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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. I'm lost. Jango Fett was character the Empire made the Clone Army from, Boba Fett was his "favorite son" clone, yes? - OS
  2. A LEO is killed about once a week in the US, most get no national coverage at all. However, this one was a 30 minute gun battle. Perp apparently sprayed a bunch of rounds in the neighborhood. Little more newsworthy I'd say. Totals now: - Dead: sheriff's "constable" (who was serving eviction notice) and a 65 year male (neighbor or passer by) and perp - Wounded: another LEO (among those who answered the call) 55 year old female (neighbor or passer by) - Two other LEO's were "injured", no confirmation if by gunfire or other way during the gunfight Dunno if the dead LEO should be considered any more lamentable than the dead neighbor, though. - OS
  3. "You'uns" is Snuffy Smith and L'il Abner, "y'all" is more refined, Southern intelligentsia. And hizen's, as possessive. I've even heard "you'unszes", a plural plural. - OS
  4. News flash: the Republican Primary is over. He won't be aloud there because he won't be allowed there. The org that sponsors the debates has traditionally only allowed candidates with a 15% share of some poll or other to participate, and it hasn't happened but twice that 3rd party candidates got into debates since the formal debate process started in 1960, and the first time in 1980, it was quite the brouhaha. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_election,_1980#The_debates Not to say that the whole process ain't corrupt. The League of Women voters used to handle it -- that org denounced the whole process as "hoodwinking of the American public" in 1988 and ducked out. - OS
  5. Yeah, saying total 3 dead: perp, cop, civilian female male. Seems to have come about due to serving an eviction notice. - OS
  6. Did same with my C9, getting light strikes, they send firing pin and springs right away. Free, of course. Their prices on mags and accessories include shipping also. - OS
  7. Try and find one for MSRP.or less. Or at all, actually. - OS
  8. Only goes to grand jury if the DA chooses to send it there. - OS
  9. Well, they both have done fund raisers over the pond from US citizens: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/07/30/obama-romney-look-overseas-for-campaign-cash/ Seems to be just more Cayman Islands/Swiss Account type smear. Seems the vets can't decide whether to imprison Romney or take over the US in coup and do same to BHO, depending on which loon one reads. - OS
  10. Too early to bet the farm, but if I had to, I'd put the money on BHO. - OS
  11. "Well, she was really really spry for 82, sir." - OS
  12. And they don't need mag changes and if you are proficient at running them, they never run out of ammo. - OS
  13. Well, that would rank just below alien lifeforms landing for making a most, um, interesting time here. - OS
  14. I'll settle for a boring businessman who tries to improve business climate, tax code, immigration, energy production, and health care, downsizes government in all ways possible, and keeps his nose out of foreign nation building, guns, churches, and bedrooms. - OS
  15. Not "illegal", just doesn't have "force of law". Significant difference. - OS
  16. Far out, I'll try it. Although text costs me .20 per. Worth that though when I need it. edit: Wow, it worked, thanks! Gonna be a prob with zip codes though. Found a Kroger in mine, but I don't know all the zips around town, or where they stop and start. Any other workaround there? - OS
  17. Well, you know, you do get to live in Memphis and all, so that's the upside. - OS
  18. State listing above shows $108 for city of Memphis residents. You have emissions test or something on top of that they don't show? (none of the counties mention emissions test, but some do have them) Btw, Robertson Co. show $111.25 Oh, wow, Haywood County, City of Brownsville shows $123.00. County is $116. They must run the whole shebang there off those! (effective date on doc shows July 2012) - OS
  19. Yeah, just not the blue ones. That chase you. - OS
  20. Yah, I meant for him to look, though I quoted you.
  21. http://www.tn.gov/tw...nakesposter.pdf Zoom it up so you can see if it's one of them, although these are" East TN" snakes, only one like this TWRA seems to have on site. - OS
  22. If Russia ever discontinues the 7.62x54 machine gun, maybe the cheap surplus stock would dry up? Certainly, if rounds start costing a buck each or so, I'd think the average Mosin is gonna be worth $25. Or maybe there's enough sport rifles distributed world wide, or even just in America, that Russia would continue to crank out cheaper rounds than the US domestic ones, but still higher than the surplus goes for now? - OS
  23. Good post. I also have quite the small crusade about not killing snakes myself. If one does indeed start talking to me, though, I dunno. Guess I'll have to at least reconsider the agnostic thang. - OS
  24. Finally found the yearly plate renewal rates by county. This is same one you receive hard copy of in mail each year. http://www.tn.gov/revenue/pubs/renewbymail.pdf - OS
  25. She may well have been a Florida transplant. The word is that FL LE can be quite anal about accidentally "exposing" your CCW. - OS


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