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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. I don't see how the basic argument is religious anymore. No religious interaction or intent whatsoever is required to be married in any state. A state's marriage certificate gives couples certain civil standing that unmarried couples do not receive -- some states issue the same civil document to same sex couples. But the federal government doesn't recognize the same sex ones, nor do most other states. So something will have to give eventually. Religious people will rant and rave yea or nay, but it will be determined by courts and/or legislation. - OS
  2. I didn't know they weren't. What's in a word, "marriage" vs "union" as long as all governments and private companies have to honor it equally? - OS
  3. Federal spousal bennies go way beyond taxes. - OS
  4. And those marriages aren't recognized by the federal government. So there are lots of federal benefits that are denied to even those "married" couples, which is why there will have to eventually be federal legislation one way or the other. I'm on dialup this week, so takes forever to read a link like first posted, but like 56FordGuy, I'd take the 2% figure with a grain of salt. Most polls seem to indicate more of a 7-10% demographic. But, as has been said, at just what % of the population is it okay to deny equal benefits? The "right" involved is that "all are created equal". The state does not concern itself with the religious aspect of marriage, only the secular/legal aspect. I'd opine it will eventually have to honor that legal contract between any two persons regardless of gender. - OS
  5. If you mean why so many gun companies started in the NE, it's simply because most everything machine/industrial started in the NE. - OS
  6. ??? Acronis has been in business longer than Mozy or Carbonite. - OS
  7. Hoopsnakes do that once they've rolled downhill. - OS
  8. The ACLU has taken on many cases on which you would agree, including gun rights. They've also taken on the Patriot Act in various ways, which I have agreed with in just about every instance. It is a polarizing organization, depending on the current issue they're involved in; their federal lawsuits haven't seemed to care which party was in power at the time throughout the decades. In short, I support maybe half their windmill tilts as they arise, and don't see them as any way "in league" with the Democratic Party. And of course, they don't get a dime of public money. - OS
  9. Since a new party can't get on any state ballots now, just what 3rd party is he to run under? - OS
  10. Tactics and Training would seem as appropriate...
  11. Only definition I know in TN is the sort of gray "designed to be held in one hand" or similar, doesn't actually specifiy size, yes? (I'm on dialup right now, can't get around very well to find it, know it's not under the weapons section definitions where it should be) - OS
  12. Went by today, have walked around Camp Jordon many times, first time ever inside the building. Seemed to be a bit smaller than the Knox shows at the Expo but not by a whole lot. Seemed that only about 50% of vendors there also show in Knoxville. Prices on new guns I know and bulk ammo seemed about 5-10% higher than just a couple weeks ago at last show in Ktown, but doubt that had anything to do with venue. I saw one rare bird there, a new Marlin .357 lever, for $675 + -- they're so hard to get almost grabbed it on general purposes even at that price, but didn't. Had a nice lookin' Winchester .357 right next to it, too for 8 bills. Anyway, spent a pleasant time there, although the 'Nooga concrete floors ain't any more forgiving on the ole back than Knoxville ones. - OS
  13. It's too late for a new party to get on any state's ballot. It's write in or nothing for RP, unless one of the fringe parties dumps their candidate to pick him up. - OS
  14. Being licensed in a state to practice law doesn't make one a bricklayer. And certainly he used his legal expertise in MA throughout his business career, even if he couldn't technically "practice" there. I'd opine that being a lawyer is as much about training and point of view as it is about handling individual cases, but perhaps it's splitting hairs either way. - OS
  15. There is a federal pistol size law? - OS
  16. Interesting how he got positive response for dissing lawyers as politicians. Romney is a lawyer. Oops. - OS
  17. One of my idols also. Though he's been an iconic actor, I think he's been a better director. - OS
  18. Overall, it saddened me and I was embarrassed for him by proxy. Even if he were gonna go with a poor schtick like the empty chair number, he should have had it all on teleprompter so he didn't have to stumble through it and the rest of the address also. Clint's obviously still plenty sharp enough to direct Academy caliber flix but he just came off as wandering and senile. Even the ending was impromptu, spurred by a random shout from the audience. I cringed through most of it. - OS
  19. Afraid I found it quite squirm inducing myself. I was saddened by it, and embarrassed by proxy. - OS
  20. The fairly new Robust is really a nice one, thicker blade than the standard ones. - OS
  21. Well, popular vote would have made him president in 2000 so it's an understandable sentiment on his part, eh? - OS
  22. Then he needs to call TNDOS handgun permit office right away. Insist on talking to Lisa Knight personally. - OS
  23. Certainly it's not what TNDOS site says. It certainly defies logic that a change of address would require a new back ground check, and I always take "a guy I know said" anecdotes with a grain of salt, just sayin.... - OS
  24. No end of the lunacy in sight. Now Kali is about to ban BB guns in public: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=ca%20to%20ban%20bb%20guns&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CCIQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.calwatchdog.com%2F2012%2F08%2F22%2Flegislators-pass-bill-to-regulate-bb-guns%2F&ei=cxhAULb6PPS-0QGB2IBo&usg=AFQjCNGvdgougPW7HOH2w6v6IY-MJO9ZJg - OS
  25. Aw man, Clint Eastwood lives there. And he's just about to speak at the RNC. - OS


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