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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Statement had nothing to do with my feelings, was totally dispassionate assertion. if you think that all else being equal, Mormonism is an overall plus for his vote tab nationwide, you're dreaming. I don't need to look beyond the microcosm of my Mom's relatively upscale Baptist church to logically assert the opposite. Not to mention the folks right here on TGO who admit they won't vote for a Mormon. But to answer your personal allegation, my opinion of Mormonism is about the same as of mainstream Christianity itself, merely with an additional degree of more modern wackiness tacked on. And I am voting for Mitt, so you should applaud that I've overcome my "religious bigotry". - OS
  2. Old cartoon I can't find online, I believe it was from New Yorker during Carter admin: Two diners, one says "and now there are more jobs than just six months ago..." Waiter says, "yes, I know; I have three of them". Reminds me of this "jobs report" that just came out. Except the waiter in the cartoon probably has a college degree, too. - OS
  3. Agree about the likability factor. I don't like him much myself on personal level. Mormonism is in no way an overall plus either. But "moderate"? He's already political white bread to anyone who even slightly leans right. If he were any more moderate, he'd be a Democrat. - OS
  4. Well, somewhat of a semantic difficulty there. No way to know about innate characteristics (or if innate characteristics beyond suckling level actually even exist - the eternal nature/nurture debate), but one's nature is also what it becomes over time, and I feel BHO has now set a new standard of subterfuge, Side Step (when you can view video), and outright bold face lying, even among politicians. - OS
  5. Okay, folks, here's the second iteration. Might be interesting to see how it may differ from previous poll at 60 days out. Maybe will do one more at one week out. Again, this is not who you hope will win, but who you believe will win, where you'd have to place yer bucks if you had to bet. Barring some event or propaganda that changes the whole game, it looks to be very close. But I still think BHO will prevail -- all else being roughly equal, I still don't think Mitt can beat the overall pro-Hussein media influence on the robot masses. - OS Here were the results of the 60 days out poll at: Obama (22 votes [25.88%] : Hozzie, Grout, HvyMtl, crimsonaudio, Worriedman, c.a.willard, gregintenn, OhShoot, Erik88, TripleDigitRide, strickj, oldmustangjunkie, BPE, Caster, Garufa, Chazmr, dlm37015, Mike.357, TNcitizen22, bkelm18, razorback2003, diablo982 Romney (63 votes [74.12%]: southernasylum, nysos, Commando68, atlas3025, Major Kong, Chief07, Rightwinger, drv2fst, cardcutter, stillstanding669, subsonic, Batman, RobertY, partypilot1, kieefer, Bigiron, 1gewehr, uofmeet, analog_kidd, irighti, Mr. Brooks, TMF, mikegideon, D3vo, ThePunisher, gjohnsoniv, dralarms, Seabeejason, JohnC, sL1k, jtmaze, Tiny G, Bassoneer, jhnpeterman, 6.8 AR, piercedan, Moped, BigK, Xtarheel, Mechanic_X, xRUSTYx, Lumber_Jack, No Ammo, jdredmond, ghawk249, klamb5, Volzfan, quietguy, Sea_Dog, gunnutt, mootw, bmc50, greenego, JPR1959, DaveS, ttocswob, sbroomheadsr, Ken, 10P8TRIOT, Steel4454, dieewigeteufel, Hthunder, 94user
  6. Because it's the only logical conclusion if one has has open eyes and mind over just the last 4 years. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=YLqKVnNpQ4s - OS
  7. The way it happens is over generations. Ban this, limit that, a little over time. The AWB lasted 10 years. The next would could likely be permanent. Once BHO is reelected and loads the SCOTUS, gun rights will go downhill over time. 5 or 6 states already limit "assault" configs, have mag capacity restrictions, ban private sales, have gun show sale restrictions. This is likely to expand rather than contract. I expect to see all private firearm sales federally banned in my lifetime, and I'm getting on up there and all. "Reeducation" is the key. Guns are bad, only bad people use guns. Since after this election the Dems will have a lock since they'll have the >50% captive audience voting base, they'll just whittle away. Soon, the grandkids find your guns in the attic, can't wait to turn them in, maybe for food rations as living conditions continue to degrade. The recent push for national carry permit recognition is a wolf in sheep's clothing. A dangerous precedent. What can be granted can be banned, once the precedent for control is demonstrated for future courts. Fantasy? Maybe, maybe not. But that's the way it will happen if it does -- in bits and pieces by legislation, generational propaganda, attrition. Eventually, making firearm possession a criminal act and ferreting out the remaining criminals over the last generation of holdouts. - OS
  8. You mean extractor. The stock 10/22 extractor is really subpar spec wise from the get go. There are guides online showing how to make it more reliable by filing angle back, but simpler to just put in the Volquartsen one, best $10 you can spend on a 10/22, it's made at proper angle and with better hardened steel also. Actually, along with however you choose to lighten trigger pull, best thing you can do for one period. I've become convinced that most all 10/22 failures to feed, failures to eject, jams, stovepipes, etc are due to inconsistent extractor issue -- same with, "my 10/22 doesn't like x brand of ammo." Extractor issues can mimic all kinds of problems you'd think were due to something else. It's not really "extraction" per se, as the round will come out fine with no extractor at all in there, but its most important function is to securely hold the spent shell at the perfect angle until kicked out by the ejector, and the stock one might or might not do that, either from the gitgo or after wearing over time. - OS
