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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Yep, been stumping to various black groups about how the GOP is trying to disenfranchise black voters by requiring ID here and there. Stuff like that. He should be in prison. Start it with short stay for contempt of Congress with the Fast and Furious thing, and add charges once he's in. - OS
  2. top of my head: - you need permit to conceal carry - open carry not preempted by state, local jurisdictions may ban - can't open carry in vehicle without permit - must show permit if asked by LEO - various places off limits for carry Yep, not questioned at all. Just like TN. - OS
  3. Yes, of course a shotgun is a long gun. And no, an HCP does not allow you to walk around with a loaded long gun -- you must still be under one of the protective defensive clauses to do so. The only thing an HCP allows you to do with a long gun over the non-permitted individual is to carry one loaded in your vehicle (sans one in chamber). - OS
  4. Seems you might have left in wrong quote, but ... AFAIK, the federal anti-discrimination laws would apply here since religion is one of the protected classes? Meaning, if any other business (or church) could occupy that ground, you couldn't prevent the mosque either. Also, not sure but hasn't the first amendment been incorporated to apply to all government levels, not just the fed? - OS
  5. You're required to show them in TN, mein herr. HCP "paper" anyway. - OS
  6. If you're using hunting as an excuse, you'd better have a license, be hunting something in season, and on land allowed to hunt on, eh? Otherwise you just pled guilty to a hunting violation, the penalties for which can be as bad as for unlawful carry. Btw, you can hunt big game with any centerfire pistol with any barrel length. Yep, you can go after bear with a .25 derringer. TN is really stoopid with a lot of gun and hunting laws. - OS
  7. You keep saying shotgun as alternative. I repeat, there is NO difference in the law for a adult non-HCP holder between possessing loaded handgun or long gun. The prohibitions and exceptions apply to either equally. Note this is not legal advice. Also note that a "defense" does not prevent you from being hassled, detained, or even charged. Some LEA know some parts of TCA less well than others. I'd carry a copy of it, couldn't hurt. The entire statute: -------------------- 39-17-1308. Defenses to unlawful possession or carrying of a weapon. (a) It is a defense to the application of § 39-17-1307 if the possession or carrying was: (1) Of an unloaded rifle, shotgun or handgun not concealed on or about the person and the ammunition for the weapon was not in the immediate vicinity of the person or weapon; (2) By a person authorized to possess or carry a firearm pursuant to § 39-17-1315 or § 39-17-1351; (3) At the person's: (A) Place of residence; ( Place of business; or © Premises; (4) Incident to lawful hunting, trapping, fishing, camping, sport shooting or other lawful activity; (5) By a person possessing a rifle or shotgun while engaged in the lawful protection of livestock from predatory animals; (6) By a Tennessee valley authority officer who holds a valid commission from the commissioner of safety pursuant to this part while the officer is in the performance of the officer's official duties; (7) By a state, county or municipal judge or any federal judge or any federal or county magistrate; (8) By a person possessing a club or baton who holds a valid state security guard/officer registration card as a private security guard/officer, issued by the commissioner, and who also has certification that the officer has had training in the use of club or baton that is valid and issued by a person certified to give training in the use of clubs or batons; (9) By any person possessing a club or baton who holds a certificate that the person has had training in the use of a club or baton for self-defense that is valid and issued by a certified person authorized to give training in the use of clubs or batons, and is not prohibited from purchasing a firearm under any local, state or federal laws; or (10) By any out-of-state, full-time, commissioned law enforcement officer who holds a valid commission card from the appropriate out-of-state law enforcement agency and a photo identification; provided, that if no valid commission card and photo identification are retained, then it shall be unlawful for that officer to carry firearms in this state and the provisions of this section shall not apply. The defense provided by this subdivision (a)(10) shall only be applicable if the state where the out-of-state officer is employed has entered into a reciprocity agreement with this state that allows a full-time, commissioned law enforcement officer in Tennessee to lawfully carry or possess a weapon in the other state. ( The defenses described in this section are not available to persons described in § 39-17-1307( (1). HISTORY: Acts 1989, ch. 591, § 1; 1990, ch. 1029, § 7; 1993, ch. 200, § 1; 1996, ch. 1009, §§ 20, 21; 1997, ch. 476, § 3; 1999, ch. 295, § 1; 2003, ch. 144, § 2. ----------------- note: a "b" in "()" turns into ( a "c" in "()" into ©
