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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. [quote name='c.a.willard' timestamp='1352084421' post='839235'] now how do they plan on feeding that baby [/quote] Oh, probably powdered milk in the prison supplies. Well, no more Lori for folks to dislike.
  2. [quote name='sL1k' timestamp='1352083416' post='839224'] R.I.P. T-Dog Nov 4 2012 LoL [/quote] He can't RIP till somebody kills his brain, or maybe the zeds eat it? Question: Why don't the zeds eat people completely up? Seems there wouldn't be nearly as many of them if they did.
  3. T Dog finally gets some lines. And then a bite.
  4. [quote name='LDRider' timestamp='1352080508' post='839193'] I admit I'm new to shooting, rifles, & AR's but why so much cleaning of the barrel? Jeff [/quote] Some folks claim a drill like that is best to break in a new barrel. Some say the John Daly method is better: grip it and rip it. - OS
  5. [quote name='R_Bert' timestamp='1352069559' post='839086'] Uh-oh. My Thompson Encore Pro-Hunter .308 pistol is illegal. (factory 15" barrel & pistol grip) [/quote] Well, the good news is, I don't know of any other TCA statute that says owning something that's fits neither "handgun" or "rifle" definition is illegal. As long as it's not a SBR or SBS without tax stamp. Only thing maybe unlawful about it would be if you tried to pack it with HCP. [quote name='gjohnsoniv' timestamp='1352071079' post='839098'] I think there is an exception for those? [/quote] Federal law has no barrel length in definition for a handgun. Owning a firearm that is "not a handgun" or "not a rifle" by statute definitions doesn't seem to be unlawful in TN. - OS
  6. http://www.marschalgrips.com/p245/SIGP245.HTM
  7. [quote name='oh58driver' timestamp='1352065824' post='839041'] [font=Helvetica][size=3]I’m thinking of getting an AR pistol and then converting it to an SBR. That way I can play with it while waiting for the form 1 to process. I’ve stumbled upon one statement about the maximum barrel length of a pistol in TN but cannot find any solid information. Is an AR pistol with a 11.5” barrel legal in TN.[/size][/font] [font=Helvetica][size=3]Thanks[/size][/font] [/quote] TCA 39-11-106 says: "Handgun" means any firearm with a barrel length of less than twelve inches (12'') that is designed, made or adapted to be fired with one (1) hand; - OS
  8. [quote name='kieefer' timestamp='1352061033' post='839007'] I'm very optimistic and before MrGrumpy dissects my rant let me just say that I will ignore it, I'm remaining positive. [/quote] That's MrGrumpy, [i]Sir[/i], to you. Believe me, I'm hoping to eat massive amounts of crow. Raw. - OS
  9. To give us all heart, Michael Barone, well known polling expert and pundit, just today is predicting decisive win for Mitt. And btw, like me, he cites decrease in landline ownership as major reason all polls are suspect anymore. [url="http://washingtonexaminer.com/barone-going-out-on-a-limb-romney-wins-handily/article/2512470#.UJbH3Wf5Wvm"]http://washingtonexa...70#.UJbH3Wf5Wvm[/url] Of course there's plenty of pushback on that, and not just from leftish side either: http://www.politico.com/blogs/charlie-mahtesian/2012/11/barone-romney-wins-handily-148289.html?hp=l8 http://hotair.com/archives/2012/11/02/michael-barones-prediction-romney-315-obama-223/ - OS
  10. Short of selling stuff, the only way I know to get money INTO your PayPal account is from bank account. If that's the case, your bank should offer Debit Card for the account. Also, if your PP account gets funded from sales, you can get a PayPal MasterCard debit card and from reading online it apparently works fine for everything, including firearm purchases so I guess that's a loophole in PayPal TOS. - OS
  11. [quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1352049494' post='838912'] The younger single women won't turn out like they did in 08....etc [/quote] Admittedly, who shows up at the polls is a big variable, and largely speculation. All in all though, the Dem machine still is stronger for getting out the overall vote I think. [quote name='strickj' timestamp='1352049817' post='838915'] This guy isn't voting. I refuse to vote for a gun grabbing, pussy legislating ex-governor that left his state in economic ruins. And I see no reason to waste my time voting for O (or 3rd party) in this state with this winner take all EC system.[/quote] There are always other things at issue in Hamilton County. State rep if nothing else? You can always vote the independent guy against Corker as protest vote. I did. Hell, I also voted the independent against John Duncan Jr. and I don't have anything especially against him, just that he's a career pol just like his daddy. There were about 10 city/county referendums on ballot up here also, looks like you only have one there, though. [url="http://elect.hamiltontn.gov/1211%20Sample%20Ballot.pdf"]http://elect.hamilto...mple Ballot.pdf[/url] - OS
