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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Methinks you'd hear zero criticism from enemy combatant. - OS
  2. ... now might be the time. $50 rebate on all Px4 and 90 series, through end of Dec: http://www.berettausa.com/2012rebate-pistols.aspx?idevd=31C13DE82A5F11DEA45E2F1756D89593&idevm=e7a36a18af1f4f09af9dc93a3df3b6fd&idevmid=695134 - OS
  3. Yep, you can go after bear with a .25acp mousegun, long as it ain't FMJ. - OS
  4. If Mitt surprises me and gets elected he needs to free up the guns and ammo from China. Stupid we can buy them from the Russians but not the Chinese. - OS
  5. I'll wait for the next one at Expo in two weeks. - OS
  6. Horde of possums on a country road. Turnabout would be fair play. - OS
  7. It's not just the separate ads, the click throughs from Google Shopping searches pay also. Dunno about the ones that still appear in general search, though. Probably some do, since Google has admitted that many results are "weighted" by flat fee paid placement bias. Myself, I've really missed the Google Shopping feature for firearm stuff. Bing just isn't nearly as comprehensive, nor does it necessarily default to cheapest first and etc. - OS
  8. Police could have told them that. Not rare to hear such stuff from PD spokesman. Seems often if it ain't stolen, it's "registered". - OS
  9. Place I've used twice, Bill's Outpost in Alcoa, has called me within 30 minutes both times, I checked the UPS delivery time. But they're really aces on transfers there. - OS
  10. Doesn't matter if you use Google or not to part of their bottom line, since you can't click on a revenue generating firearms/ammo link that doesn't exist. - OS
  11. You live in Poor Valley! Or maybe you're just high enough up the ridge from it that it doesn't count. Poor Valley traditionally to old timers is the whole area between the river and the ridge, all the way up to Bean Station area, some just say the part northwest of 11W from Blaine to Lea Lakes, Joppa, up to Poor Valley Rd area, and on. None of it in Union County, though. - OS
  12. Good. Maybe they'll reconsider the firearms/ammo block policy. This wasn't mentioned in any of the coverage, but it couldn't have helped -- a pay through click in Shopping is revenue, and if the firearms industry can't kick in, then screw 'em. - OS
  13. Lordie, I'm an unlicensed gun holder. - OS
  14. She took one for the team. So she'll be the nominee in 2016, whether O is reelected or not. Same reason Slick Willy is stumping for him. Even though they both detest him. Hildebeeste will lose weight, redo the hair, and be ready to go. These are totally political creatures, they're not really human. - OS
  15. Jim Town, I reckon? When I lived out there, the church had an outhouse built over the creek. - OS
  16. Love the bionic laser eye. Bet that set you back a few clams. - OS
  17. Early votes are in final tab. Hell, it's a third of the vote or more in many states. Don't know re absentee hand ballots, in TN or other states. Sounds like military folks have been deterred if not outright suppressed at least to some extent. - OS
  18. I better go ahead and vote tomorrow, before Mitt turns me off even worse on personal level. He's morphed his already unlikeable self into a rabid ferret on crank. - OS
  19. It won't stick on fiberglass.
  20. Yeah, I think so. First and last day busiest. I'll vote tomorrow or Friday, before 5. Never had any wait at all in the busiest area of West Knoxville. We've got a bunch of referendums this time, looking them over so I don't have to read and think in the booth. I also need to go ahead and do it, before Mitt turns me totally off. - OS
  21. Yeah, that's been postulated a number of times recently. Won't look for the thread, but there a site where there are a number of scenarios where that could happen. House would select prez, senate would select veep. And it has happened in the past, 1800 and 1824. - OS
  22. I recommend daily glass of Metamuscil. - OS
  23. Yeah, I often wonder if there aren't constantly revised impeachment documents being maintained, just in case of that. President Biden? Hope they have the goods on him as well, would need to be simultaneous trial. President Boehner? Not perfect, but better. No worse than Mitt. - OS
  24. No, that's about the same price as from source site, with the carry handle, and cheaper than some places. - OS
  25. Creator of The Battle Mug is long time TGO member. Now marketed through a number of places. - OS


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