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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Tables are only a flat $56 each at the RK shows in Knoxville, which are about as big as any in the state as I understand it. I guess that would come out 'bout same as your pricing structure, but only with multiple tables. - OS
  2. Ctrl and + to enlarge screen, Ctrl and - to go down, Control and 0 to return to normal. Or View Menu/Zoom Of course, he simply quoted message and changed font size to appear in new post. - OS
  3. Hell, that's nothing, from same site, here's feller with two guns and no arms at all!
  4. Well even a perfectly horizontal SOB holster would have shot someone else off to the side. And not in upper body unless they were a dwarf. A smaller than normal dwarf. Same with cross draw; here's about as drastic an angle on one I've ever seen: I think it's pretty obvious that most folks here are right -- real story ain't out. - OS
  5. The physics of how a heater worn "inside the waistband" shoots anyone in the upper torso has got to be quite complicated. IWB muzzle-up carry isn't very popular. - OS
  6. The only way there could be a civil war is if the military/guard splits in half to form the sides. If you could actually even unite 3% of all adult citizenry, it could only be an underground guerrilla movement. More likely that there will be military coup than a "war". More likely than even that is total social breakdown, but anarchy is not civil war either. - OS
  7. Did you get the standard carbine model? If so, just for accuracy, they haven't been actually blued for many years, and the wood is birch. - OS
  8. a defense is "Incident to lawful hunting, trapping, fishing, camping, sport shooting or other lawful activity" Always wondered if hiking would be considered in there. Carry a fishing rod, at least you were looking for a place, right? - OS
  9. AFAIK there's nothing in the weapons section of TCA that requires supervision of a minor with a long gun at all. Hunting, minors can't use handguns, other than that don't know what the TWRA supervisory provisions are, if any. - OS
  10. TV Guide Search for 28 Days Later showings: HBO: Sun,Jul 8 12:00am Fri,Jul 13 12:35am None for 28 Weeks Later Not sure how long ahead the search goes. Of course, both have been on the various movie channels off and on for a long while. - OS
  11. Might also mention that full cans were generally not valued more than empty ones in the same condition. I suspect same is true of bottles, though no bottle was ever worth same as even somewhat rare cans. Cap of course adds value,folks have whole walls full of caps alone, matter of fact. I'd be amazed if any Bud Light can or bottle is worth more than 5 bucks, but don't take my assessment, I've been out of the hobby for a long while. - OS
  12. Yep, in most versions: novelette, Last Man on Earth, and Wil Smith's flick. Omega Man, though, changed them to non-vamps that just had a sensitivity to light. - OS
  13. Can tell you from the heyday of beer can collecting in the 70s and 80s, mistake/misprint cans were essentially worthless. - OS
  14. The one in Gray, probably? http://www.americangunshows.com/GunShows/TN-GunShows.htm - OS
  15. As I remember, the Shield takes up so you know pretty close to exact when it's gonna release, has little creep, and also has a tactile reset. The PM, while perhaps smoother and the same tension all the way along travel, it's a guess as to when it's actually gonna go off. They say that the discharge should be a "surprise" for accuracy purposes, but for a personal defense weapon, would prefer the M&P style. But size for capability keeps the Kahr in my pocket. Maybe Garufa will see this and chime in to confirm, it was his heater. - OS
  16. Oh Shoot

    How often...

    ... Well, even it it were to failure, hey, it's not like anyone is shooting back. Soon as EOTWAWKI happens, I promise to clean them more often. - OS
  17. Watch the sequel, even better I thought. Opening 10 min or so truly unforgettable. They beefed up the start power some with Robert Carlyle and Jeremy Renner. - OS
  18. Oh Shoot

    How often...

    Same here. I keep Kahr PM clean and lubed; micro movements are just not as forgiving as larger ones. Did same with XD SubCompact when was carrying that too, even though it would probably go 10K rounds with no maintenance at all. Others, meh, whenever. Depends on whether same gun is gonna get shot again within next month. 10/22's probably average 1500 rounds tween cleaning, and that's not full breakdown, just spray, lube, and BoreSnake. I've decided to put X number of rounds through S&W AR to see about that type of reliability. Main reason I never got a Mosin or any other old warhorse where I'd be pretty much compelled to shoot corrosive surplus is that I don't want to be chained to immediate cleaning after shooting. - OS
  19. Plus sexual preference, lack of religion, age over 40, family status, veteran status, even DNA info. Maybe more, can't remember. Isn't it ironic that all these groups of people have extra special super duper non-discrimination protection, yet one group actually mentioned in the Constitution as not to infringed upon, ie handgun carriers, does not. - OS
  20. I've shot the 9mm. Very impressive indeed. Trigger is fine, main thing is that it feels like a larger gun, recoil-wise. Only thing is, seems just a bit "in between" to me: - Certainly not as thick as my XD SubCompact, say, but not that much smaller overall, and no 13+1 either. - But not as small as my Kahr PM9, yet only one more round. So it's still not quite a pocket gun for most folks, but limited capacity. I guess the niche is there for it though, especially for M&P fans. - OS
  21. Though you do understand that no biz serving the general public actually has that particular right, yes? Just another example of how private biz property is vastly diff than private home property.
  22. Wow, dude! Glad yer gonna keep it and everything. They need to sample your thumb material for androids, indestructible. - OS
  23. Get both, I did. Seriously, I don't plan on ever letting my Planet of the Apes rifle go. - OS
  24. Well worth up to $500 in my opinion, if you have matching pistol. Maybe even if you don't. I have the Beretta config, and those 30 round Beretta mags are really sweet in the Sub2000. - OS


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