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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Wow. I expect the Progressives to sponsor a bill that all prospective domestic terrorists must take a certification course in basic racial and religious identification. But seriously, if true, what a further sad irony for that Sikh community, to be misidentified as the "correct" targets in the first place. - OS
  2. Sigh. I only mentioned it because it's the only way YOU could (sort of) sell a firearm to resident of another state, and he take possession of it in TN. YOU would have to sell it to the FFL and the FFL would SELL it to the out of state resident (long gun only). A FFL may SELL a long gun to a resident of another state. YOU can not. YOU can not sell any gun to resident of another state and he take possession of it in TN in any way. A TN FFL can not make that happen, either. If you still don't get it, I truly give up. Let someone else try. - OS
  3. As I understand it, TGO would advise doing exactly that, as opposed to offering suggestions for violating the law. - OS
  4. Liked it so much, and with prices/availability possibly to go totally wonky, bought one to just stash for now, haven't even fired it. PSA had that killer deal not long ago, so grabbed it. I got back into guns at about the worst time 5 years ago, thought I might stay just a bit ahead of curve at least with this one. - OS
  5. None of that applies here. A TN FFL can NOT transfer a long gun (or a handgun, of course) from a TN resident to a resident of another state. You yourself can only have a gun from Bud's transferred to you through a FFL in TN. You can't have it sent to Florida and transferred to you there. Same applies for private sales. You cannot go to a Nashville FFL and transfer a gun you've sold to someone who is a resident of another state. The 4473 for transfer must be run by an FFL in the recipient's state of residence, unless it is sale of a long gun by an FFL (and some few states limit long gun sales to only adjoining state's residents also). Perhaps the simplest way to put it -- there is no legal way for YOU to sell any firearm to a resident of another state and him take possession of that firearm in TN. Get it? - OS
  6. crap, double tap
  7. Everything's climbing up, ammo's getting shorter supply. Just got a notice from Sportsmans Guide that they can't supply even backordered 9mm. I bought two Sports, $681 total from TN shop in Feb, and $665 total shipped from PSA in April. Haven't seen any that would be $700 or less in hand since. As Dolomite here will tell you "1:8 will stabilize anything that can fit in an AR15 magazine". - OS
  8. Speaking of Rahm Deadfish, the crisis is already there in his fair city. I think it's ripe for his buddy Barack to go ahead and declare martial law there now! - OS
  9. Oopsie. Fingers more than brain. I hope. - OS
  10. Nope. But can assure you that things will continue as per now or accelerate downward under BHO. Some wagers are just obvious. "The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that's how the smart money bets." - Damon Runyon - OS
  11. Zen, baby Zen. Ya gotta hold yer mouth right and get rid of them negative waves. - OS
  12. They never hit much of anything either. - OS
  13. I have two Mini14's (improved versions), good many mags (all factory but one, all reliable), and a basic AR, the M&P Sport. Love 'em all. Yes, the AR seems to be more somewhat more accurate, but we're talking in precise target sense, all are same minute of torso rifles in combat sense. For EOTAWKI, the AR has an edge because of parts if nothing else. You can't even get a spare factory Mini firing pin, for example. Main diff is to me is mostly aesthetic: the Mini is a traditional "rifle" (based on historic military action to boot) and the AR is a modular "device". The Mini has soul, the AR has technology, they'll both make things daid at the same distances. - OS
  14. Actually, it's still there. - OS
  15. And the TGO law against promoting such. - OS
  16. The only way that works is if you can sell the gun to the TN FFL, then the FFL sells the gun to the FL friend. The only way a FL resident can legally receive a long gun for ownership in the state of TN is to buy it from a TN FFL. And no way to do so with a handgun at all. Not saying it couldn't work, but of course there's little incentive for the gun store to do that unless it makes a profit on the sale. - OS
  17. Since it looks like you may be using your real name, and it's not common, out of curiosity I looked -- there is a John David Nowlin in Savannah in database your age. Not you? There's also another John D. Nowlin in Savannah, much younger. Your son? - OS
  18. Them Marshals apparently don't take no shyte. - OS
  19. Yeah, thanks, I understand the shell length -- the difference must indeed be in way tube/receiver is joined, lifter or something, somehow yours is able to get that little bit of extra room compared to my 870 Synthetic 7 Round (6+1) Pretty nifty, I must say. - OS
  20. Illegal. Period. If you really want a link, you can read federal law: http://www.law.corne...ode/text/18/922 You'd have to send it down to a FFL in FL, for him to transfer and take into possession there. - OS edit: oops, wrong link, corrected
  21. How the deuce do they get 7 rounds in that tube? It's 18" just like my 870 and my tube also goes all the way to end of barrel too, but only holds 6. Actually mine is 18.5" and tube goes to end of it, even!! Seems like some sort of magic there. - OS
  22. Though I see the chances for financial chaos and general anarchy as a more pressing threat than police state "takeover, both scenarios certainly happen incrementally, and then seem to have occurred suddenly. As the video suggested, only noticed in hindsight. One kind of algae that takes over certain ponds may serve as example. Unchecked, when the microscopic blooms start, they double in volume every 24 hours. Day after day. For three months. But it's not even noticeable until finally it appears one day as an overall faint greenish tint, and then within a week or less completely chokes the whole pond. The common reaction is "it happened overnight" or "it came from nowhere". - OS
  23. No, down here it'll have to be that marshal law I see mentioned from time to time. - OS
  24. Reason we won't have the Fair Tax is that it's totally anonymous. The tax code is used to reward/punish for influence and votes. That's why it's as extensive as it is, and why it gets tweaked in incremental ways, to benefit certain parts of the public responsible for money flow to the Washington machine. With a fair tax, the pols couldn't say, "look how we helped you out on this" to any particular segment. It also negates any statistics for individuals or income strata. By all accounts, the gummit would be rolling in dough like never before, since even the underground economy/black market and illegals would be paying it to a large extent. But it doesn't solve the basic problem that the bums would still spend every dime of it, and waste/graft a nickle of each dime. And still not pay down the debt at all. - OS
  25. Pert slow even in Kali, so probably practically nil across the South: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2012/08/chick-fil-a-kiss-in-protest-small-compared-to-appreciation-day.html - OS


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