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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Right handed: http://routedriver.home.comcast.net/pub/Error-Target/Pistol-Correction-RH-Letter.pdf Left handeed: http://routedriver.home.comcast.net/pub/Error-Target/Pistol-Correction-LH-Letter.pdf - OS
  2. Read the Dem platform? Reinstatement of AWB and end of private sales are mentioned (called "ending gun show loophole") HBO with long history of anti-gun voting wins second term with nothing to lose. What's the logical bet? - OS
  3. Whole 'nother topic. Best to start new thread if you want to really discuss that, IMO. - OS
  4. A state carry permit pertains to handguns only. Carry of loaded rifle in general public is unlawful carry, permit or not. - OS
  5. Heller didn't negate any laws in states like MA, NY, Kali, MD, etc., where types of weapons, round capacity, configuration, etc. are legislated. - OS
  6. 'Bout only question I see is whether we stay on a gradual decline of the overall living standard or whether at some point there's a relatively quick and cataclysmic period into exactly gawd knows what. - OS
  7. To my knowledge, no state with constitutional open carry limits that to residents only. Matter of fact, the only limitation for non-residents I've seen yet is the new concealed carry without permit in Wyoming. - OS
  8. You guys really being honest? Remember, it's what you really logically think, not how you're voting or hoping -- as if you had to bet the farm. - OS
  9. See criteria in first post. Sorry, loons. - OS
  10. Always leaned thus, since JFK anyway, but nothing like the all out unrelenting anointment nowadays. - OS
  11. Ah, that's super!
  12. You can post too, but the main idea is to VOTE, ya know? - OS
  13. Not who you hope will win, but based on everything you know 60 days out, who you really believe will win -- vote as if you had to bet the farm. Thought it might be interesting to see TGO sampling, maybe do it again at 30 days out. All else being dead even, I still don't think GOP can beat the overall liberal media. Sorry, no third choice for loons. - OS
  14. Well, our system of government does indeed allow it to be destroyed over time also. De Toqueville was right, the people have been bribed with their own money for so long that now even those who don't contribute anything demand a disproportional share of everything. And get it. Letting the people vote for president and senators at all wasn't the overall brightest idea, since the country was never conceived as a pure democracy. Majority rule on issue by issue would have had most everyone in chains long ago. And giving women the vote was the eventual coup de grâce, just sayin.... - OS
  15. China can now tool up for anything. Quality just depends on the contracted specs. - OS
  16. It's just plain ole ".22 mag", which of course is a rimfire cartridge WMR(F) "Winchester Magnum RimFire" Just don't ever see the "F", at least commonly. Guess it shows Ruger's commitment to be innovative and different.
  17. Haven't seen this mentioned? New Ruger single action in .22 WMR. They call it WMRF, never seen that designation... Man, Ruger just keeps on cranking. http://ruger.com/products/newModelSingleSixSingleNine/models.html - OS
  18. I bought some more of the BX25's. Look for some cheap Butler Creek mags in TGO trading post soon. Free pair of glasses, too. - OS
  19. Caught my eye, weekend special only. Glock 17/19/21/22 $19.99 Ruger BX25 $19.99 Ruger LCP $19.99 Ruger LC9 $22.99 AR stuff, etc $6 ship, free for $99 worth http://www.cdnninvestments.com/specials.html - OS
  20. 'Bout caught up on gun shows here, not long since the last one and I was at 'Nooga show last week too. Here's the obligatory coupon: - OS
  21. Well, probably fair to say the pure bison were "unruly" and not very "trainable", but not dangerous as in charging people or whatever. The two small beefalo herds I observed way back when might have been a bit more skittish overall, but not much, you could walk right up to them like normal dairy cows, and that was before the strains became more standard. Nobody starts with pure bull or cow bison anymore, and I'd wager the current strains behave pretty much the same as any domestic stock. But on topic to my original comment, it think it's safe to opine that a few scattered around Ted's 300 acres would pose zero risk to a hunter, even if they were pure bison, which seems extremely unlikely. More like shooting a Holstein in a pasture rather than a Cape buffalo in the bush. - OS
  22. Well, the audience wasn't in the biz, including me -- considering the occasion and expectations, half the audience thought it sucked, including me, and I'm a big Clint fan. - OS
  23. Would seem to me that a responsible feller would formulate at least a rough idea of what he wanted to talk about beforehand if he were only addressing a Sunday School class, let alone 20 million folks. - OS
  24. Lenny has been a source for much thoughtful discussion about individual rights, TN law, and 2A issues and the like. Mostly though, has been entertaining over time. Not boring is generally a plus, short of personal SHTF level. - OS


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