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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. And "buckets of bullets". I think someone is at my door, brb. - OS
  2. You've really been out of the loop. Hannity is about same stature as Rush, long time heavy conservative hitter, syndicated radio for 12 years, FOX for 6. Second only to OReilley in ratings. - OS
  3. Who, before becoming a Conservative God, was an uber Hollywood liberal union president. Which shows that a feller like Mitt really doesn't have to maintain the same viewpoints his entire political life to be an effective head of state. - OS
  4. Well, it's all his lawyer's call, I'm sure, so blame him. He was right there during whole thing, only halted a couple of replies, though. - OS
  5. "Gun with slash sign" = "legal" (statutorily compliant) posting. - OS
  6. I don't see how Zim case relates to anything discussed in this thread. Also, it's only a state trial by jury. I don't expect it to influence anything in national jurisprudence any more than the first OJ tria did regarding first degree murder. Short of some principle involved that gets appealed to SCOTUS, I don't see how it's gonna change anything nationwide, doubt it will even change FL's self-defense statutes. - OS
  7. ?? Traditional single action revolvers have loading gate with manual ejector rod, loaded/unloaded one chamber at a time. The cylinder does not swing out as with double action revos. - OS
  8. Well, while we may tout the benefits of consistency on issues or time, we should also see the wisdom of a reasonable mind altering opinions over time. A decade is a long time in a rapidly (d)evolving society like ours. I'll always use Reagan as a primo example: long before he was the God of Conservatism, he was a liberal Hollywood union president. - OS
  9. Because he hasn't been governor there for 10 years? - OS
  10. Well, Sportman's is still operating under post bankruptcy arrangements, and closed many of their stores. Matter of fact, the one in 'Nooga was the southernmost one left, closed all the others -- now see they've reopened one in SC and MS (Memphis). So they did indeed "close many of their doors". Matter of fact, I think I remember seeing that the 'Nooga store was only one left east of Miss. River period for a while after they first did the Chapter 11. There's still only 5 east of Miss. River in all now - OS
  11. Correct, both UPS and FedEx terms of service require handguns to be overnighted. Which means about $40 and up depending on distance. - OS
  12. I'll vote for him too, on general principles, and the main one that both our current senators have to go. Which means I may get to vote for him twice, but Lamar and Bob will still be there. - OS
  13. More coming, but it's confusing? Tonight is with attorney and tomorrow night is part two with Zim? - OS
  14. If that's a fair synopsis of what he said, I'm a bit surprised. But on the other hand, just what exactly is he supposed to do about it, unless he's on Issa's committee? You can look up and see whether he voted yea on the Holder contempt, I'd wager that he did. He's not my rep, but I'm inclined to suggest y'all keep him, so far so good. I think senators should get one term but reps should get 3 to match same time period. Though I guess we could do worse than Duncan here, he's now been a career pol just as long as his Daddy. Career politicians are perhaps the main reason for the corruption we call Washington, and unfortunately unforseen by the founding fathers. - OS
  15. Basic doesn't include CNN and FOX both? I'm surprised that's not on every basic package in US. That's FOX news, ya know, not FOX network. - OS
  16. You don't watch Sean apparently -- sticks up for 2A, has already railed about "no retreat" law not even being pertinent, Zim being tried by black "leaders" and the liberal press, etc. So has O'Reilley, and four of The Five. Sharpton and Jackson are not popular on Fox. - OS
  17. Yeah, it was. Sean repeats at midnight eastern, I guess 11 central. - OS
  18. The birch stocked 336 W is $350 or more plus tax/tics at Wally's here, so I'd say that's quite the deal indeed! Not familiar with the medallion on the stock, what model is it -- that baby might be walnut, too? - OS
  19. Wasn't only that. Dropped anything vaguely related to hunting period. Also most knives. And all fishing tackle, too. - OS
  20. They used to run occasional ammo specials that were cheaper than Wally's, some rifles about as cheap as any other brick and mortar, like Ruger and Marlin. - OS
  21. Actually, the Peters Rd. store dumped all guns/ammo/hunting/fishing a year or so before Academy ever opened. Maybe more; the Academy hadn't even been announced yet at the time. - OS
  22. ... at 9, whole hour apparently. Thought I'd mention since he gets so much press here. Very unusual move, as anything he says may be used in court also. - OS
  23. Kind of makes ya wonder if they aren't a front for something else. I pop in when I'm out there right by it with any time to spare, just to ogle. It's the least busy store of any kind that I frequent. Yet there's 118 of them. - OS
  24. Concealed carry covers most mistakes you can make. - OS
  25. Buildings in state parks are not off limits like those in national parks. Knoxville City parks are off limits via local ordinance but are not posted. AFAIK, it's the only city in the state that is this way. Knox County parks are legal for carry. - OS


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