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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Never heard it was a dead one, myself, just "not room to swing a cat in here". - OS
  2. Yeah, I'm just gonna stick to safe stuff, like the meth lab in my car. - OS
  3. The .22LR capable ones aren't exactly tannerite I don't think. This outfit claims it actually has bigger boom per quantity. http://www.sureshotexplodingtargets.com/ - OS
  4. "This gun is not legal to own in: Hawaii Illinois Minnesota South Carolina Due to the melt point laws in these states..." Sounds like zinc alloy frame, or what? - OS
  5. Not gonna write a review of each one, but have all the above. Have both Bowie and Wharncliffe Minimalists. Actually, sold my BK11 for exactly 30, still have the Eskabar. I like them all but I carry the LawDog. Even had a better sheath made for it, although the one that comes with it is adequate. Found that it is best all around for size, grip, etc for urban concealed daily carry. I'm comparing all of them as neck knife usage, though, also thinking last ditch self defense ahead of backup utility also. If gonna be a pocket carry, I frankly don't see any overall advantage over a good folder. The other main consideration is that with small fixed blades, the sheaths are almost as important as the knives. What works for a necker may not work so well for pocket, and only a couple of the ones I mention have a belt type retaining option, although with any that use off setting hole rivets you could use paracord loops. Anyway, if you want to make effort to see the ones I have in person gimme a holler. - OS
  6. DNC is worried about number of empty seats at their convention, but I assume they can bribe the networks to limit camera angles. Dems are in NC, which earlier voted to ban gay marriage before BHO came out for it, and unions, a Dem stronghold, are fussing cause they're not using union labor for everything. A logical person would conclude that this is indicative of the larger inability for this admin to run a credible circle jerk in DC, but hey, it's democracy in action, eh? Of course, Mitt has a slight chance of missing nomination on first ballot, while the audience is rolling the aisles, convulsed with silence. They're also meeting in FL, which went heavily Dem last election. I'm thinking that perhaps the GOP process has again found one of the few Republicans in America who can't beat BHO, and that even McCain actually could have this time around. - OS
  7. I won a Swiss army knife on Blade Forums about a year ago, one of those random drawings from posts. That's about it as far as I can remember for anything worth over maybe ten bucks. - OS
  8. Federal law only addresses buying from FFL (18 for long gun, 21 for handgun). Ammo for each is same, though not really enforced to any degree. TN law only forbids an individual selling any firearm to a minor (under 18) although an individual may loan or gift a firearm to a minor "for the purposes of hunting, trapping, fishing, camping, sport shooting or any other lawful sporting activity." - OS ================= Entire statute: 39-17-1303. Unlawful sale, loan or gift of firearm. (a) A person commits an offense who: (1) Intentionally, knowingly or recklessly sells, loans or makes a gift of a firearm or switchblade knife to a minor; (2) Intentionally, knowingly or recklessly sells a firearm or ammunition for a firearm to a person who is intoxicated; or (3) Intentionally, knowingly, recklessly or with criminal negligence violates the provisions of § 39-17-1316. ( It is a defense to prosecution under subdivision (a)(1) that: (1) A firearm was loaned or given to a minor for the purposes of hunting, trapping, fishing, camping, sport shooting or any other lawful sporting activity; and (2) The person is not required to obtain a license under § 39-17-1316. © For purposes of this section, "intoxicated" means substantial impairment of mental or physical capacity resulting from introduction of any substance into the body. (d) An offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor.
  9. Granddaughter lived with them, her fiance one of the da gang. The grandparents became host enablers.
  10. TN school weapons statutes apply to ALL schools in TN, kindergarten through college, public or private, buildings and grounds and buses. Of course a Leatherman could qualify as "dangerous weapon" under the fed if 2.5" blade or longer, and any size at all under TN statutes. It's a knife. It's other things, but it's also a knife. None of this is to say you would be charged given any particular situation, federal or state. Just that you certainly could. Fairly clear cut actually, compared to some weapons laws. To paraphrase Ayn Rand: "You control the people by making them all criminals in some way or other". - OS
  11. That was why he posted it, BATF said this is not a pistol. Read link and letter from BATF. - OS
  12. Feet of clay, who doesn't have 'em? - OS
  13. As nice as our Merican carp? - OS
  14. From most reports, if no glitches in background checks, under a month, a few miracle reports of around 2 weeks. My renewal has been over 3 months so far, though. Go figger. - OS
  15. By God,since interest rates disappeared on what I managed to stash before stumbling into retirement, I'm getting frigging closer to that now than ever in my life! Historical personal anecdote: first taxed job was when I was 13, dug trenches and bell holes for the local gas company that summer. 40 hours a week, maybe 1.25/hr or whatever min was back then. Saw the gummit take the first bucks from me every two weeks. So one pay period, I have to work a few hours overtime, and my take home pay was slightly LESS! A lad's rude introduction to the tax system of The United States of Merica. - OS
  16. Well, that and the fact that I couldn't spread enough dough around to seal all the records like BHO. Or cause some people to disappear. Well, couple of "Bible as literature" endeavors, but don't think that would rate with the fundamentalists. Or even Catholics come to think of it. - OS
  17. I wouldn't expect that at all, myself. - OS
  18. Neither of us has the depth of soulless evil necessary for the Great American Idol Smear Campaign, even if we had the money. - OS
  19. Thanks, but past is much too checkered. For conservative or liberal mainstream support. Plus, this country won't elect anything but a Christian. Yet. That's why BHO had to claim to be one, why at least half the bastards claim to be one. - OS
  20. Couldn't find it on their site, but that sounds a bit like baiting the tiger. - OS
  21. Well, frankly, as a heathen, I must admit that I see Christianity as plenty bizarre enough already, without the extra lunatic layers that Mormonism spreads on top of it. So it's certainly not a plus to get my vote either. - OS
  22. Any kidding aside, though, outside (maybe) a couple of western states, Mitt's Mormonism is no kind of plus in this election. At all. - OS
  23. But it's bringing the Christians and Jews together, eh? Even though the former claims the latter are all going to hell. - OS
  24. Yeah, concede that. I'm leaning toward yer view.
  25. Yep, to letter of law, Knox city/country could make a fortune in court costs from a single Neyland Stadium Saturday. Since searching you on way in hasn't presented any constitutional probs, no reason they couldn't do a more thorough one, I guess. Big public relations hit, though. - OS


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