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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Dunno. Berkey plays it pretty close to the vest about its technology, but I get the impression it has to do with breakdown of the incredibly small pores of the mesh material due to osmotic pressure of the x number of gallons through it. Katadyn, besides similar type filtration, also uses some sort of activated silver in some of their models, which limits the capacity on a reactive chemical basis to volume of water. Anyway, with Berkey, the red food coloring test seems to be the best way to really know, probably oughtta run that some toward the end of the filters' expected life. They actually suggest every 6 months or so I think as an ongoing test. 'Course, you all ain't filtering cholera and other type death water in the first place. - OS
  2. Yah, it does seem that there would at some point been sort of a spontaneous movement of several to rush the guy, but obviously didn't happen. The Unitarian Church shooting here, though small change compared to Holmes, the shooter was rushed almost immediately by several folks as soon as he opened fire; though he did kill the first one, the others got to him and he did have a semi auto shotgun. - OS
  3. What happens if you engage safety, then rack the slide with PX4? Safety disengages and hammer stays back? (I have only 92fs also) - OS
  4. Definitely worth it, big place -- only been there once, and have heard various folks claim they got snooty service there, but even Mike.357, Il Duce, and I were treated quite nicely there. - OS
  5. damn, dunno why I hit quote instead of edit on this interface more than the vBulletin.
  6. Disagree with your interpretation, FWIW. Can clean 100 times, but each time does not add filter life, just restores flow. How often you need to clean them just depends on how much stuff is in the water, especially particulate matter. If you were filtering pond water you'd probably already have had to clean them, as it is, you may not have to at all, or rarely till/if you hit the limit. here's more: read here: http://www.berkeyfil...r-challenge.htm and: "No need for expensive disposable filters. Black Berkey® purification elements are cleanable. When the flow rate decreases simply brush the Black Berkey® purification elements with a ScotchBrite® pad under running water, reinstall and your system is again ready to purify water. Each durable and efficient purification element will last for up to 3,000 gallons (6,000 gallons per set of two) and provide years of efficient water purification." (http://www.berkeywater.com/start.main.html) But no biggie, helluva capacity to begin with. I sent email to both the manufacturer and official sales site, since I am really interested in getting one and might as well know for sure, but all searches show that the 3K max per filter is right, which is why they keep mentioning replacement at that mark. It's the same with my Katydyn Pocket jobbie. Will do up to 13,000 gallons, but of course it's slow and takes pumping pressure to do it at all. In real world it's unlikely to do that much, as you can also clean it unlimited times (to restore flow, not to increase life), but if you're filtering cruddy water all the time, cleaning will eventually reduce filter too much before the 13K is reached -- since it's primarily for portable use by one or two people, it's reasonable to assume that you won't always be grabbing your emergency water from a very clear source while on the move, and will have to be cleaned fairly often. I'm sure that's why Berkey says "100 times" as that's what they figure the max to be before you degrade it dimensionally. The Katydyn ships with a little gauge to tell if filter dimensions are still in spec. Water is the first and foremost thing needed if social services crap out, certainly that Berky with a spare set of filters to give 12,000 gallon capability would be really something. Would actually be the diff as to whether an actual group of people could survive, not just an individual. And no pumping, just gravity flow, that's big. - OS
  7. The joke? Maybe, doesn't ring any bells, heard it when I was a kid. - OS
  8. I just can't find that claim anywhere in Berkey's stuff, only that single filters are good for 3,000 gallons, period. Can be cleaned any number of times, but that's only to clear up diminished flow, but doesn't increase the 3K gallon lifetime? Again from http://www.berkeyfil.../berkeyfaqs.htm, with additional at bottom that I left out in above post. They make no claim that they last past the 3K gallons each. ---------------------- How do I know when it is time to replace the Black Berkey filters in my system? The manufacturer suggests 2 methods. The first method is: Multiply the number of Black Berkey filters in your system by 3,000 gallons to get Total Life in gallons for all filter elements within the system. Next, keep track of how many gallons of water you normally use in one day this is Total Use. Then divide the Total Life by the Total Use. This will be the approximate number of days your filter elements will last before they need replacement. Next, calculate the future date to replace the filters. Write that date on a sticker and attach it to the bottom of your system for future reference. Example: If you had a family of 4 and each person drinks 1/2 gallon of water a day you would use 2 gallons a day. A two filter system lasts 6000 gallons. Divide 6000 by 2. This gives you 3000. That's 3000 days before you would need to replace your filters. 3000 divided by 365 days a year would be 8.2 years filter life! Your Black Berkey filter elements will never stop working; the filtration rate just slows down. This brings us to the second method. If after cleaning your elements they do not filter any faster; it is time to replace them. ---------------- Big Berkey says: Key Features: With Two Black Berkey purification elements $258.00 Will produce 6000 gallons of drinking water before needing to be replaced Sure seems to me the advertized performance is only 3,000 gallons per filter? - OS
