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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. TN average daily Covid deaths: (2020) March 0.7 (first death 3/21/20) April 5.8 May 5.3 June 8.0 July 14.7 Aug 22.5 Sept 23.2 Oct 29.0 Nov 41.9 Dec 74.3 (2021) Jan 88.4 total TN deaths thru 1/31/21: 9,650 ---------------------------- edit note: I did a quick back check on overall deaths per day average (28.5) x the 316 days since first death, and only got 9,006 deaths. They must have revised some of the days here and there to higher death counts after I'd already tabulated their monthly totals, but I'm not gonna go back and ferret them out. So my figures are actually a bit on the conservative side compared to the official total as stands today. - OS
  2. Me too. Fewer than 10 times though. But I'm hedging my bets even more now, especially with the apparently more contagious strains coming into play. I'd really be pissed if I croaked so close to being able to change the odds big time by getting dosed. (I have more than one chink in my anti-virus armor btw). - OS
  3. I'm just gonna use their online system from puter. I think I'll just check no substitutions, whatever I get will be enough I'm sure. May need to do same from Sam's too before I can get dosed. - OS
  4. After better part of a year of being as responsible as possible and now that a vaccine is so close, if I needed to go inside a building, I'd wear a frigging space helmet if I had one! I'm actually gonna use curbside pickup from Kroger for first time in a few days. - OS
  5. TN deaths have certainly NOT trended down so far, currently the highest average ever, including the highest single day ever on Tues (192). The current week has indeed soared from third week. Dec 1-7 407 Dec 8-14 532 Dec 15-21 595 Dec 22-28 452 Dec 29-31 319 total: 2,305 = 74.3 per day (2021) Jan 1-7 585 Jan 8-14 740 Jan 15-21 452 Jan 22-28 733 total: 2,510 = 89.6 per day (with 3 days left in Jan). Death counts are of course a lagging indicator up or down dependent on case counts and the more direct and reliable stat, hospitalizations. So unless the strains turn more deadly, the death counts should go down as hospitalizations go down, but it hasn't happened yet. - OS
  6. Nationally, yesterday was a new daily death record. And we're still not looking well state wide. Running ahead of last month with daily death rate so far, though this week we fell significantly below the first two of the month. Dec 1-7 407 Dec 8-14 532 Dec 15-21 595 Dec 22-28 452 Dec 29-31 319 total: 2,305 = 74.3 deaths per day (2021) Jan 1-7 585 jan 8-14 740 jan 15-21 452 total: 1,777 = 84.6 deaths per day. - OS
  7. People are using masks that are already pre-contamined? Geez, where do you get those? Virii die after a while on surfaces exposed to the environment. Of course, if it's YOUR virii that you're putting into your mask, you've already got it, eh? - OS
  8. Well, remember, we older folks make up the majority of the deaths. So even though young(er) folks have older relatives, they still just tend to be more blase about it all as a whole. Don't even have to overly worry about their kids in the total scheme of things. Even though many thousands of 35-60 year olds have also died. Not accusing ageism, just egocentric nature of folks these days. Maybe always. I just hope there aren't additional shoes to still drop regarding long term affects from the damn thing. - OS
  9. Oh Shoot


    What zactly is the prob there? Wound, diabetes, phlebitis ... ? - OS
  10. But it's a genuine "QBloader".
  11. It started a long time a couple of different hosting softwares ago. Best I remember, it originally was a small perk for benefactor status, then later it became possible for anyone past a certain post count. Definitely not there now.
