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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. I've only run wrong ammo by using .22lr in .22 mag revolver cylinder a few times, but on purpose just to see results. The case fire forms to expand pretty much evenly all the way back to rim, though. - OS
  2. Awww, you scared the fish away.
  3. Yep, and short of maybe life or death situation with the very last round you had on you, can't see how using more force than that would ever be advisable. - OS
  4. I'm sure they'll do fine. Even though Pmags are all the rage (and for good reasons) I do like the feel of the aluminum ones. And I like 20 rounders too -- found some Brownell's metal 20 rounders on Sportsman's Guide some time back that have done nicely. Matter of fact in my limited experience haven't found an AR mag that doesn't work, including a couple of beat up surplus ones i got at gun show for 2.50 each and some of the Thermolds you can get for 3.50 each. - OS
  5. You're confusing me. You don't know if person even has an HCP until you run the license. Or you ask about firearms right away, every time? But if so, as you said, you only take possession of the firearms that are "on the hip", not concealed or elsewhere in the car? So you actually only take and run the guns that folks are open carrying? - OS
  6. Could be a henway though, really. - OS
  7. I have one or two C Products metal mags, have been just fine. They are or have been USGI contractor for mags. - OS
  8. Just for curiosity, what's the link to the post?
  9. Yeah. I know traffic stops are one of the most dangerous things a cop does, but it's also stressful for the driver too, some very much so (except for all the leadfoots on here who seem to get stopped regularly of course). I'd not want an already nervous and flustered person even handing a gun to me. - OS
  10. My mom and millions like her voted for Reagan because of King's Row and the like. And didn't vote for JFK because he was Catholic. And won't vote for Mitt because he's Mormon, although to a much lesser extent than usual because his opponent is black. Millions will vote for BHO because he's "cool". Or black. Etc etc. Even the millions who vote "because of their pocketbook" miss what I consider the main point of this election, which is to stop the complete erosion of individual rights and selective tyranny of BHO's Department of (in)Justice, and the change in SCOTUS that will continue the downward spiral for decades to come. - OS
  11. Main filters happen when submitting a listing, either using web interface or TurboLister. Third party listing apps get scrutinized too, since they have to use eBay API. It's never perfect though, things slip through. I've read that search results get fed back through filter checks to some degree also. eBay will end items against their TOS when users squeal, too. Competing vendors are the most vocal, stands to reason, and PowerSellers have special communication access. But they won't nuke even obvious counterfeits unless the actual right holders report them through VeRO program; in the outdoor/sporting genre, knives are especially susceptible and even VeRO member companies generally don't/can't keep up with reporting. Buck knife fakes are probably the most numerous. You'll also often see items with blatant anti-TOS key word spamming survive also, like "Spyderco style folding knife" and the like. - OS
  12. Yep, all changed now. Maximum 10 round magazine rule in effect, though. eBay policy now on their own pages: http://pages.ebay.com/help/policies/firearms-weapons-knives.html - OS
  13. Very valid analogy, and have heard several commentators opine same re last night's debate. - OS
  14. HCP 101 is following TN law, which does not require informing that one has an HCP, or is armed. The traffic stop scenario shown in the newest state video is quite lame and also does not properly represent TN law. But as a LEO, you surely know all that, eh? Like, take out a couple of rounds? Or check the online user manual? Do you check all other items in sight that may have serial numbers also? Computers, smart phones, watches, chain saws? Or only further inconvenience HCP holders by checking firearms? Gawd help the poor sap that may have been to the range with a bunch of guns. I'd opine that your overall safety would be better enhanced by not having a firearm handled at all, by driver or yourself. - OS
  15. Probably little effect. But didn't know going into it. Huge swing from the first Mitt/Barack match up, perhaps biggest since Nixon/Kennedy, so this veep square off had more scrutiny than usual going in. Could have been another big lopsided shocker, but wasn't. - OS
  16. 48% Ryan, 44% Biden. A tie really. Pretty much like the overall race. Still coming down to those 5 or 6 states, period. - OS
  17. CNN first poll (live focus group) is exactly a draw: 1/3, 1/3, 1/3. - OS
  18. Btw, it' called the Sport. "Sporter" is a Colt model. - OS
  19. I think he did, too, but very narrowly, not enough to make clear diff in polls like first prez debate. Biden lost it in style points for all the mugging though and Ryan seemed more professional, as befits someone a heartbeat away from the presidency. So I revise the comment to call it a draw. Thought Raddatz did credible job overall. - OS
  20. Since any Class A 'meanor also suspends an HCP for duration of sentence, which includes any probation as I understand it, any DUI within the last year would prevent it, would it not? Or is that an unintended loophole in the regs? That a current HCP holder would lose his permit, but a new applicant would not be denied? - OS
  21. Biden is at least breaking even so far, maybe winning, focused on master of deception role tonight. Possibility of his interruptions and smirking/grinning on split camera are costing him though. - OS need to merge threads with the one in the politics forum
  22. Liberal arts education. - OS
  23. Biden is in master obfuscation mode. He's good at it. May even be winning. However, his constant interruptions and grinning and smirking on the split field view may lose points. - OS
  24. 16. But the "season" is split again. They only have announced the first 7, dunno if they've even filmed the other half? - OS


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