for a discharged round; said he'd done several deer. - OS
  25. I dunno, you do okay in English as a second language. What was your first? Back on point, seems to me if another language is required, should be Spanish. Hispanic-Mericuns will be the majority race in 25 years or less, and we all know how well they've assimilated into our culture, what with all the bilingual usages most everywhere. As a matter of fact, this very year was first time that white births were not the majority of all births in the US. Of course, for business purposes, Mandarin Chinese is a wise choice for the future. Seriously. - OS


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