  8. 6920 is exact military issue 'cept for 16" barrel and semi-auto isn't it? - OS
  9. The law only varies in relation to handgun carry for juveniles. For adults, there is no difference between loaded handgun and loaded long gun as far as unlawful carry. The catchall "outdoor" exemption for carrying without a permit is: " (4) Incident to lawful hunting, trapping, fishing, camping, sport shooting or other lawful activity" Your mileage may vary on its exact interpretation by whatever LEA you may encounter. For example, folks have been asked to show permit for carrying handguns in state parks, even though they were obviously there for one or more of the mentioned activities. Had they not had one ... dunno. The legal hunting part and sport shooting (at least at an actual range) are pretty clear cut, even juveniles could do that. The others, as I said, dunno, in real world practice. - OS
  10. Well, here of course, you might be sticking up for a perceived right, but at least if the ID requested was a HCP, you'd also be violating a real law. - OS
  11. Almost two years ago. Happened in July of 2010. ------------ Here's about the latest update: http://www.lasvegass...ederal-lawsuit/ 2 officers were honorable mentions in national police heroism awards: http://www.lvrj.com/...-119926284.html - OS
  12. Dunno about rest of the world but it's not true in US. Here, Hispanic is leading the expansion and will be the majority race ere long. And they're predominately Catholic. (for the first time, in 2011 white births were outnumbered in US) - OS
  13. When you say "post" do you also mean "paste"? Try "posting" content in this thread.
  14. Well, outcast or not, Ishmael is part of all this theoretical bloodline, and Islam calls Abraham the "First Muslim" and "Our Father Abraham". - OS
  15. Holder is basically telling Florida they must leave all the dead folks and non-citizens on the ballot roles down there, so somebody can show up and vote for BHO with them, eh? http://nation.foxnew...eligible-voters http://latino.foxnews.com/latino/politics/2012/06/01/us-authorities-tell-florida-to-stop-push-to-remove-ineligible-voters/
  16. I don't think there's enough interest to separate "gun news" from "interesting news to gun type people news". I agree with ya, even though I'm a news junkie and use other sources, I do find first notice of a lot of events of interest in this forum. Think I myself would just remove the "firearms" part in the group definition, or not, and just leave alone. It's David's call of course. And I wouldn't mind being mod for something or other, but to maintain a "gun news" forum as separate from another "news news" based one just seems like too much busy work for little gain in structure/clarity/whatever. - OS
  17. Yep, I've got two Minis, standard wood stocked Ranch and the Tactical, both new model 581 series. These of course have the various improvements over the previous models, the most important perhaps being the newer barrel that greatly reduces the stringing problem once it heats up, etc. I really really like them, too. Like the action based on M14, the way they feel in hand, solidly zero recoil, mostly the fact that they look and handle like a conventional rifle. Also, absolutely rock solid running beasts, eat lacquer coated steel as well as brass, piston action keeps receiver area cleaner than direct impingement, seemingly will just run dang near forever without cleaning, etc. These are both totally stock, 'cept for a 1911 buffer I put in the action to soften it some, though they both still sling the brass halfway back to the factory. Always just put off getting into an AR; one reason being that I love tinkering and gadgets, and figgered I'd just throw a couple extra grand into a 900 buck gun . But anyway, about 3 months ago, looking at the market, possible shortages due to another round of price scares,etc, figured if I was ever gonna get one might better go ahead; rather than build first one, just took Dolomite's rave review to heart about the S&W Sport and grabbed one a good price. It's still just as stock as possible, only has Dol's trigger kit mod and a conventional scope added with quick release mounts, and desperately going to try to keep it that way. So over last couple of range sessions have settled in with a more consistent test between the two; I'm still going to do some more precise testing but it seems clear so far that: - With the iron ghost ring battle sights that come on both, there's just no real world difference. They are both torso capable killing machines up to 200 yards (max I get to shoot). That's what battle sights are for, and they both perform admirably. - But to get more precise, let's glass 'em. I actually had two identical scopes -- cheap ones, but the same 3-9 Barskas, slapped them on both, zeroed at 50 yards and ran some tests, using just ammo can as rest. First time around I used a couple of different Russian .223, and found, as Dolomite has found with chronographing them, they just vary too much in loading to be suitable for precision, although again, all the various