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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. That's the crux of the problem with the "parking lot carry" effort too. TN simply needs to extend all domicile rights to vehicle. What's really totally full tilt bozo is that: 1. illegal to have loaded weapon in vehicle without a permit 2. legal to use deadly force for forcible entry into vehicle 3. if you do #2, not guilty of # 1 It's just patently absurd that a basic provision for self defense within the confines of his own property gives an otherwise law abiding citizen a criminal record. - OS
  2. That's amazing, was just looking there the other day, and they're saying 90-120 days on that! http://www.rockriver...category_ID=452 Enjoy! - OS
  3. Difference is, PSA ain't never screwed anyone, just pissed 'em off. - OS
  4. Dunno, sometimes the juice is enough to make it worthwhile. For me, anyway. Though I've had minor frustrations there myself, they've never defrauded anyone, and I've gotten some very good deals indeed on ammo, one rifle, and a couple of lowers. - OS edit: btw I looked at those uppers but don't know enough about ARs to know whether those light barrels would be satisfactory or not. The only AR I have is a M&P Sport and it's really accurate but has a quite thick barrel. Here's the link to one, if youse guys what knows yer stuff want to comment: http://palmettostatearmory.com/index.php/featured/psa-16-hammer-forged-ulw-madness-stripped-upper-without-bcg-or-charging-handle.html - OS
  5. It was that Last Train that went in there bringing all the riff raff. - OS
  6. Thanks. Yep, looks good according to that thread. Some really wowzer pricing there I must say. - OS
  7. I'm all for the less drama and pain (especially pain), the better. In my sleep would be fine. Although I'd likely be a stinky problem before anyone ever found out. But the burning question is, why is this thread still in Long Guns? edit: magic mod presto chango, Dolo I betcha. - OS
  8. That's exactly what I paid for my first one better part of a year ago, except plus tax. This one has free shipping too, so would be even cheaper than mine, $645 with transfer and TICS through FFL I use. I don't know that company at all, but it's a bit suspicious that EVERYthing they show is "in stock". Could be just better than average real time inventory. Or....? They also show stainless Ruger 1911 in stock also, and at $719 much cheaper than Bud's last price when they actually had some . I dunno...hmm. Anybody ever buy from this place? - OS
  9. Being drawn to perhaps more than a healthy share of strong women along the way, I learned early on to thrive on abuse. That certainly sounds more than passable. If I get to meet The, or even A, Big Guy, I'll surely be able to fill a good bit of eternity asking questions. Think I'll break the ice with, "so what's the story on that duck-billed platypus, anyway?" Well, I'm off on 8 mile round trip walk to the Y. Day to jump around in the pool with a bunch of fat ladies. My fav place to get the latest germs, I reckon, to bring it back on topic. - OS
  10. Think I'll pass for now, not sure about those skinny barrels? - OS
  11. Dunno if a joke or not. Might actually explain how I've survived such a strange run thus far! - OS
  12. Well, I can understand trying to get his 90 clams back before blowing the whistle by using exact name. - OS
  13. It's really impossible to know. In my two year stint as a high school teacher way back when I went from being one of those "hardly ever get anything" folks to having something damn near the whole time. I once had pinkeye, strep throat, and acute bronchitis at same time! On the other hand, the last gig I had (FedEx delivery) I touched average 70 people per day or what they had just touched (like my scanner), not to mention being around beau coup others as 75% of the deliveries were to stores, and often crowded ones. Don't know I had the flu in the whole three years, certainly never missed a day. And no flu shots. So this might indicate building up lifetime immunities to some degree over 60 years. Or not. But like you, I've had quite limited contact by comparison in the last 4 years or so, near hermit status 50% of the time, but I've had something or other to feel pretty rough for a day or three 2-3 times a year. So maybe the "contact immunity" has to be somewhat constant. Or maybe the YMCA, Kroger, and shooting ranges are higher risk areas that the average! Or not. Can tell you that at least half the times over last few years I've come down with something have been after a week at Mom's in 'Nooga. Which entails eating out every day and attending church on the Sunday. And going to the Y down there also. Although pretty careful about touching public doors, since Mom is obsessed with not doing that, and wash hands often. So maybe YMCAs are all deadly, or the Baptist church is calling hellfire down on this heathen, or maybe Hamilton County germs are just more virulent than Knox County ones! Or not. No way to do a valid statistical sampling on just oneself. - OS
  14. That's the part I couldn't grok looking at exploded view, how the rod attaches to bolt carrier so it can pull it back into battery after the shot, looks like it just sticks into it and would go back forward leaving carrier/bolt in the open position. Don't see any pin or anything shown that would hold them together. Mini14 has the spring behind action bar (which they call "slide assembly", what the charging handle is part of) which locks into bolt, so it's quite obvious. - OS
  15. Good holster for leg men. There's a holster for the other major attraction(s), too: - OS
  16. I see you've gotten the HCP field to show under posting profile, nifty. I've asked before, but one thing I liked about the vBulletin was that it had a real name field in profile if user wanted to show it, and one wanted to look at profile. That field just not available in IPB or you chose not to implement it? - OS
  17. This thing was really billed as a state certified HCP course, and not just a safety course of some kind? I mean, you watched the state produced video, took a written multiple choice test, shot 48 rounds at three or more distances and so forth? There were other people in the class? How much was it? I mean, this whole thing is beginning to sound like total prosecutable fraud, and the state might be very interested? - OS
  18. The zombies don't know how to refuel the phone company's generators, or they could have phone service. But the conversations between zombies are pretty boring anyway, just lots of mmmmmm and aaaarrrgggh and so forth. - OS
  19. Yeah, it is, but not in the same sense as a conventional piston driven AR, which still needs a buffer tube and spring. Looking at PLR exploded view, I can't quite see how the bolt gets back into battery, though. Seems quit different from say, the Mini14 "fixed piston" operation. - OS
  20. Good to hear that, certainly hope the hassle and pain turn out to be worth it. Seems specs call for 48 volt DC when not in use, probably varies, though, just like actual AC voltage. But anyway, unless the telco's back up generators and battery banks fail, the old standard phone system still works fine. But yeah, you do have to have an actual intact line all the way into your abode, too. Certainly, lots of folks lost that during the tornadoes as trees took down phone lines too. - OS
  21. The blem on barrel ones? If so, I'm nibbling too. - OS .
  22. I was thinking it would go nicely with single point sling under a full length leather coat. I already have the coat and a lower. - OS
  23. Does look rather cool.


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