  9. Yep, I've practiced cantankerous old fartism from an early age, thought I might as well hone one trait to perfection. - OS
  10. The beltway around it is not DC. Just follow normal federal safe passage guidelines and don't go through the middle of it -- although the safe passage federal statute should cover you, but why tempt fate if you don't have to? If you're actually stopping in DC proper, like to sight see or spend the night or something, no way to legally store a gun in car for a non-resident, and even residents must have registration for them to go target shooting or have one in home. It's actually more restrictive than Chicago in this way, as there you can actually make your guns non-functional for the duration of a stay. - OS
  11. Actually, you should be right about my same age, so you should know, even though you claim 93. - OS
  12. Don't you ever research anything? Candy Crowley will be the single moderator. Not too bad, really. She's raised various of BHO's minions' hackles off and on about as much as she has those of the GOP. Town hall format means the questions don't come from the moderator. - OS
  13. Next "debate" will be significantly different period, it's a town hall format. - OS
  14. Caddell sort of officially left the Democratic Party years ago; particularly in the last few he has espoused almost universally anti-Dem views. He's on Fox a lot, has absolutely excoriated BHO consistently. - OS
  15. 60 grams would be one hell of a bullet for a .22, over 2 ounces But yeah, you can shoot 60 grain. Only real no no for a 10/22 are some of the greater than standard over all length rounds like Stinger in a target model barrel. - OS
  16. Oh, I hope I'm wrong. But if I had to bet, I'd still put it on BHO's nose. I don't think Mitt can beat the media this time around either. Plus he's just not likeable. Hell, I don't much like him myself. But I sent him money, which is pretty ironic if you think about our respective net worth. Also greased NRA-ILA more then usual. - OS
  17. Hell, it's much lighter than the state Class A misdemeanor for all the other many cities and counties in the state that opted out to enforce no carry. You'd lose your HCP for duration of sentence too. - OS
  18. And/or up to thirty days in jail. Plus they'll find some justification to keep your gun, I'm sure. Figgered some open carrier would have been charged by now, but if they have been, haven't heard of it. Never heard of it even before the opt out discussion when state law changed, but I guess it has happened, dunno. - OS
  19. Lehrner had very little control over the whole thing, really. Fortunately. I thought Mitt hit about the best blend of pit bull and courteous statesmanship and flat out knowledge that could be expected. BHO seemed slow and defensive. Just heard the Bill Maher tweeted during it something like "I can't believe I'm saying this but I think Obama needed a teleprompter tonight". But my money's still on the Anti Christ to be in the White House again. - OS
  20. It's partially federal. BATF decides which states can do that, based on state's background checking depth and frequency and followup on jerking permits after a disqualifying incident. Not all states have the option. TN does, so here it is indeed a state issue. Some, if not most, states simply can't do it at all even if they want to unless they change their issuing procedures and submit to BATF for approval. Here of course the TICS is a revenue stream, and this loss of income was even discussed with proposals to offset it in last legislative term when a bill arose to do just what you want. - OS
  21. All just part of being Slacker in Chief. Doesn't go to daily security meetings, snubs world leaders in favor of The View, fund raises during crises, more golf than frigging DDE and JFK combined (who unlike this doofus were good at it), on and on... But of course, it's the slackers who will also help reelect him. Unless they're slack enough not to show at the polls this time. - OS
  22. You understand the "without one in chamber" refers to rifle in vehicle only, and not handguns, yes? Here, you can bone up on all the weapons laws, they stick better if you ferret them out yourself, I've found. http://www.lexisnexi...ttopics/tncode/ 39-17-13 The long gun in vehicle part is in 39-17-1307 - OS
  23. Nope. Just prevents them from getting an HCP. Crime is created by the state, making ordinary citizens criminals for carrying without one. - OS
  24. Not speaking for him, but in the past both he and I have opined that the HCP system, even if it were free is unconstitutional under TN constitution, since it does not "prevent crime". And though the TICS system is part of the NICS system of checks which is mandated by federal law (which one may well argue is unconstitutional on federal level also, along with all other federal firearm laws), but charging for it is yet another deterrent to keeping arms and should not be allowed under the TN constitution either. Indeed, both HCP and TICS are also discriminatory, as they deter poor people from both owning and bearing arms more than those with more income. Sorry JayC if I included you in a view that you don't hold, but don't think I did. - OS
  25. Join up at Norris. 150 yards. Worth the drive. $40 will get you through next June. - OS


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