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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Yep, and any pious Jew would agree. It's you johnny-come-lately Christians that re-wrote the longstanding rulebook. - OS
  2. Deliver us from evil corrupted registry files:
  3. 9mm: Greater capacity, cheaper, international ammo suppliers, less recoil. And yes, it's "plenty". - OS
  4. Eternal damnation for refusing to upgrade. Even worse than Microsoft.
  5. 'Cept he's sending all them disbelieving Jews to hell -- that's still a bit on the harsh side. - OS
  6. Maybe God of the Jews too, since the Christians appropriated their book (and God) ? - OS
  7. You can change it yourself every 90 days. Just go to your profile, Edit My Profile, Display Name - OS
  8. And if there's an actual conflict, the opposition force will be the majority Hispanic Catholic part of the population, with blacks and whites just chipping in. - OS
  9. Usually has always been more than one contractor in place at a time AFAIK. Long list of companies who make or have made "USGI" mags. - OS
  10. I can barely read YOUR fine print on screen. Sounds like you have normal aging farsightedness, and cheapo reading glasses will likely suffice. I started with 1.25 in my late 30's -- one night reading in bed, suddenly my arm wasn't long enough anymore. Worked up the scale, now been with 2.25 for maybe 5 years, seems to have held there. Used to be able to get them in .25 increments, now mostly .5. You can still get .25 increments on eBay. Anyway, last eye exam I had, Doc said he could sharpen me up just a tad beyond the reading glass range if I wanted to fool with bifocal, but said that I'm just a bit off 20/20 beyond maybe 10 feet, which ain't bad. So for well over 20 years now, I have a pair on my nose most all the time, look over them for distance, look through them for closeup, including computer, reading, scopes and out to end of front sights on rifle barrels; also with neck loop so can drop em on chest. He also confirmed that cheap reading glasses aren't bad for you, whatever works, works. So I buy a 10 pack every few years and don't worry about it, as they break, get too scratched, crushed, etc. No biggie at $6-8 a pop or so. - OS
  11. What a quandary for about 13% of the electorate, too, eh? Or would the commie black man still garner most of the votes over a patriot black man? - OS
  12. The federal government isn't preventing Tennesseans from bearing arms. Tennessee is. - OS
  13. Seems to be much less overreaction in states where there is constitutional open carry. The legality of the practice seems to get known better when it's not against the law in the first place. - OS
  14. Why not just read them in the original poll thread? In which you didn't even vote. http://www.tngunowne...-do-we-keep-it/ Your vote could have deadlocked it, even. - OS
  15. Gadzooks and zounds! Gird thy loins, varlets! - OS
  16. Must be a lot of folks in Bradley County who don't know how to conceal a firearm, eh? - OS
  17. Yeah, whether a "nuanced" decision or not, seems to be only a temporary delay in the eventual completion of the thing. BHO will probably have Holder file yet another suit soon if it doesn't get cranking. - OS
  18. Well, thanks and all, but see, that's a decent argument for just leaving it as it is, and just changing description of the category. Simple. - OS
  19. Well, you could see it as an extended Capulet vs. Montague thang, involving, but just not centered around the opposing families' equivalents of Romeo and Juliet. - OS
  20. Hmmm. Would seem to entail mainly moving posts to General Chat, Politics, merging some, but a lot of that. Probably make General Chat the fattest forum by far. How important to ya is it to actually keep it as "firearms" related only? Maybe just change the topic forum description to better suit the general wide open "News" area it has become? Do a poll? It actually doesn't mean much to me one way or the other, just noticed the disparity 'tween stated intent and actuality. - OS
  21. Or understand diff 'tween Memorial and Veterans Days: "On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes -- and I see many of them in the audience here today -- ..." - OS
  22. http://www.billsoutpost.com/ Great option for transfers, too, $20+TICS. - OS
  23. My point was, that's what TGO says this topic forum is supposed to be. - OS
  24. Michigan? Looking better. - OS
  25. Thanks for finding that. Wow, 14th District: RP: 7,619 Mitt: 25,100 No mandate from his own constituency. - OS


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