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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. One heartbeat from the Presidency. Pompous old idiot better than shrewd Marxist revolutionary? Dunno. - OS
  2. I've shipped two or three, but always for repair back to FFL. Since I have UPS account, just boxed and printed label and dropped off at UPS Store. You can do same at USPS (with long guns only) if you have account, drop and go. - OS
  3. Alas, I didn't get the one with the stiffener. Should have thought about that as I was turning 60. - OS
  4. Yeah, I wear the Beltman Bullhide 1.5 incher myself for over 4 years now, just as good as the day I bought it. - OS
  5. Spreading weight out to two attachment points, especially if they are not on the already thickest center part of the holster may help some, and will certainly help over all stability and weight distribution. But biggest factor is always the belt. Using a good wide (like 1.5") and thick belt suited for IWB/OWB carry? And a properly fitted one, that goes around actual waist and not sagging down under any gut on hips only. - OS
  6. With FireFox I don't even get to that screen, I get a "security certificate invalid-expired"/untrusted site with my settings, didn't try to click past it. - OS
  7. You cannot ship ammunition, primers, or powder through USPS. Let me revise that, you can ship it, but you see what may happen when you don't follow their rules. You must have bought it through an individual who didn't know the score, no reputable company would try to send ammo through USPS. Even using UPS or FedEx, it must have an ORM-D notation on outside, don't try to slip it past them without it. - OS
  8. Fedex will not ship a firearm between non license holders period. It's not in their TOS to do so. UPS TOS allows for any legal firearm shipment, but depending on clerk, results may be same as your USPS experience. The sticker is that the only time federal law says you must inform of firearm in shipment is when it's going to a non-license holder. UPS and Fedex demand informing at all times in their TOS's also, but of course that's company policy and not federal law. - OS
  9. Well, sounds like there is plenty of wiggle room to knock it down to the Class B 'meanor charge at worst if she has to plea bargain. Lots of lawyering room here -- if indeed she were arrested outside the vehicle, and the purse were inside it, would appear she was not "going armed". On the other hand, if arrested inside the vehicle, the "dropping off/picking up passengers" out should be in force, though she could still be culpable for non-school related unlawful carry charge. Of course, she may have had the purse on her when she went into the school and had just put it back in the car before she got in when popped. Little details like that could make diff when the details get debated. - OS
  10. Yep, legal under both federal and TN law, long as you have no reason to believe she's otherwise disqualified from having one. - OS
  11. "Dr. Shropshire" sound like he's related to Alex Jones, "documentation" wise. I'm out. You can take solace from the well established "black painter group" that already exists on TGO. I'm sure some will chime in. - OS
  12. You don't see the mobile phone thing as a possible game changing wrinkle? The number of landline free homes has more than doubled since the last election. - OS
  13. Thought you'd bite on my leftie chick comment.
  14. Regarding Ms Fonda, et all commie entertainers: I've found you've got separate the art from the artist, or otherwise you'll be quite bereft of entertainment and aesthetic appreciation in general. There are any number of actors whose movies are loved here in TGO, but whose politics are certainly not if you care to look. And Jane has made quite a few movies I've enjoyed. - OS
  15. Them good ole boys shore have gotten a lot gooder than in my day. Knoxville got dubbed that during the World's Fair. I grew up down around your turf, spent a lot of time in real black painter territory in Cherokee/Tellico. Them good ole boys didn't much care about game laws back then, but I guess were equally poor shots as those of today, 'cause they "saw" them all the time back then, too. And Russian boar the size of Volkswagens were common, too! It's a case of "I wish it were true so I'll act like it is". Same as any good story, "If it ain't true, it should be". - OS
  16. Well, there is no species of "panther" period, it's a collective colloquial. The Latin "Panthera" is genus name for species such as leopards and panthers (but not cougars). Of course black jaguars and leopards are well known; matter of fact black ones apparently make up the majority of leopards in captivity and the trait is easily carried forward from breeding in captivity. I'd opine we don't have those running around in the Tennersee hills either, though. - OS
  17. Me too. Somebody claims to have seen one. Stop the presses! Have you been on TV too? - OS
  18. Don't need a PHD. One on the hood of a car would suffice. All the good ole boys I have known are pretty good shots. Apparently all the ones that see cougars of any color suck at it. They also suck at photography, every one of them. Plus, automobiles have killed every lifeform known in TN since Henry Ford, but haven't scored one, at least since the 20's. And of course, never a black one, which has never been found anywhere. - OS
  19. The section beginning with "...most independents are not, well, independent" is interesting indeed, and does indeed seem hopeful for our side. But again, there seems to about about 25% of homes (which means even more than 25% of the population) that don't get polled AT ALL EVER now. So that seems like a huge variable that's not even in the equations. Whether the existing samples are also representative of them or not who knows? I tend to think you'd get a significantly different poll if you could poll ONLY non-landline users as a discrete group. - OS
  20. Call me amoral. Nothing wrong with balling leftie chicks. - OS
  21. Since there has never been a black cougar documented in history, from Canada to South America, this must indeed be the place where they all hang out, since so many people have "seen" them. Seems folks would try to document the already near astronomical odds of a regular colored one still existing or getting reintroduced here first. - OS
  22. Oh, well that makes all the difference. I believe you now. Right. - OS
  23. Oh Shoot

    My Glock Story

    I shoot a Glock fine using sights (or as "fine" as anything else, I should qualify). But they point high for me. And the finger grooves on the full sized ones don't fit me and I don't have huge hands. They are distracting. Oddly the 26/27 does fit, a little more room in the middle finger groove. So I wound up with three XDs. - OS
  24. What exactly WAS she charged with? There are two instances under the school carry statute. - Illegal to carry going armed. Which if she had ammo in purse on her person, it would technically be. Class E Felony - It's also illegal to carry an UNloaded gun on school property, openly or concealed. Class B Misdemeanor. She could of course also be charged with unlawful carry in addition to the school carry charge. Class A Misdemeanor in public. - OS
  25. Yeah, one point in there -- I've thought for a long time now that some 25% or more of folks don't have a landline at all must skew phone surveys. I'd also tend to think that since young folks make up the majority of mobile phone only folks, the polls may actually be biased more to the right. In which case BHO could actually be way ahead in all these close ones. If he wins the swing states handily, it will lend a lot of credence to that. - OS


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