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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Has dual citizenship according to Wiki.
  2. Would have been unlawful here period, so don't emulate the behavior in TN. - OS
  3. The elderly are more in play this election than usual, since SS and MediCare/MedicAid have become prominent issues. Older folks will probably determine winner in Florida just by themselves. Extremely unlikely Mitt could win without FL. Scare tactics regarding these have always been relatively effective in the past, and we all know where those mostly come from. - OS
  4. 39-17-1309 is rife with "public or private" wording. - OS
  5. It was really just an offhand comment to an offhand opinion, both using fun with statistics that don't exist. Jonnin sums up the rationale pretty well, methinks. Some of the significant "laws of God" in the major world religions are incorporated as secular law in the countries of each religion's traditional majority adherence, but of course there are many others that are not. It's logical to assume that non-believers break more religious laws than believers, but not that they break more of the secular ones too. Here in the predominately Christian USA for example, only three of the Ten Commandments clearly find their way into secular criminal law (theft, murder, and libel/slander/perjury), although adultery can be expensive and there may still be some Sunday blue laws scattered here and there. Don't get all excited, I didn't mean to foment a religious debate, sorry for the hijack. - OS
  6. Ive never seen any data to suggest that agnostics and atheists are less law abiding than folks as a whole. - OS
  7. Well, the only thing "dead" about it was the letter that the x numbers of Senators drew up saying they wouldn't ratify it. The UN conference remained scheduled. It ain't over till it's over. And sometimes not even then. If the US signs a treaty, I don't know if it's ever dead -- could be brought up again and again and ratified anytime in the future? And does BHO really care if it's ratified to act on it? He has shown that congressional rules, the law of the land, and the US Constitution are no more than minor inconveniences so far. - OS
  8. Over all other considerations, I find BHO's flagrant disregard for the constitution, congressional procedure, judicial enforcement, and established law so egregious that it overrides all other considerations this time around. It is not tinfoilery to suggest that he is setting precedents that are more in line with the Divine Right of Kings than a parliamentary Republic. Though both parties together have become tyranny, BHO has upped the ante for state control to an unconscionable level, and in a hurry. He actually has "accomplished" much in 4 years, and all of it makes the USA more divisive and less prosperous. The normal range of issues in order of precedence are out the window -- there's only one prime directive this time around. - OS
  9. Everybody says that. And yet all knives can be banned with a simple sign. Or sign and a search, like the Knoxville City County Building. If you want in, you give up your "non weapon" knife or come back later without it. I don't know of a definition for "weapon" in TCA? - OS
  10. So, what's the actual engineering purpose of a "different step" AR barrel, like the M4 type, which I guess this is, over just a constant outside diameter one?
  11. There ya go. You had double img tags. Nice looking traditional style rifle. I was disappointed when I first got an AR that I couldn't put a bayo on standard 16" barrel/gas block carbine config. Perhaps could use a pedicure, though. - OS
  12. Watch showing knife clip, too. Reports here and there of them being confiscated also. - OS
  13. Their PRC knives are among the best values in knifedom. I don't know of better values than some of the ones directly from Chinese makers like Enlan/SRM/Navy. I particular like the assisted ones: Clash, Compound, Asset, Tremor, Burst, Oso Sweet, etc. I'll probably score one this RG1 too, I have some eBay Bucks coming. - OS
  14. I agree this seems very very poor form on part of MA GOP, and likely handed down behind the scenes by national GOP if truth be known. Don't know what happened though, since the big wig he was bumped for said he wouldn't go since he lost. And I ain't gonna prowl around MSNBC to research As always, might makes right, and nowhere is the linen dirtier than BOTH of the major political parties, with possible exception of some unions. And of course, the linen is dirtier, and buried deeper, by the one in office. - OS
  15. Agree with second sentence, but VT issues no permit at all for reciprocity purposes, so that part doesn't need to be emulated. - OS
  16. This has been discussed many many times here: TN allows a non-student adult to leave unloaded firearm in vehicle on school property (as long as not handled at all while on school property). - OS
  17. Well, if by "steel" you actually mean "aluminum alloy". - OS
  18. Pussy Piers just got abashed on CNN, asked victim's brother leading anti-gun question, brother answered didn't matter about guns, people find a way to kill. And then Rudy Giuliani comes on and says pretty much same thing, mentions how tough gun laws hasn't worked in Chicago, and doesn't credit attempts at gun control per se as reason for NYC's miniscule murder rate by comparison - OS
  19. Well, you'd have a states' right hissyfit second only to the 1860's. The national carry law would have been a preliminary example had it passed. Besides, deployment veterans of any age have already been included as a high risk domestic terrorist pool by Comrade Janet, so we can't be giving them extra rights, eh? - OS
  20. Love my Moonie gun, too. In pocket everyday for over two years: - OS
  21. Well, as you say, drinking age (to buy) is de facto federal law, so it and military age are essentially federal issues, and could be changed, or at least allowed to change, by federal mandate. The others you mention: marriage, handgun carry/permits, and handgun purchase (from non-FFL source) are purely under the jurisdiction of the states. Contracts are under both federal/state, and have too many varieties to make a blanket statement, but there are indeed binding contracts involving minors. Voting minimum is federally mandated but as I understand it, does not ban the states from allowing younger residents to vote. A bunch of states allow 17 year olds to vote in primaries if they'll be 18 by general election date. Anyway, was really just an aside comment that a blanket "18 (or 21) for everything" simply couldn't be practically enacted, even by a federal constitutional amendment. - OS
  22. You're throwing federal and state laws into the same mishmash here. - OS
  23. What is unclear? "39-17-1307. Unlawful carrying or possession of a weapon (a) (1) A person commits an offense who carries with the intent to go armed a firearm, a knife with a blade length exceeding four inches (4''), or a club." - OS
  24. You can't oust even a obvious villain with ho hum. Like it or not, the election process has become largely American Idol. Ronald Reagan and Slick Willy had charm and charisma. Mitt is white bread. The most interesting thing about him is his Mormonism, which is overall no kind of plus either. You also have a president that could go on national television, actually pull out a gun and shoot a couple of people, and still get 20% of the vote or more. - OS
  25. I've got a butler creek stock on it, and it may be that there's a bit more room for it to creep than in factory one, not sure. - OS


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