steel stuff is more than adequate for the torso thing above. Anyway, results at 50, 122, and 200 yards with the steel indicated that the AR is somewhat more accurate, the difference being greater the longer the difference, logically. - Didn't have a large stock of same brass .223 except for Federal bulk, so tried that second time. Probably should get someone to chrono it for consistency. It's obviously at least somewhat more consistent, as disparities at all distances were less. But the tendency continued: the AR is just more accurate in groups. Difference in apprx. couple inches at 50, maybe 3-4 at 122, and 6-7 at 200. Of course, all those could be reduced with bench rig and probably ought to do that at some point to be fair. The other frustrating thing about the test though, is that besides the actual spread of impact, is the point of them. As carefully zeroed as possible at 50, the impact areas at 122 and 200 are simply not the same between the two. No idea if this is due to my sloppy technique (remember, sitting and just resting forestock on can with pad on top), cheap scopes (though they seem to stay zeroed - I have quick release on AR and seems to hold removing/replacing), or what. One other variable is that the M&P Sport has that unusual 8 twist, 5R barrel; since it's the only AR I have, dunno if it might be a bit more accurate than some/most stock AR configs. Anyway, at this point, even though this is all pretty much not very scientific, the AR does indeed seem to have the edge in accuracy. I'll try to borrow someone's more solid benching system and do these some more to make sure, post some targets, etc. I still feel like the Mini has soul, though, unlike AR. - OP
  18. Well, Paul never claimed to have met Jesus, except in his supernatural experience on the Damascus road -- but anyway, Christian is not a bloodline, like Jew or Arab. Those few "Jewish Christians" basically absconded with 3-5,000 years of their own ethos and mythos to add JC as the Messiah. But of course it's not correct to say that these early Christians did that (absorb the actual Tanakh); Catholic nabobs over 400 years assembled the Christian Bible. Of course Islam jumped in to claim divine enlightenment through the Abrahamic lineage also, but not any of the actual writings. - OS
  19. Oh Shoot

    Falling Skies

    All but a couple seem to be on Comcast On Demand. If you do search instead of going directly to "TV Series" or "TNT", it finds more of them, for some reason. - OS
  20. I'm pert new to AR, but have five or 6 very well used USGI mags with maybe as many different vendor names on them. All have proven 100% so far. I have Pmags too, but have to admit I like the feel of the aluminum ones more. I just happen to like 20 rounders better than 30s, so have some of those on Pmag and Thermold. - OS
  21. Within the extent of its intent and without conflicting evidence that you were at some point no longer in fear of your life or serious injury. It does not however, grant you the right to execute the intruder. Example: Perp falls to knees with hands up, you walk up to him and put one in his forehead. Example: You drop the perp with shot to pelvis, he writhes on floor helplessly. Then you walk up and put two in his chest. Example: etc. Any number of cases where forensic evidence alone might get one charged. Not to mention some witness who was there and told the exact truth. - OS
  22. Where ya get that? Just a little factual exchange about historical sequence of things. Unless you want to contend that Paul/Saul of Tarsus wrote the Hebrew Bible or something. As far as the "bloodthirsty" nature of Islam, as I mentioned early on in thread, it's in about the same place as Catholicism was in the 11th-14th centuries. So given roughly the equal amount of time to evolve, it'll likely defang its own more radical elements, just as Christianity did, rather than continuing to focus on the more violent exhortations found in abundance in the Old Testament that fostered little episodes like 300 years of Crusades, controlling the thrones of several countries, the Spanish Inquisition, and whatnot. Likely already would have, if the average Muslim had a pot to piss in and a window to throw it out of. The next world don't look so bad when you ain't got squat in this one, or worse, any hope of getting it. As far as ultimately in The 'Boro (or NYC or anywhere else in USA): if a Christian church or Jewish temple is allowed to occupy a given space, so must a Muslim mosque. They break the law, charge 'em. They violate the political provisions of 501c3, tax 'em. There are a lot of politically activist Christian churches shouldn't be tax free under 501c3 either. - OS
  23. That is johhny-come-lately compared to the Hebrew Bible, what youse guys ripped off as the "Old Testament". Since the copyright had run out and it was in public domain, the Jews couldn't sue for the plagiarism. - OS
  24. However, neither Heller or McDonald had anything at all to do with bearing arms, only possession in the home. TN, of course, also does not grant the bearing of arms as a right. - OS


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