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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Nothing has changed with current corded landlines, or the phone line supply to them. They all still work when the power goes out. Last experience was with Mom's, with a current cheapo corded phone, with half of Hamilton County powerless. And dialup internet worked fine, too. Perhaps you've overdosed? - OS
  2. I got one last year for only the second, maybe third time ever, since I had a doc appointment about that time anyway. Got what seemed to be flu twice. Screw it. - OS
  3. I've always looked younger than my mileage. - OS
  4. My final gig had plenty of that. Average 70 stops, 125 miles - OS
  5. Buchanan, Pierce, Filmore, and Tyler were all worse. Andrew Johnson, too, even though he was a Tennessean. I don't see how I managed to live through any of those administrations. - OS
  6. Yup, long as the phone line into home is still viable, good to go even with no juice. When the tornadoes hit in N.Bama/SE TN last year, I was at Mom's, no power for two weeks. My dialup puter account saved the day, though I had to charge puter over at nearby house that had juice. - OS
  7. Generally not so bad, you can hold it shut without much force. What's can be really dangerous is putting fingers in front of revolver cylinder, bigger the caliber the worse! - OS
  8. I have 922, similar gun, just a bit older. Have shot the piss out of it, no probs. I've shot plenty of 1280 fps and less out of it. Even took my HCP with it. Generally just shoot single action for accuracy. Near as I can tell, it's probably worth about $150 or so, so would think a c-note would be a fine buy. Incidentally, the 922 and 929 have version of hammer block built in (connected to the little lever you see behind the trigger), so they're drop safe with hammer on loaded chamber. Pretty innovative when it first came out. Mine you have to remove cylinder to load, 929 has swing out cylinder, so that's handier. - OS
  9. For some absurd reason while considering this, I simply had a vision of bolt just moving inside the carrier, totally disregarded hard fact that carrier has to come back into the tube. Yes, I've taken them apart. - OS
  10. nm, continued stupidity by double tapping
  11. edit: Big duh, I get it, Mac, wasn't thinking, thnx. - OS
  12. So, have toyed with going pistol with one of the AR lowers I bought for no particularly good reason. To keep me from actually learning something by doing my own research , I ask the following: Most all I see use the conventional rifle buffer tube like: Once in a while I see one quite a bit shorter, like this; seems to be about the shortest you can get? So question is, I assume the shorter one simply has stronger and shorter spring in there, but which begs the real question: why aren't there any even shorter than that, with just shorter stronger spring? - OS
  13. For those who don't know, you can download vids from YouTube and elsewhere with a variety of free proggies. I use Download Helper, plugin for FireFox. Allows to grab as .flv or usually .mp4 also. Lots of .flv players also, I use GOM. - OS
  14. I suspected it might, didn't know it was "supposed" to be there or not. I wonder how it got out, doesn't seem like a theater camera pirate or anything, and not even on DVD yet? - OS
  15. Outstanding, thanks for posting! Didn't know this was available anywhere cept theater or DVD. Grabbed it to watch another time. - OS
  16. Pretty certain they aren't instructed that it's an offense in academy; doubt if any to speak of even know of that definition. - OS
  17. Yeah, it's amazing how large they can get just living in the small creeks out there. I used to stop and get them off roads in that whole three county area, some had to go 35 lbs, maybe more. Most amazing place I've seen one was right here on the greenway less than a year ago, right here in the urb between shopping center, Sutherland, and railroad tracks behind backyards on Kingston Pike. Was in a wet weather only part of creek that you can probably develop film in, and had to be at least 20 lbs. Blew my mind. - OS
  18. I had some kind of terrapin I caught fishing as a little kidnick. Kept him outside in a little pen with a shallow basin of water for a couple of years. His demise: water froze over in pan while he was in it. Heartbreak and guilt -- only exceeded by accidental snuffage of a baby possum I was raising twenty ago on the other side of the ridge from you, but that's another story. Oh, btw, that baby snapper -- almost certainly the Common Snapping Turtle, not the Alligator. - OS
  19. Often quoted. Safe to say that's an archaic definition, and I'd opine that there's a good chance the word "loaded" was inadvertently left out, as far as intent of the thing. But whatever, it's obvious that the precise actual defenses and exceptions in the subsequent sections are the real world determinants for actual charges and adjudication. LEO's just don't bust folks for having unloaded mags with their guns, and even should one do so, no way would a conviction occur. If that were a real factor of concern, we'd know about it. - OS.
  20. Nah, it's all same story regarding purchases over the last six months. - OS
  21. Meh, that's less that 5 rounds for each of us. "They" aren't that good. - OS
  22. Russian or Chinese communism isn't the end of the world either, I agree. Btw, how would you feel about no election period? - OS
  23. Just a note: movie is Shooter, from novel Point of Impact, by Steven Hunter. Novel is excellent read by way, much more technical as to long range shooting. Hunter, who really does know his stuff btw, wasn't screenwriter though, don't know if he collaborated or not. - OS
  24. Such an informative and authoritative comment is always welcome. Seriously, if you'd simply read thread, especially link to the horse's mouth above in #4, you wouldn't have to wonder anymore. "341.21 Nonmailable Explosives Small Arms Ammunition. Ammunition is classified as a Division 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, or 1.4 explosive, depending on the degree of hazard. Ammunition that is regulated as a Class 1 explosive and designed to be fired from a pistol, revolver, rifle, or shotgun, as well as associated primers and blank cartridges (including those designed for tools) and propellant powder for use in any firearm, is prohibited from mailing." - OS
  25. The mighty Voles have played them to a 23-23 tie at end of half. Barely. I imagine TN's depth will wear them down in 2nd, but still, the kangaroo is mighty proud so far. - OS


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