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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Because apparently some state ABC reps were still telling some places that the signs had to be up, long after the law changed, might be one reason. These are the type signs that have been non sequitur for over two years now: - OS
  2. I had called to have one sent. It was the multiple layered form in a little folder, best I remember. Then they sent me a copy as I guess normal renewal cycle some time later, was just single page. I actually have to carry the letter today if permit isn't in the box. Over 3.5 months, no explanation as to why it just sat until I called last Mon. - OS
  3. Figgers. One of my faults is that I jerk instead of squeeze. Triggers, that is. - OS
  4. Not that a class B misdemeanor conviction and 500 clams is to be taken lightly, but there's also the other statute that says HCP will be suspended or revoked for a 1359 conviction. All relatively moot. So far. - OS
  5. Pocket or IWB carry, my heater has always stayed inside my britches just fine. - OS
  6. Surely you've done basic search? Current edition: http://www.chuckhawk...ns_favorite.htm oldies: http://www.wisnersin...rite_rifles.htm Images with links: https://www.google.com/search?q=stevens+favorite+model&hl=en&newwindow=1&client=firefox-a&hs=Jbw&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=MIcxUPKGF4Wc9gSvuIGIDw&ved=0CFcQsAQ&biw=1631&bih=804 Here's a beauty, says made 1893-1939: http://www.collector...rite-22-lr.html etc - OS
  7. McCain is too of course. I'm surprised he's been giving short blurb interviews as much as he has during this thing so far. Always the "maverick" I guess. Right. Of course Dubya has become an unperson as far as the party is concerned. And Newt. Hell, they'd have to resurrect Ron himself to find an old GOP pol who'd actually help. - OS
  8. I'm not fastidious about it either, hit blackened areas briefly with copper brush and Hoppes on SP101, Blackhawk, and GP100 just to get the more solid grunge off. Then again, I didn't shine 'em so they glow in the dark either. - OS
  9. You know, the biggest variable with polls isn't often mentioned: Polls are conducted primarily over land lines.Estimates show that as many as 1/4 of homes in US have NO landline now. Which represents a lot more people than one per home, too. They don't get polled. More young people have cut the cord than older folks, which might mean that O is actually better off than the polls show? Or does cutting the cord simply indicate more of an "independent" spirit in all ages? I don't have a land line. Whut do it all mean, Vern? - OS
  10. You realize she never really said it that way, right? Tina Fey's parody is what's remembered. Although when Sarah said it in context of competency of foreign policy with Russia, it was gonna stick out like sore thumb period. Actual quote: "They're our next-door neighbors, and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska." - OS
  11. It's gonna come down to the old folks' votes down there. If Hussein can scare enough of 'em well enough, he'll win FL. I hope they're too world wise to bite, as it's an old tactic, but somewhat tried and true. - OS
  12. Your vote is likely to be more meaningful down there than a single one of ours, Erik. I beseech thee to cast thy ballot for Mitt. See my sig. - OS
  13. Nah, brain had to be lubed to spit most of them out in first place, and especially to take money for it now and then. - OS
  14. Ya should have stayed till end, sold my mighty derringer, had two folks after it. "Oh the guns all get purtier at closin' time." !
  15. A lifetime of linguistic prestidigitation, greased with cheap bourbon. With your encouragement, I'll add it to my sig, until Barack wins second term. - OS
  16. Yep, JC himself couldn't have won running under GOP. Above all, Barack Hussein Obama is Dubya's ironic legacy. All might have been different if he'd just not have gone into Iraq because he felt he had to do something big, combined with the boner to avenge his own daddy's legacy with the other Hussein. Dumb ass cowboy -- Teddy Roosevelt he ain't. - OS
  17. Kahr PM 9 (no safety), one in chamber every single day for years. - OS
  18. Most of he media outlets fawned, lauded, bowed, elected and anointed BHO. To turn against him now would show they used bad judgement four years ago. Must throw bad money after bad now. You may not get what you deserve from Mitt, but you deserve all you'll get from Barack. - OS
  19. Jeez, the long thread right under this one.
  20. gun-deals.com/ammo to go straight to ammunition also ammoengine.com and ammoseek.com, to remember a couple of more... Maybe other ones too, can't remember... Any given place can have the "best" deal at any given time on any given ammo, nobody always has it. Often good to just tack on some if you're found something else somewhere you want, since combined shipping may override a somewhat higher overall per round price, etc. - OS
  21. Surely you could beat it in 500/1000 bulk online, generally can. Tried any of the ammo search injuns, like gun-deals.com? - OS
  22. Fred Garvin was, me and Red Foreman are going tomorrow, think Fred might rejoin us for a bit. - OS
  23. That's what I was thinking. Shoot it off the good one 10 times so they match. Nice work on the leather, though! - OS
  24. True enough. But we can't run a background check, but can at least (forgery aside) verify residency via simple DL glance, which I'd feel more comfy with. I'd posit we are at the point where another high profile shooting or two (this time from perps who did NOT get thier guns through FFL) that might well be the impetus to end legal private sales nationwide. My point being that a person willing to buy illegally from out of state is probably quite likely to commit other criminal gun behavior too, and I'd just as soon do my tiny part to nix that. - OS
  25. Going tomorrow, but likely our own David (dlm37015) if he has any finished ammo, Georgia Arms if they have any of their "canned heat" left (usually sells out fast), or T&T or a couple of the other bigger overall presences there. But unless David has picked up on some good deals, the others can always be significantly beat online. Georgia Arms hasn't really stayed nearly as competitive as in the past; their strength is that they actually usually have it. Although their website is showing 7-10 days behind on shipping due to increased demand, which should show you how that market is going. - OS


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