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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. That's rather petty, Mav -- I've always been pleased to bash any religion. Point is, there was a TGO Presidential Order against overt religious stumping (or its opposite), even been a Christian or two banished to the netherworld for it -- turns out unbeknownst to your loyal correspondent, that Order was rescinded. So preach on brothers of the faith -- but turn the other cheek and always use a capital C. - OS
  2. NObody flipped over time than Ronald Reagan. From ultra liberal union president to conservative icon. - OS
  3. They're renaming Lombard St.? It's the only one there that's twisted enough to be appropriate.
  4. The Old Testament is rife with exhortations to kill non-believers, too. Islam still needs about 600 years to mellow out the radical rough edges like Christianity did, and it probably will. - OS
  5. ... in this forum actually relate to a "Discussion of Firearms-related stories from the news or personal accounts. Including crime, self-defense, or other such publicity." ? Fine with me, since I've probably done it myself -- guess it doesn't really matter anymore. - OS
  6. Vendor price for TICS is not mandated by law? That said, I'd sure try to avoid a place trying to gouge a few paltry bucks extra for a 4473. Probably not even legal to charge ANYthing for them outside TN. - OS
  7. It's done. He has enough for the nomination now. I'm still wondering if RP will actually even carry his own congressional district. - OS
  8. Oh Shoot

    What's the Law ?

    Assume you mean "residence", as pointed out by Garufa. AFAIK, the only "distance from a dwelling" mention in state law is in relation to hunting: 100 yards from a visible dwelling without owner's permission. Many if not most towns of any size have an ordinance against discharging firearms in city limits period. Out in the country, I'd say it'll "depend". - OS
  9. Will petition Cthulhu for spiritual strength. - OS
  10. You wore me down. - OS
  11. Seriously? You'd drive 200 miles to have a gun transferred? Do you get free gas and have lots of free time? - OS
  12. Brings back memories, I used one as a table for a good while in my youth. - OS
  13. You should repatriate TriGen, unless he's achieved sainthood elsewhere. Even a "TGO freedom of speech" claim left dangling, wow -- personal mellowing or hijacked account? - OS
  14. TGO folks will always help you spend money on guns.
  15. Surely you can buy the 17 rounders w/sleeve separately, though, right? - OS
  16. I'm a poor enough shot that I don't see helluva diff in 3",4", or 5" XD till I get past 10 yards. - OS
  17. Yup. Though I carry a long mag as backup when I carry my XD, I find I shoot almost entirely at the range with the short mags, since that would be what I'd have in there if push came to shove in real world. - OS
  18. Yes There's also a flush mag for these, no pinkie extension. Doesn't the MP 9c come with a short and a long mag stock? The XDs do. - OS
  19. No sense carrying with the mag extension, though. Same as full sized model. Butt is hardest part of gun to conceal well. 'Course, XD and XDm subbies do same: 13+1 and accept long sleeved mags of 16+1. XD 9 subbies are sort of sleight of hand, how they get 13 rounds in there in the short flush mags.. Glock 26 is only 10 by comparison. - OS
  20. I like holsters (and knives) damn near as much as guns.
  21. XD subbie is really built, nothing to it. Matter of fact the slide is slightly beefier than the full sized models. You can run a couple hundred through it at the range, won't feel any diff than full size XD of same caliber. Barrel and grip length are the only major diffs. Actually, the little Kahr has amazingly little recoil for such a small puppy. That's one reason it has commandeered such a high price compared to nasty little snappers like KelTec 9's, even .380's like LCP and etc. I suppose the CM9 is similar, for less, now that they have that model out. - OS
  22. I love it. Actually, I have THREE of them. 3,4, and 5 inchers. But would have preferred to buy American made if all else were pretty close spec-wise. There just wasn't much to compare to the XD Subbie and Glock 26 at the time for size, capacity, and caliber, and for various reasons I liked the XD Subbie much more. - OS
  23. Echo that. If the 9mm Compact had been out four years ago when I was jumping into legal carry, I might not have gone XD in the first place. If the 9mm Shield had been out then, I might not own a Kahr, as the Kahr is only a scootch smaller. Btw, I shot a Shield the other day .. most impressive thing for me was lack of recoil; it really just felt like about same as a full sized model. - OS
  24. Oh, I think Mitt can take it, because of over disillusionment with O; but point is, he's only in the running because he's not a conservative. - OS
  25. And Glocks not chambered in forty something doubly suck.


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