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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Religious bodies will just have to get over the word. It has no religious lexical connotation in English. You're just as married whether by justice of the peace or bishop -- as long as you have paid for the official state document. Churches can add "holy" or something to it if they like for "their" marriages. - OS
  2. Non resident permits started because of employment or split residency issues, where one spends x amount of time in a state other than their own, and where perhaps their resident state's permit wasn't honored. But yeah, some states now just wholesale issue them, and I can only think of two reasons other than the work/split residence thing: - they want to spread 2A rights around - it's a cash cow - OS
  3. Why? The piece of paper that says Marriage License on it is already issued by the state, not a religious entity. Marriage, in the eyes of the state, already has no religious significance. - OS
  4. In East TN, yeah. Few more state wide maybe, this source claims 33 in all: http://www.tennsnakes.org/ - OS
  5. No preacher gets charged with a hate crime now if he refuses to marry a black/white couple. Or a rabbi refuses a Jewish/atheist couple. Etc. Although I don't know exactly what law it is, but obviously states MUST marry folks who qualify by paying the license fee, getting blood test or whatever if that's still required anywhere. The same folks would simply have to marry same sex couples. The gummit is NOT gonna take on any denomination to force it to marry anyone, just as it is now. Hell, the Obamacare contraception/abortion stink may well lose the Catholic vote for BHO. This flap has not been lost on pols, and it's a tempest in a teapot compared to same sex "marriage". - OS
  6. That's quite a stretch. Churches are not required to marry anyone now by law. Certain government offices are, like county clerk -- don't know if there's a federal law about it at all, maybe handled state by state law? But none require any minister in any church to marry anyone. Why should it change from whoever is legally tasked with doing it now? - OS
  7. I've always found handgunlaw.us as most up to date and comprehensive for concealed carry. Separate PDF for each state by clicking on main map. Shows forbidden carry locations early on in each doc. Cross reference with opencarry.org if you're interested in OC also. - OS
  8. Much better. It has always been kept current, unlike several of the other sites often mentioned. Matter of fact, it has often been correct when the TNDOS site is not. There's a discrepancy right now about WI on TNDOS, for example, but handgunlaw.us has it right. - OS
  9. Wow, I see that under handgunlaw.us. No explanation of reason there, how bizarre. - OS
  10. Don't see why not. Except that a few states don't recognize another state's non-resident permit at all. Ironically, FL is one of them, even though FL issues a non-resident and honors it. - OS
  11. I don't know NC statutes, but I wonder if they didn't find out it was illegal to do it under state law as the real reason they rescinded it, and their explanation is just PR oriented. - OS
  12. When the TNDOS hearing was scheduled (and best I remember, was rescheduled due to weather), at any rate, when it came up, he was involved with the constitutional right to carry lawsuit, that would make a HCP unnecessary and chose to fully play that hand rather than contest getting his HCP back, which was as dumb as any decision he made. - OS
  13. Christians like to claim that, but it's fallacious. All cultures, regardless of their predominant religion, have had prohibitions against murder, theft, assault, etc. All have acknowledged personal property rights of various degrees, marriage sanctions, etc. Much more commonality between cultures than dissimilarity. These concepts developed long before there was widespread religion of any flavor. They were present in the first cuneiform records we have of civilization in Sumer and it's safe to suppose they were present much earlier, and were in place as soon as people banded together in groups larger than nuclear families for protection. Why? Because it's the logical best way, actually the only way, for people to cohere in groups -- anarchy does not foment civilization. The American experiment is quite unique but its basic laws regarding individual behavior are not. Christianity espouses much the same virtues as all major world religions, and most of these were in place before there were "world religions" at all. If we had laws against the Seven Deadly Sins, you'd have a case. - OS
  14. Hey, I'm proud to be an American Heathen. Seriously, I find the suggestion that this country should legislate based on anyone's interpretation of "god's will" to be quite repugnant. Perhaps we should harken back to the days of our heritage when the King of England was also the head of the Church, and the Pope was his veep. - OS
  15. No,they can't. There is no procedure to make private or public sector pension plans pay off to surviving same sex spouse. There are no legal documents that will compel the federal government give your social security bennies surviving same sex spouse. Or military benefits, from on base housing to survivor benefits. Or various income tax matters. Section 8 housing stuff. Food stamps. Just a few that spring to mind. I'm sure there are thousands buried in various state and federal programs. To say none of those should exist is non sequitur, they do, and will continue to. And ever more so, looks like. - OS
  16. True, once you've been a TN resident for 6 months. - OS
  17. None. I'm not sure that any other permit in the US would add any states to our 39. - OS
  18. NC doesn't have state preempted carry laws? - OS
  19. I gotcha. Anyway, Remington/Marlin/H&R/NEF aren't publicly traded. They are subsidiaries of Freedom Arms, a private company, which is owned by Cerberus, also a private company. - OS
  20. Nope, just one hearing at TNDOS, not in court. Which he did not attend. All his court dates have been about other matters. - OS
  21. The one that matters for inheritance, survivor benefits, insurance matters, tax purposes, etc beau coup, is granted by the state. - OS
  22. I was referring to The Tanakh, what you Christians usurped as the Old Testament. - OS
  23. There There is zero reason for a Tennessean with HCP to have a VA non-resident permit. - OS
  24. Only 3 of the ten commandments are universally unlawful behavior and I include "bearing false witness" (slander/libel/perjury). A fourth, adultery, can be expensive, but is never a criminal act. I suppose you could argue that archaic Blue Laws were a partial fifth. Not to mention the hundreds of other do's and don'ts mentioned in the OT which aren't even followed by the most pious of Jewish sects, let alone find their way into secular law. Murder and theft have been crimes in all cultures as that is the practical way for people to live together in groups. - OS


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