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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. I agree it is in lessor, but somewhat same vein as yelling "Fire!" in crowded theater. Of course, there are a lot of billboard things through the years that are pretty eye-catching. The first Chick-Fil-A cows got lots of attention. Dunno. Ambivalent here. - OS
  2. They're calling for convention delegates to abstain on first ballot and then vote for someone else there, not general public. The Dem Dirt does indeed seem to have taken hold in polls in just last 48 hours. - OS
  3. Blazer 40 gr. is my standard. Wally doesn't sell anything to match it in bulk, 'cept maybe the Win M-22, which is pricier. Just as all around excellent as its copper clad brother Mini Mag. - OS
  4. Nah, lower end UTC, rubber footed model, but it serves my purpose, and surprisingly well, just tried it out today. Not as rigid as external spring model, but lighter, and good 'nuff for moi. It comes with a little bit of swivel ability too, but I socked it down to not move in that way. No doubt the Harris line is much better. Actually, even the $40 "Winchester" line Wally sells is better, but they don't have a rail model. - OS
  5. "dangerous weapons" defined in federal buildings statute, 18 U.S.C. § 930 : US Code - Section 930: Possession of firearms and dangerous weapons in Federal facilities No firearms or "other dangerous weapons". "The term "dangerous weapon" means a weapon, device, instrument, material, or substance, animate or inanimate, that is used for, or is readily capable of, causing death or serious bodily injury, except that such term does not include a pocket knife with a blade of less than 2 1/2 inches in length." Obviously most anything you can inflict more than a shiner on someone with can be classed "dangerous". Watch out for that dang tire iron ya got with you? A 2.5" knife or more is specifically mentioned, so that's pretty well defined to your detriment should push come to shove. Of course by TN law, ANY knife in any school is technically verboten, don't know if that also applies as additional potential gotcha in a school within federal facility in TN or not. - OS
  6. Be sure you've got enough hand room for whatever you're gonna add to it and where. Carbine length doesn't give you too much leeway on sides and bottom. I got the shortest rail I could for bipod and got it as far forward as possible, but my hand still runs up on it some if firing standing up, and I don't have enormous hands. I guess that's a big reason so many wind up with a vertical grip added, but I don't like those at all. - OS
  7. Wow, our strip club laws here are really antiquated. - OS
  8. According to OpenCarry, CT is licensed only open carry state, like TN. New Haven is Eli Land, gotta be uber lib around there though. Another case where legal doesn't necessarily equate to wise? - OS
  9. Could be. Depends on what kind of SOB he used, though. IWB straight up and down is generally very well concealed. The OWB SOB like Galco and others, not so much. - OS
  10. So he left the club, stripped naked before getting in the car, or was already naked in the club, or what? No other "substances" involved? - OS
  11. It's one thing to get checked out after a MWAG call, but quite another to get arrested for apparently lawful behavior. Sounds like the police breached the peace more than the "perp" did and the "interfering with police" is a real tossup. 20 cops, wow. He's being really nice about it, but I bet he sues, and rather hope he does. - OS
  12. Just took mine apart yesterday, wanted to add a bipod rail, was able to do it by hand myself. Remove bottom half first is best. Found a rail package on eBay that will work with existing holes without having to change fore end to something else. - OS
  13. It was already there before you posted about it, so wasn't hard. Yeah. Though it may not be so easy to find an FFL who both understands it and is willing to do it, especially if you're not in a metro area. - OS
  14. Logical question, business first. Give the fellow a raise. - OS
  15. Yeah, been meaning to eventually get an AR, but political climate and another possibility of price trends like 5 years ago made me go ahead and grab a couple myself. I like them fine -- they're reliable accurate modular machines, but the Mini is just as zombie effective, plus has soul. - OS
  16. Methinks John Barleycorn alone ain't enough to do it, ya gotta have some other kind of prob too. - OS
  17. I have 4. I also have 2 581 series minis. First generation Tapco mags fed great, and only $10. But the locking hole in mag would get gouged out. I never shot mine enough to develop that prob. I got the other prob though, which was the the feed lips spread with stored loaded mags, would spit out 6 or 8 just sitting. Or when trying to load mag in rifle. Called Tapco, lifetime warranty, and they mean it. All they could do at the time was replace with same thing. Said they'd put me on a list once new ones came out, but they didn't. So about 3 months ago got a heads up Gen 2 were out. They sent me 4 new ones, with postage to send the others back. Great service. Hole prob fixed: there's a metal sleeve around it. Feed lips prob fixed: walls are thicker. But won't feed. Why? Because the mag walls are too thick, it's putting pressure down there around the 3rd or 4th round. Take mag out and reinsert, it'll shoot the first 1 or 2 or 3 again, then bind. You can simulate this yourself, just push follower down, squeeze mag around this area with fingers and thumbs, follower won't move until you release pressure. I haven't gotten around to calling them again, maybe I will tomorrow now that you've reminded me. The only possible fix I see is to try sanding mag area down there. Then again, thinned down, might develop the lip spreading prob again too. - OS
  18. I've been as drunk as a man can get and not die of acute alcohol poisoning. Too many times to admit, matter of fact. And though the local gendarmes did accost me and my squeeze nekkid in the back of my parents' station wagon in 1964, I ain't never drunkenly run off without my clothes on in general. Anyone else have? What's the muddled logic therein? - OS
  19. There are few things in life on which I haven't modified my viewpoint somewhat at some time or other. So I never got one. I imagine tat removal will be quite the growth industry, at least for the next 25 years or so. - OS
  20. Almost hate to mention that Obama himself chided SCOTUS for their ruling on the PAC issue -- and I surely hate to agree with BHO on anything, but this Super PAC thing has turned into a new low in the US election process. Never seen anything like it in my lifetime. And from both sides. Polls already show a slight down tick for Mitt apparently just over this latest filth. The Founders didn't specify that we vote for a president, and it's really too bad we have to now that it's turned into a sleazier-than-thou contest. I don't think Mitt can out-sleaze Barack. Not for lack of ability, but because unlike Obama, he actually retains a core of moral decency, however bruised it may have become from politics. - OS
  21. Scarey little find there. More than many financial doomsday sources I've seen in a while, PIMCO gets my attention. - OS
  22. Great summation. - OS
  23. As of later this month, RP will be 4 years older than Reagan was when he won his second term. - OS
  24. Yeah, and he wasn't even on my radar before seeing him there several times. You're right, he's even drier and more sardonic than Bolton, amazing he's in Congress. He actually ran for prez I guess you know. Another better choice than our final realistic picks. - OS


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