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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Ah you know me so well. The 9mm would fit the existing arsenal. - OS
  2. No good. You can see it because you're logged into your MS Live account I reckon. I don't know how that service works, but I'm sure there's a way to make image public. - OS
  3. After the years of posts asking about release date of what seemed to be vapor ware, they are both out now, and haven't seen a mention here since they've actually arrived. The 9mm was just released. So: http://www.charterfi...tbull_74020.asp http://www.charterfi...tbull_79920.asp Gunblast review of the .40 prototype a year ago: http://gunblast.com/...ter-PitBull.htm Gunblast vid: - OS
  4. Good sharp pointy 4" knife, like Spyderco Military. Weighs 4 oz.
  5. Pic not accessible URL: https://xqtweq.bay.livefilestore.com/y1psr74gR23baxhU7caWPHtUCD2h39DH60i-VEPbcVcPJSXse7R6CsU93pj2XktsQ4QVySjbJNRirXPV3_Mc3zY8EMDeKkpzPUK/photo.JPG?psid=1 pasted in browser goes to Microsoft Live login. - OS
  6. You're one of the few folks I absolutely have to look waaayyy up at If your experience was anything like mine through the years, I found it true that a big guy has to fend off fights from smaller guys more than the average. Something about small squirts having to tilt at windmills, psychologically. I know it was true in elhi. But later on, maybe it was more due to the kind of places I used to hang out. - OS
  7. It was ever thus. Ate there first in the 60's and maybe once or twice more in the 70's (not my choice). Has always made a Krystal taste like fancy French cooking by comparison. Don't know why the "mystique" has survived. Only real claim to fame was that it was the first "fast food" joint in the south, maybe in the US -- and that the original location is still the largest drive-in fast food place in the world, according to Wiki. - OS
  8. Yep, as usual Hollywood has pretty much iced the youth vote overall, but biggest question in much of the debate is just who will actually show up at the polls. - OS
  9. Regular rear sights for standard 597 fit in dovetail in barrel. The receivers on all of them have screw holes for scope base and/or have built in rail for tip off type rings. Some models have weaver scope base already added, may be built into receiver, can't tell. There are various weaver based iron sights that fit scope bases too, but if the barrel doesn't have screw hole for front sight, dunno how you'd add one short of getting it drilled and tapped. - OS
  10. That's $15-19 under best price I've ever seen, including online, although the sales tax evens the playing field for sure. - OS
  11. Depends on the model: http://www.remington.com/en/product-families/firearms/rimfire-families/autoloading-model-597.aspx The ones with bull barrels don't even have dovetails and/or taps for irons, AFAIK. - OS
  12. Rick is giving up his Python? Surely not? - OS
  13. We already have a $10 transaction tax in TN. Only state in the union that does, AFAIK. - OS
  14. Oh Shoot


    Yeah, I know. Didn't mean to look like I was responding to you. Which is why I didn't quote you. I can't hold a candle to CapByrd, but I'm quite the Rugerite nonetheless. Revolver-wise, I have an SP, GP, and Blackhawk, the 3 major .357mag Ruger food groups. - OS
  15. Oh Shoot


    SP101 comes in both SA/DA with conventional hammer: and in DAO model with spurless hammer: Some have adjustable rear sights, most don't. GP100 are all SA/DA with conventional hammer and adjustable rear sight: Only one current model does not have adjustable rear sight. Both models come with various barrel lengths, but only the GP has a 6" option. - OS
  16. The national blanket permit reciprocity got within just a few votes of passing not very long ago. Think we would have had another civil war over it if it had? It'll probably come up again, too. Reason I was against it, was that it would have established a precedent. Give everyone right to carry in most all states, later deny carrying in any but home state, or deny carry period, whatever. Once precedence is established, anything goes. Just like now we can be compelled to buy anything the feds tell us we must. - OS
  17. So you think all the Romney votes here are just people seeing through hopeful rose colored glasses? Or didn't get premise of the poll? Did you get premise of the poll? - OS
  18. They're backups. Hopefully won't have to get in close enough to need them! - OS
  19. BCM is amazing. I ordered a BCG in the wee hours of the morning, had tracking number when I awoke. Looking at bolt, it only had 2 instead of 3 gas rings in it. No huge deal, but I didn't have any ... sent email, answered in couple hours with apology and a set of rings on the way via priority USPS same day. That's some real service, especially during this buying panic time. - OS
  20. I'm fairly large guy and likely in better shape than average for my age, but nonetheless now geezer enough to assume that anyone willing to go fisticuffs with me is likely to cause serious bodily injury at the least. I ain't risking a beat down, and having an HCP means I don't have to take one. "God made us, Sam Colt made us all equal". - OS
  21. Betcha wouldn't say that if it had been about dogs. I smell species bigotry! - OS
  22. Pretty normal for pro mags. The ones that work reliably over time are the exception rather than the rule. You could swap follower with one in Bersa mag to test. Then spring. See if either or both make a diff. You might try stretching spring out some if it seems to be spring. And/or squeezing feed lips closer together, or farther apart if nothing else changed. You should never leave oil or grease inside mags. - OS edit: as per luvmyberetta, check for a burr, but inside mag wall toward top, since last round seems to be the only prob?
  23. That's the premise. So change your vote. - OS
  24. Oh, break action -- listen, forget everything I said about the pump. Not sure that baby is safe to shoot. Breech should stay locked, period, until you release it manually. - OS
  25. How weird, had just done search on Facebook itself, which didn't find it, now it does. Thanks. He da man, all right. - OS


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