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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Pretty sure it was out of state person as this was briefly discussed before. Could always be wrong of course, I'm no stranger to that. - OS
  2. Horse pucky. The guy didn't know what he was doing. Fortunately. Not gonna be surprised to find he never actually shot a gun in his life, let alone the ones he recently bought. Cho killed 32 with a 9mm and .22 handgun at VA Tech, moving around the campus no less. Breivik killed 69 in Norway, and wounded another 110, moving around an island with a lot more room for people to run. With a Mini14 and "only" .223. Most anyone who owns an AR and shoots it much at all would have killed many more folks than The Joker did, given the resolve to do it. I'm sorry, but your claim about 5.56/.223 (whichever he used) versus 7.62x39 being the reason is just a caliber holy war fallacy. If actual exact ballistic and wound statistics are ever released, I'll bet we'll find that a good number of those wounded were hit with scattered shotgun shot, too. We don't even know what type shot he used, but sounds like it wasn't buckshot. [edit: We also don't know how many treated in the various hospitals weren't even shot, but just injured. actually, we do now] The death count was incredibly low, IMO, and perhaps a contributory factor was that he may have obscured his own targets somewhat with the smoke, but it didn't have anything to do with choice of calibers. Just seems pretty obvious to me that mostly, again fortunately, he just wasn't an experienced competent shot, may have mostly just sprayed and prayed, may not have actually gotten off all that many AR rounds period what with the reported jam and whatnot. Main point though is that even a non-tactical trained mere range shooter with single 9mm pistol could have easily killed more than 12 in a packed theater. Fortunately this lunatic was a firearms incompetent one. - OS
  3. And they weren't TN residents, so the clause about losing your HCP in -1352 won't be tested in those cases, even if they are convicted of -1359. - OS
  4. If BHO gets another term, there will never be a more conservative candidate than Romney with a chance to win, at least until The Crash. The Dems will tip the balance for their perpetual on-the-teat voting majority as things slide further and over 50% are beholden to the fed. If Romney gets in, there's a chance for more conservative presidents down the road, even one to defeat Romney himself after four years, or at least to quicken the conservative pace after 8. - OS
  5. Can't see it. Yeah, keep your friends close and your enemies closer, but not THAT close. Talk about a feller looking over his shoulder, BHO would have the worst crick in the neck in history. - OS
  6. I forgot you weren't raised here. Paraphrase of something attributed to Harry Truman, "If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog." Thought it might apply to this topic thread, too. - OS
  7. Ba Da BING!
  8. Screw gun control; I'd rather have to worry about that with Mitt (though not really) than face the distinct possibility of having to actually use the guns under another term of BHO (really). - OS
  9. Better to read link in first post: http://www.cnn.com/2...-tie/index.html You can click through the 8 combinations that would result in one. That's how we could conceivably have Romney as Prez and Biden as Veep. Or whoever becomes Obama's running mate if he dumps Joe (which I still think is a possibility if BHO gets way behind, sort of a Palin type hail mary pass). - OS
  10. So nobody is interested in the actual topic, possibility of a tie? There are 8 scenarios where this could happen. And it HAS happened twice in US history. - OS
  11. I don't even know who polls are accurate at all anymore. They're still done primarily by phone, and don't include the growing % of folks who no longer have a land line, yes? - OS
  12. Don't worry unless you see "panthers". Black ones especially. - OS
  13. Yep, you're right, I stand corrected. They have both, sorry to doubt you, grasshopper.
  14. In .223?
  15. HSM is sold all over the place, used to be a booth at our Knoxville gun shows even. Cabela's sells a lot of it, along with their "house brand", Herter's. Midway, too, etc. Made in Montana, some of it is reloaded, some not, I think. Out of Montana. Used to find their website, can't right now, TheHuntingShack claims to be their "full line dealer". Or maybe they're sort of one and the same, dunno. http://thehuntingshack.com/aboutus.htm - OS
  16. No no. It's Russian steel. And lacquer coated, at that. Maybe the greenish/brown made you think brass. It's about the only lacquer coated I still see anywhere. - OS
  17. With say a 7, even better a 9x scope you should be able to do about 50% better at that same distance, or about same twice as far or more. Looking at what you did with iron sights, not bad at all, and I think if you shoot a few other .22s with better triggers you'll find that you're better than the rifle will allow. Again, not because of anything over all structural with the Plinkster, just the trigger. Or maybe yours is better than mine, no way to say, but I really can't hardly "squeeze" mine, always comes down to an actual "pull", ie, "jerk" from a Jerk. But it is a heckuva little shootin iron on the cheap, I do enjoy cranking mine up. So light, too. I'd spot ya couple of mags, but I sold all those extras Mossberg sent me on RimfireCentral. I did offer to send them back, they said nah. I just kept 6 that fit into a nifty little cell phone case I had laying around, plus one in the gun. Note if you buy any, the mags for the 802 (green follower) are not the same as for the more commonly found ones for 702 (red follower). - OS
  18. I can do about that grouping (without the two flyers), maybe a tad better, at 50 yards with cheap scope on mine. Also using the Blazer. I'd opine the gun is capable of halving even that, but again, because of crummy trigger I just can't hold it any closer, gun always moves some. One of these days I'll lock it down on somebody's bench setup and see just what is the best I can do that way. Didn't ever find any real credible "how to" to smooth trigger that I'd be willing to try, and unlike a 10/22, no source for parts if ya screw it up. I can hit a tin can or clay at 120 yards about every time with 10/22, about every third time with my Plinkster 802. Sighted in at 50, I just use the bottom ^ where the vertical crosshair fattens up. - OS
  19. Unlikely, but possible. Should electoral votes end in a tie, and there are several scenarios where that could happen if this thing comes down to as close as it seems right now, the House elects the prez and the Senate elects the Veep. Hell, we're gotten to such an absurd political situation, maybe it would be a fitting outcome. http://www.cnn.com/2...html?hpt=hp_bn3 My head hurts, think I'll take a nap. - OS
  20. One's plenty to call cabs for the country club drunks. Of course, they'll have to cut back on the TBCS.* *Tactical Bicycle Control Squad - OS
  21. Which one? What's it doing, or not doing? - OS


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