  9. To claim that you have to give Bush Sr. most all of Perot's votes, but exit polls show close to an even siphon from both candidates, with about 25% of Perot voters saying they wouldn't have voted at all had he not been on the ballot. I remembered that from long ago, but don't remember this and couldn't seem to find it right off -- if all the Perot votes were given to Bush, he'd have won the popular vote, but would that have also swung the electoral to him? - OS
  10. I've been thinking about getting one of the larger Berkey setups for some time. It's my understanding that the black filters (or ceramic ones) are rated for 3K gallons max, including however many cleaning sessions to keep them free flowing? Can't find any figure mentioned over 3K gallons, or 6K gallons per pair. I'm reading this wrong? Or what? "How do I know when it is time to replace the Black Berkey filters in my system? The manufacturer suggests 2 methods. The first method is: Multiply the number of Black Berkey filters in your system by 3,000 gallons to get Total Life in gallons for all filter elements within the system. Next, keep track of how many gallons of water you normally use in one day this is Total Use. Then divide the Total Life by the Total Use. This will be the approximate number of days your filter elements will last before they need replacement. Next, calculate the future date to replace the filters. Write that date on a sticker and attach it to the bottom of your system for future reference" http://www.berkeyfilters.com/berkeyfaqs.htm http://www.bigberkey...filters-2-p-187 http://www.bigberkey...lter_comparison http://www.bigberkey...and-comparison/ - OS
  11. Big Bad John throws open the saloon door, screams, "All you lily-livered weak-kneed sons o' bitches clear out!" Mad scramble ensues as 50 folks all vacate the premises. One old codger remains at one table with bottle of rye. Big Bad John approaches, says "Didn't you hear me, old man?" Codger hands him the bottle, says, "Sure wuz a lot of them, eh?" - OS
  12. I simply can not now envision any combination of circumstances that could possibly restore a general quality of life anywhere near that of our past pinnacle without a period of great national pain first. I submit that the only real question is how long the USA can continue to overall degrade into its long gray winter of discontent before rather sudden and cataclysmic change occurs. I still believe this is overall due to the global realities of population vs resources more than anything else though; at heart an environmental equation, but as with all modern human endeavor, translated into economics first and foremost. - OS
  13. Their first suggestion: bump up to at least 9mm. - OS
  14. Well, as I understand it, the first guy to get to him that radioed in said he was just sitting or standing there, not holding a weapon, handgun was already on roof, dunno about the other ones. Hatchback was up, don't know if doors were open also. Sounds like at that point Holmes was just waiting to be found. Can't hardly blame the first LEO there for not unloading on a passive unarmed suspect, sort of goes against all training. - OS
  15. Actually, one of the pistols was on the roof of the car when he was apprehended, kind of strange. You can see it here, can't find the video which shows it better: - OS
  16. I've heard so much stupidity today, it's worse than ever. A NYPD "expert" said that hi cap mags are federally illegal, Chief Oates says "didn't know if the AR was full auto or semi-auto" (even though he knew it was bought at Gander Mountain), saying he was assured by experts that even if only semi-auto, could have shot 50-60 rounds in a minute with a drum mag (even I can double that), ,and everybody just amazed that a person could buy a bunch of ammo over the internet in "such a short period of time",. etc etc etc. Gag me with a backhoe. There were 90 traffic fatalities today. Like every day. Perspective. - OS
  17. Don't think so. That was point of my post above. Breivik, however twisted, had a "logical" reason for his rampage: nationalism, immigration, racism; and targeted victims within those contexts. It's detestable, but almost sane compared to whatever Holmes' "reason" for shooting up a bunch of random folks at a Batman movie while playing The Joker turns out to be. - OS
  18. Well, we probably should quit hunting people in the first place. - OS
  19. I think what gets me the most is that this guy wasn't even a "gun guy" at all; no screwed up mall Rambo, or PTSD addled ex GI or something.. Bought all of the stuff in last 6 months just to do this deed, or something like it. And expresses just a totally murderous psychosis, without even one whit of far fetched logical retribution on a perceived foe, like employer, government, whatever. Seemingly no political, ideological, or religious motive, however twisted. It just seems that psychological explanations don't always cut it -- though I'm not in the least religious, I don't necessarily disbelieve in possession by the rage of pure evil. I suspect as our society becomes ever more illogical, crowded, alienating and confusing, we perhaps foment that evil to a greater extent? - OS
  20. Depends on how you define it. Many more killed at Virginia Tech, not as many shot overall, off top of my head. - OS
  21. You're gonna debate a lunatic's logic process? Hell, he didn't even dye his hair the right color. - OS
  22. Reported on Fox that all 4 guns legally bought at various Gander Mountain and Bass Pro stores. Didn't catch timeframe. Obviously, money wasn't much of an object if buying there. Dunno if anyone mentioned, apparently no CO carry permit, always a minor relief in such matters. Starting to hear more about "high capacity ammo clips", sigh. - OS
  23. Just little "dings" into the metal around the outside of the screw heads. More pix: https://www.google.c...iw=1658&bih=823
  24. That's funny, I once met feller from out of town in parking lot of the Knoxville store for same purpose also. - OS
  25. both .40 One was used in theater along with the AR and 870, one was found in his car, unsure if used. 71 shot in all, 12 dead thus far. All according to police chief in live press conference. - OS


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