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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. But of course. Bible. Nazi. There, maybe that will shortcut it. - OS
  2. No experience with the rifle, but Ruger's rotary mag has proven its merit over long decades in both the .22lr line and in the 77 series, don't see why would be any less capable in the American Rifle line. - OS
  3. Ah, think I get it, thnx. All about sweet spot of spin rate, stabilized enough not to keyhole but not over spun to cause centrifugal wobble. I wasn't considering imperfect symmetry of bullet itself, no matter how slight and the increasing error per distance that would cause proportional to the spin rate. - OS
  4. Y'all are really queering the spirit of the thing, it was as if you HAD to bet. That's sort of the measure of who you believe will win, rather than who you hope will win, or who you're voting for. - OS
  5. Seriously, I've never found him on Facebook?
  6. You can change vote if you think O is gonna win. - OS
  7. That's what keeps throwing me. No .22LR manufacturer puts a 9 twist barrel on their .22LR models as standard, although I see add on barrels with 1:9 that claim to work for 60gr. bullets. So to get it straight in my pea brain, you're saying that neither 9 or 16 twist in .22lr barrel will effectively stabilize a 60gr bullet, but 12-14 would? - OS
  8. Sorry for the omission. Where is his PAC so I can contribute?
  9. That's a good point, speaking as an alcoholic and lesbian. - OS
  10. Since you've outed your own lunacy in spite of my best altruistic efforts, start your own lunatic poll. ------------------- Who do you believe will become president in 2013? - Gary Johnson - Ron Paul (via write-in) - Other - The Mayans were right, there won't be a 2013 -------------------- - OS
  11. blue helmets generally = UN/NATO which generally = IMHO
  12. Aren't you sort of mixing up .223 and .22LR stuff here, talking about 9 twist? With .223 seems a 7 twist does well for 55 gr and heavier and a 9 does well for 62gr and lighter, at least out of a 16-20" barrel? But standard 10/22 like the OP's has 1:16 twist, pretty standard for .22lr barrels. What twist would it need to be to stabilize heavy bullets like 60gr? Or what am I missing? - OS
  13. More likely two or three. Kennedy has said he's outta there, only stayed this long in hopes of Rep. prez this election. I can't imagine Ginsberg lasting much longer -- she's a liberal, but like Sotomayor and Kagan will look like a conservative compared to his next crop. Scalia is 76, etc. - OS
  14. I assume you mean pump action and not break action! Anyway, it's pretty common for some pump shotties to kick partially open after a shot, especially with heavy loads. Especially if you are holding back on the stock, which is of course natural and proper way to do it to get it firmly against shoulder. As long as you can't open breech while pulling back before you pull the trigger, it's safe enough AFAIK. Don't know the cure, unless it would be replacing worn slide bars (or whatever you call them) on the forestock or something, though. But some folks report their brand new Mossberg pumps doing this, so it may not be worn parts at all, but just inherent nature for that gun. Better than some of the current runs of 870's, where you can't hardly get the damn hull out at all after firing some rounds. - OS
  15. Home office for the trucking company I contracted to in the 70's was on Woodward Ave -- Detroit was Very Rough And Dangerous then, and GM was booming. It must be really quite the jungle now -- sounds like a cheap safari trip for the more adventurous among us. - OS
  16. If you have a dog who adores you You should also have a cat who ignores you. - OS
  17. Oh Shoot

    NFL fun

    It's 8 or 10 separate pictures. Probably just best to just send link to individual post: It IS hilarious, and I'm not even a FB nut. - OS
  18. Yep, I said same in #27, but folks seem to think that if it can't happen now, it can't happen after their life times either. "They" will never come after the guns in frontal mass door to door action, because "they" won't have to. - OS
  19. But dude, that is THE James Yeager. - OS
  20. Reading comprehension fail. The poll is not about how this community will vote, but rather who this community thinks will win. For that reason, I did not include other choices -- this protects any such members from the embarrassment of acknowledging their lunacy in public. - OS
  21. I think this video needs to reappear in this thread. : - OS
  22. If he meant like this, it is:
  23. Most everything one could say about this holster was said not long ago in this thread: http://www.tngunowne...terpretty-neat/ - OS


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