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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Besides the technical illegality and sketchy net access, in your opinion are Muslims really that uniformly devout in their practices, all over the world? Like they're all Hassidic-Jews-who-keep-strict-Kosher type rigid? Besides all the radicals, the rank and file ain't 50% sort of sinners like the normal folks with which I'm familiar? - OS
  2. Only one opinion counts. The one that allows you to draw and fire. - OS
  3. God, not Mecca. We need the Saudis' airstrips and flyover space to keep dropping the pigs! What a great story! And shows the cultural "stone age" mindset very well. - OS
  4. I agree too many are yes, but no, I don't agree with the exact quoted statement that he doofusly made. - OS
  5. That's Mister Babyboomer to you. And if you're 93, I'll eat your hat. - OS
  6. Had one drilled in semi-difficult place for the rig to reach in slanting holler around 1985-86 by The family that did most of them in Union County at the time. Hit pert good water at about 75', but for various reasons they suggested going further into bedrock, think it was about 110' when done. Believe it was about $3500, another maybe grand or $1200 for well pipe, submerged pump, wiring, pipe down to the house (I dug the 200' 24" deep trench from well myself, by hand too by gawd), and inside pressure tank. Long time ago, I guess it's a lot more now; then again, it was obvious this outfit's real bottom line price depended on a lot of factors, like how much work they had waiting, whether they liked you, etc. - OS
  7. Gentlemen (using the term quite loosely indeed), enough. ThePunisher, learn to quote correctly. - Oh "Peace and Light" Shoot
  8. Been hanging out there for years, no probs. Whether it came from there or not, you need to upgrade whatever you're using. Nothing but router, AVG Free, and modicum of caution has kept all well at this location since 1998. - OS
  9. They'll tell you where at DMV. You pay for app at DMV, give them class certification first, fingerprints are included in the $115, they give you a doc to take to fingerprint place. Probably a UPS Store or similar, maybe choice of several depending on where you are. Fingerprint place sends them electronically then you're done. - OS
  10. Thing is supposedly dubbed into several languages. Arabic language version on YouTube also. Even the English version is dubbed, they're not the original words spoken by the English speaking actors, quite obvious just looking at the sync. Plus of course, the original actors say so, and one even had her original script still in her possession. Also, the thing has been saved and passed around on puters and phones now. I agree that likely very small % had seen it when all this cranked up last week, but I'd say it's readily available now. Also available all over by FTP now, for anyone who has net connection, YouTube access certainly not needed. And now, the whole 74 min thing is available, not just the 14 min trailer, which was all anyone could find up until a few days ago. So whether it caused any of the initial SHTF at all around the world, it certainly now has legs to help keep it stoked, even if just used as a secondary excuse. Probably neighborhood block parties all over the Muslim world gathered at the nearest puter/smart phone that has a copy. - OS
  11. And that's the bright side. Already the high worldwide price of crude reflects a dark little contributing secret: the viewpoint of the actual value of the USD, and expectations for its future, just like a commodities market. The day that OPEC decides their oil will be traded in a base currency other than the 'Mericun buck begins hyperinflation here like Argentina in late '70s. At best. - OS
  12. Unscaled by the HTML: Upsampled and blown out: Unless they were digitally zapped on purpose, I don't believe there are any factory markings on it. Think it's a toy. - OS
  13. Same section as right to vote for president I think. - OS
  14. Okay gang.... I think pretty much everyone who's gonna vote has ... asking for this to be closed, but left up. I'll do another at 30 days out, may be quite interesting to compare, especially since there may be huge swings in events to affect public perception. Hopefully they won't all be Mitt shooting himself in the head like the perceived alienation of "the 47%" that broke overnight. - OS
  15. No HCP? Get one, leave 'em loaded. - OS
  16. Well, nobody died, so it wasn't all that, battle wise. But quite significant episode regarding corruption vs free elections and all. Local kingpins certainly got their comeuppance, but none of them even served any time. In my youth in Athens, was around a couple of guys who were involved, but no contacts for ya, sorry, don't even remember their names. Only the dirty pictures on the walls at the parts shop where they hung out. - OS
  17. Three folks take time to help and you still didn't do it? Geez...
  18. I used my antique H&R .22. Cylinder has to be removed to reload. Instructor actually asked, "You're not gonna carry that thing are you?" I said, "Sure, just look how fast I can reload it!" I didn't figure I needed to add a wink, but guess I did, he seemed to take it seriously. Plus, it's the tactical high capacity 9 round model and all. - OS
  19. What sucks is that since approved, I guess they don't tell you what the prob was, right? So you don't know if the same thing is gonna happen next time? - OS
  20. Showed in LA to 10 people back in June is only known public showing, no source for getting it every shown yet. That's why I was so surprised to see it on YouTube. Fellow who posted it has 9 other vids up there, typical teen goth/video game stuff, no idea what story is on his having this one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lgx1_JVxfZE - OS
  21. Full movie. I'll watch entire trailer and report for only $40. - OS
  22. Amazingly, it's on YouTube now. Supposedly no one has seen it since original showing back in June. I grabbed it, just for ... I don't know why. Send $200 for my time and the booze it'll take to get through it, and I'll watch it and report. - OS
  23. That particular one was, but there are still other ones on YouTube. Dunno if they're playing whack-a-mole or what. Can't find any mention in news about change in policy. There's also now what seems to be ENTIRE movie, 74 minutes. Heck, supposedly that's NEVER been available ANYwhere. I grabbed it for posterity. Might can charge admission at pep rallies during the coming religious war. - OS
  24. Sounds like you maximize your chances for the ticket option. - OS
  25. There ya go. I never had much luck with searching that damn frames based format btw. Even without the mention in 1359, though, 1311 is clear in that only city/county parks may bar permit holders. And of course the penalties for violation of the two are different also. - OS


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