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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Use code "TGO" for additional 5% discount. - OS
  2. I still think Romney will have to be the one to challenge the results. Mitt is up in early voting over all, but down in the swing states. Way down in Ohio. It's all gonna be about Ohio, assuming he doesn't get surprised in FL, VA, or NC too. - OS
  3. Well, that's all good news then. I've seldom had to leave an endeavor because of success! But that last part sounds great, been meaning to do the same myself, perhaps you'll help inspire me. I'll try to look ya up there on Sat. - OS (Mac)
  4. Yeah, but there has to be a federal ruling before they get it. And only one was shunted up to them, and it was only to do with a recount motion in one state. I expect this time, there could be federal suits and rulings in at many as 5 states, and depending on claims of each one would have to be dealt with individually. This is corrupt Chicago hardball, makes hillbillly and cowboy politics look like badminton. - OS
  5. If he doesn't win, BHO's legal appeals will make 2000 look like local traffic court. It has been widely reported about the minions of lawyers on the hook in all the possibly contentious states, and no just by the conservative media either. We didn't actually have a new prez for over a month in 2000. Who knows how this one could go. - OS
  6. Rats, hate to hear you're closing. Thought that cozy environment there would take off for ya. You'll have a table at show then? Do you know where, or are they assigned once you get there, or what? - OS
  7. Federal law: you cannot legally sell a firearm of any type to a resident of another state without going through a FFL. Long guns can be at an FFL in either state, handguns must be at FFL in the buyer's state. Some states have additional requirements, and NC is one of them. To buy a pistol, buyer must first get a permit to purchase. It's my understanding that a NC carry permit negates that. - OS
  8. As I said, I did not know anything about it. But do now, thanks for the info. A link to the actual charity itself would have cleared it up immediately: http://www.mercuryone.org/ I believe in Beck's integrity myself. - OS
  9. Can't find a link to it, but I thought the currently running Romney ad about the old man who immigrated here was quite effective, basic theme as he says, "yes, under socialism the rich have less, but the poor have less, too". - OS
  10. How can one be inconspicuous but ridiculous at the same time? - OS
  11. Don't think so, just careful about who does. Most all their barrels are made by FN for example, which apparently has a facility near them. That relationship may actually be one of the springboards for their success, just guessing. Do any of the major AR brands actually "make" any of their components. even the most expensive ones? Maybe LMT or a couple of others? - OS
  12. Arizona, Alaska, Montana = Yankees? - OS
  13. Hmmm...I know nothing about that endeavor but am suspicious of something under a catch all web company that lets anyone set up to solicit funds. No real info about "Mercury One" at all there. Remember even Slick Willie's big fund raiser for Haiti with all the celebs? Hardly a dime made it to Haiti. Can't beat giving directly to American Red Cross, IMNSHO. Except for a brief period years ago when their bureaucracy starting taking too much off the top (rectified pretty quickly), they've been as effective an org in disaster relief as exists. Salvation Army is even better regarding admin/relief money ratio, just that they don't have as much overall impact on large area relief as the Red Cross. - OS
  14. You can't post in Trading Post threads unless you are Benefactor. Don't need to either as a buyer. Private message the seller. That's how it's done by everyone. - OS
  15. Yep, and in true Cook County style they wanted to up it from .10 a box to a nickel a round. And I agree with Dolomite, the $10 TICS is a tax. Just didn't pass it in name as one ... just like individual mandate and business fines in ObamaCare weren't. - OS
  16. Yep, since you've been so helpful in getting the pistol to rifle and back thing clarified, I think some kind of pistol/rifle combo would really fit the bill. Maybe as compact as possible all around with "survivalist/hiking" type intent. Or rifle part as the truck gun when one has to go more tactical than just the pistol on way home from Kroger or whatever. But I'm being serious, really. - OS
  17. I got a PDF of it; I assure you it wasn't from memory. - OS
  18. I think you'll find there's very little dissing of anything PSA puts their name on. I have a (mostly) PSA and like it just fine so far. - OS
  19. Maybe it's a zed repellent or something. Andrea asked "what's the secret" (about keeping out hordes) and Gov plays it cagey with answer. - OS
  20. Yeah, options now on 4473 are "Handgun, Long Gun, Other Firearm (frame, receiver, etc)" According to directions on the 4473 for this, the dealer is not supposed to use "handgun" or "long gun" for a receiver, even if it could ONLY be made into one or the other. - OS
  21. No worries, I think this topic in the other thread was more of an aside. No worries regardless. - OS
  22. Ya gotta be shuckin' me, pilgrim.....
  23. From USC: "The electors of President and Vice President shall be appointed, in each State, on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November, in every fourth year succeeding every election of a President and Vice President." As I mentioned in another thread, seems about all a state could do would be to leave their precincts open till midnight of that day. But it has also been opined by many that any last minute changes in voting times would foster flurry of lawsuits which would probably cause a stay of some sort and quick trip to SCOTUS. Again. Wouldn't matter unless a swing state that determined the election did it, and then we'd be basically in same shape the next day as in 2000. - OS
  24. Here's the deal with that. You can use a conventional rifle tube. Gorden and I discussed that. The only problem might be with "constructive possession". Like, say, you were at the range, had your AR pistol with 6 position tube on it, and no separate rifle upper, but a buttstock in your bag too. This could well be seen as to: "Serve no useful purpose other than to make a rifle having a barrel or barrels of less than 16 inches in length (e.g., a receiver, an attachable shoulder stock, and barrel of less than 16 inches in length)" But it would be a legal useful purpose to use it to reconfigure to the legal length rifle upper you also had with you. Same as having, say, the entire Beretta NEOS pistol/rifle kit with you. And I suppose to the nth degree of paranoia, you wouldn't want an extra buttstock floating around your house if you had a rifle tube on the pistol. So I admit it's true that the pistol buffer could short circuit any assertion that a spare stock you might have could even be used on it at all. - OS
  25. Just a note, Gordon, they have never actually changed the law. This is simply a further BATF ruling on the same question that came up during the Thompson thing 20 years ago, and the wording in the law after it went all the way to SCOTUS never changed either. The SCOTUS simply explained their own damn law to them. Apparently, pressure from other manufacturers like Beretta with their NEOS and some other carbine/Glock kit makers prompted them to make it clear (or clearer) last year. As has been linked in the other two threads, this is the current ruling on which the agents are now seemingly on the same page with, as you found talking to them. It came out 7/25/11. http://www.atf.gov/r...ling-2011-4.pdf Thanks so much for following up on this! - OS


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