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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Of course he will. Be safe... - OS
  2. And while not meaning to start a caliber war, the .22LR has more zap (technical term). - OS
  3. Thanks, see above, was modifying my post as you typed. - OS
  4. EDIT: never mind if you read what I just typed. The only Privi Partizan .25 they show on site is 50 GRAIN, and they also show it as 3.25 GRAM. So that's just bullet weight. - OS
  5. Yep, I once lost a sweet little mutt to that. Wouldn't think she'd hurt a fly, half afraid of her own shadow, but she starting killing neighbor's chickens. Was a grand old feller named Sam, btw, kept pigs too, used to sit with him and drink moonshine. But he had to level with me about Cleo Dawg. I tried everything, but no fence and I just wasn't gonna chain her up out in the country. I even tied the last dead chicken around her neck and locked her in the pump house for a week, was so hangdog she wouldn't even hardly eat the whole time. Seemed just fine after that, so thought I'd broken her of that. Few weeks later she just "disappeared". I never even mentioned it to Sam, but I knew. Didn't want to make it any harder on him too. - OS
  6. And DaveTN and both agree that is not necessarily enough. If I'm the investigating officer, the DA, or member of the jury, I had better feel the same. That's why it's in the self defense statute as a qualifier. You yourself might well never act in a way that would seem unreasonable to any of the above; but I certainly can't say the same for all people. Maybe not even the majority of them. - OS
  7. .25acp is 6.35x16mm I don't know what the "3.25" refers to? You have a box of ammo that says that in some form? - OS
  8. I'm trained in gansta: - OS
  9. Not speaking of you specifically at all, but except for intruder in your home, that fear had better be generally "reasonable" to LE and if not, to random peers also. - OS
  10. It is in color. Just to be sure I checked it in PhotoShop, but could already see magenta shading in the shadows. None of the values are neutral, so it's not gone from color to grayscale and back to color either. - OS
  11. Dayum .. I like it too. Wonder what's the story on the grip panels? HiPoints are just perfect for going wild on, 'cause they have no dignity to begin with. - OS
  12. Oh Shoot

    colt ar question

    Urban legend. Just like Winchester White Box sold in Walmart is made in China and Wally's Ruger 10/22's are made from Taiwan parts assembled in Tierra Del Fuego. - OS
  13. Taurus bought them years ago, but as I understand it still operates the same Rossi factory in Brazil separately from Taurus one. - OS
  14. Yep, did same with first shotgun light mount I tried. That's one good thing about the Crimson Trace LightGuard, it locks in as a pretty much integral part of the frame and rail, not dependent on screws holding a weaver mount only. And although all the reviews were good, I put it through its paces with 50 rounds to make sure the light held up okay, which of course it did. - OS
  15. Gutfeld featured his famous "carving the pumpkin with a 1911" vid on RedEye last night, and ran part of it again on the "one more thing" part of The Five this evening. Nifty. - OS
  16. Ah, thought that was the case, since never saw any ref to "beaver". Must admit I missed that, if that was part of the hoot. Ah, whippersnapper, nothing new under the sun. A cougar first initiated me to the Ole Dirty, and there have been a number of M's I have L'd to F through the years! - OS
  17. I certainly hope your analysis is correct. Really really I do. - OS
  18. Yeah, happened to be up at 5 for first news on both FOX and CNN, was flipping back and forth. Lead story on FOX, but not even mentioned in first teaser on CNN, then teased before first break, and covered 30 min in. I'm actually getting the overall feeling that CNN is slowly becoming more neutral. Maybe because their Progressive News Agenda simply can't compete with MSNBC/ITAR-TASS anymore in the ratings, they've decided to try to actually be more of an actual news channel? - OS
  19. Very strange, I looked at a couple of threads and source doesn't show any mention of static.ak.facebook.com If you go there, there's a black page with a 16x16.png icon in middle, can't even tell what it is. And can't view page source of that page. Odd, beyond me. edit: oh, here, it's a known weirdness, didn't take time to read up on it: https://www.google.c...lient=firefox-a Must be a Mac thang, y'all report back, hear? - OS
  20. What am I missing? Link gives me: ------------------------ At least 2 cougar sightings reported near Milford 7:32 AM, October 23, 2012 At least two people have reported possible cougar sightings near Kensington Metropark in suburban Detroit. The Oakland Press of Pontiac reports that experts say it's unlikely one of the big cats would be in Michigan's southern Lower Peninsula. Michael Pucker, interpretive naturalist at the park, says that if the reports near Milford are correct the animal might be one that was kept as a pet and escaped. Michigan Department of Natural Resources spokesman Ed Golder says it would be unusual to have a cougar in the area. He says some people see bobcats and mistake them for cougars. Golder says the DNR looks for tracks, fur on a fence or other evidence to help confirm such sightings. The DNR has verified the presence of cougars in the Upper Peninsula. ------------- Hence my comment about "black ones" (panthers) What's the Big Beaver Road thang? Oh, maybe they changed headline? - OS
  21. Go git 'em, Greta! Will the rest of the media even report it? Wait until the NY Times is forced to? - OS
  22. TN state law: - An 18 year old can legally buy handgun or long gun in private sale in TN. - A minor can be legally given or loaned handgun or long gun in TN. But there's a law regarding specifically "receivers" or "lowers" in regard to private sales that is different from long gun or handgun (meaning the serialized part that makes it a "firearm")? - OS
  23. Dynomite. You around Knoxville? Let's go shoot it. - OS
  24. I'd say the odds are better there than here. Plus ours are mostly black. - OS
  25. Nah, it'll be the same ~60% or less of eligible voters, just as it has been for the last hundred years. - OS


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