  12. Dunno what to tell you there, as 110-20100 is shown as the lowest starting number. Like you, I would assume that anything starting with the 110 would have to be in those two years, but that's odd. I would recommend staying with Ruger BX 25 or BX 15 mags. - OS
  13. TN average daily Covid deaths: (2020) March 0.7 (first death 3/21/20) April 5.8 May 5.3 June 8.0 July 14.7 Aug 22.5 Sept 23.2 Oct 29.0 Nov 41.9 Dec 74.3 (2021) Jan 94.6 (thru 14th) total TN deaths: 8,232 IHME projection based on current projection scenario by April 1, 2021: 13,936 - OS
  14. On the shipping end, I've seen a lot of "Shipment Received, Package Acceptance Pending". That might last for several days. Then that notice will go away when the scan indicates "received, sent to distribution center" in whichever nearest city of size. Obviously, it's just been sitting at the local, not yet sent, or at that larger center, not yet scanned. Similar, on my end, I get a lot of "Arrived at USPS Regional Destination Facility KNOXVILLE TN DISTRIBUTION CENTER". Where it might sit for x number of days before finally getting a received notice at my local PO. This indicates to me that there is often just too huge a glut of packages to simply get it 4 miles away to my local. Then, again, I've had at least four packages that made it to Knoxville that didn't make it my local PO before a notice that they were "received in Memphis". Or Jacksonville. Then started the route over from there. Now, ordinarily, I've had a very few like that through the years which would simply indicate mistakes, but too many in too short a time this time around, so I still think when they simply couldn't cram any more packages into their holding areas here and there, they've been "load balancing" and sending stuff around in a loop, essentially using their trucking contractor system as "temporary on road storage". And also again, I had no problems with USPS overall ever, and I've done a zillion sent/received through the last 20 years or so in particular, UNTIL literally a week after Dejoy was put in charge by DJT. This was an obvious blatant ploy to slow down mail voting nationwide, and the courts agreed. And even though the courts said, "put it back like it was", too many gears were already stripped by then to recover in a hurry. And then add the holiday gift glut and the dramatically increasing Covid rates which take a toll on workforce and also promote people using the mail even more, and here we are. - OS
  15. The flu vaccine has been around for almost 75 years, and is no more effective than around 60-70% at best, usually less, sometimes far less. AIDS virus was first identified 37 years ago, and there is still no vaccine at all. Not mention the common cold. So I'd opine that the Covid vaccine is quite the success. - OS
  16. There's just so much we don't know about Covid 19, and will take a lot of data gathering and mining over time to tell. Hell, there may still be some huge other shoe to drop about its effects down the road, who knows -- not to mention the possibility of it mutating into something worse. It of course has apparently already made a more contagious offshoot of itself. I was at a conference way back in the 80's where a med scientist was talking about the eclectic ways virii pick up a trait here and there. His fear was that something common would pick up an effective immunosuppressive component similar to AIDs. - OS
  17. Of course, but the real stats will be if folks who had it or took a vaccine come down with it again. And if so, in what frequency. Etc. That's what I meant re "won't know for a good while". - OS
  18. Once a year is doable, 3 or 4 times a year is a problem, if that were to be what it takes to keep it under control nationwide. - OS
  19. Ya know, it hasn't disappeared for me. I know that Comcast DNS servers update pert durn quick (from having created new websites), like usually within 4 hours, maybe even more often. So, what's the real story here? Latest tweet from them: - OS
  20. I get more stuff than usual by mail since Covid hit. Within days of Dejoy taking over, everything USPS that had to cross state lines started taking a day or two longer than usual. And that was long before USPS put up their "sorry, but Covid" notice onsite, so that has only made it worse. Near as I can figure from some of the bizarre tracking routings, they have used trucks as "onroad storage" because local POs were too full to even store more packages. - OS
  21. That may be one of the other shoes to drop, ie, that both having Covid and some or all of the vaccines to date doesn't confer but a few months effectiveness. We just won't know for a good while. - OS
  22. That's the only part I got. The "six" I couldn't pin down other than "watch your six". - OS
  23. ?? It's rare something you say leaves me totally clueless, but you've just managed to do it. - OS
  24. The website is still up for computer access. Don't know about content, you can't read it without an account like you can Twitter, and I'm not making one. edit: just read where it's supposed to pulled as of the 10th, so any minute now? Also, I guess I need to read up on Amazon Web Service, but can't they just find another host; does AWS have some sort of net admin power to prevent that or something? - OS
  25. Re NRA: I'm Endowment Member, and for couple years now everything they send me in pre-paid envelopes, I send back with "no more $$ from me till Wayne leaves" and the like. And like someone else said in thread, after a couple of calls where I said same on phone, haven't had any more calls for about 6 months now anyway. Here's a guy who has made quite a difference so far, seem: https://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Politics/2019/1011/NRA-troubles-A-hunter-targets-the-world-s-most-powerful-gun-lobby - OS


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