  12. [quote name='TNBrat' timestamp='1352049348' post='838910'] OhShoot, is this what you meant? I think O will win. .... [/quote] Yep, all of that is part of it. What's interesting about this election is that I agree with several pundits in that both sides really do believe they're gonna win this. They have made the point that public words aside, reporters can usually get a feel for the confidence level from top aides, especially the imbedded ones that travel with the campaign, and how there will usually be various tells of one kind or another when they think they've probably lost it. But none of that on either side this time. It really is quite the horse race. But I still think history will out on Ohio this time. No Republican has [i]ever[/i] won without winning Ohio, and I don't think Mitt will. I must say his latest constant harping on the Jeep/China thing there, which does indeed seem to be fallacious, may have been the last straw. - OS
  13. [quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1351999356' post='838689'] .... I know the women voting didn't buy into the so-called War on Women and they appear to be turning against Obama. [/quote] Overall, O still seems to have about 6-8% lead with all de wimmen. Unmarried and younger are the main strength demographic I believe. Women were 53% of total electorate in '08. - OS
  14. [quote name='knox' timestamp='1352000317' post='838702'] Didn't mean to over step. My bad. I would make the trip if I thought it might be a good deal. [/quote] Not my call, just forestalling a flogging. (All sales ads must be through the Trading Post. )
  15. [quote name='Tennjed' timestamp='1351998846' post='838683'] I actually already have a Ruger mark III, and yes it is a fine pistol [/quote] Cool. Well, then everybody oughtta have a cowboy gun, seems to me. - OS
  16. [quote name='knox' timestamp='1351995343' post='838622'] What's left, Eray? Can you share your prices? [/quote] Wouldn't really be kosher to push them here like that. I bagged show today, and have plans tomorrow, sorry I didn't get by your table, Eray (probably best for overall finances, though). Hope you turn the rest tomorrow but still sorry to have one less gun shop down your way. - OS
  17. [quote name='LINKS2K' timestamp='1351997567' post='838658'] If that is to be the reality you will get over it quickly by just sticking to your daily routine. ....[/quote] Yeah, likely. I admit I've lost too much of my dispassionate objectivity in the last year, probably just need to get back in that mode. - OS
  18. [quote name='Patton' timestamp='1351990978' post='838578'] Do a google search on those guys. Some pretty bad reviews. [/quote] Yeah, I'd pay the 4.99 and be sure to get them before 2013. Or at all. - OS
  19. [quote name='seez52' timestamp='1351990147' post='838565'] I'm not so sure. If O gets back in people may be clamoring for a real conservative in 4 years. [/quote] Nah. Would still scare well over 50% of the electorate. GOP hasn't been able to get the black vote since, well maybe never, but will surely have to find a way to embrace the soon to be Mexican Majority and also get out of womb control. Besides the near 100% of the black vote, single women and Hispanics will swing this one for O. - OS
  20. [quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1351993091' post='838600'] When I change channels, it is usually from History to Military channels. If I was watching FOX and then turned to MSNBC, I'd have to rush to the bathroom. From what I've seen, FOX isn't calling this race. MSNBC is only the screaming, tingling channel. [/quote] Actually, quite a few on Fox over course of day are calling for Mitt to win, just not any of the anchors, unlike MSNBC where there's little difference who's doing the proselytizing and raving. I think it's healthy to get a dose there once in awhile, or you lose track of just how vile the left can be. But all in all, I'm doing media blitz through the election -- as I've said before, I just don't know if even my love for day by day history can override the daily depression of four more with BHO. I've gotten where I can't hardly tolerate even [i]seeing[/i] or [i]hearing[/i] The CiC. - OS
  21. Longer barrel and hence sight radius of the SW might be a bit more conducive to accuracy. Or not, if you're a generally steady shot period. Lots of us, me included, have Single Six, great revo, and what little I've seen of folks talking about the Single 10, just as fine. Single action of course, though. Of course the SP101 is excellent also, and double action. Both Rugers are rock solid for a lot less coin than the Smith. All in all though, and sorry for punting your question, but since you say you want best accuracy, you've [i]definitely[/i] ruled out semi auto? I think many would opine a Ruger Mark III or Ruger 22/45 or Browning Buckmark will at least equal if not likely outperform any of the revolvers. Plus you can also rip a bunch off faster than even with a double action revo, whenever that might float yer boat. - OS
  22. [quote name='Runco' timestamp='1351983001' post='838509'] Sale ends on 11/5. [/quote] Those [i]are[/i] quite good prices aren't they? (don't have Glocks).
  23. [quote name='zort' timestamp='1351985598' post='838524'] sorry to disagree with u all but i really dont think just anyone should carry. convicted felons, minors and people that dont know anything about guns shouldnt carry. id prefer to pass the parking lot bill and let permit holders have more rights to protect themselves and others. i like the stand your ground laws but just would feel uncomfortable with just anyone walking around with guns. [/quote] Don't ever move to Arizona, Alaska, Vermont, or Montana. You know, the free states. - OS
  24. I've spent the afternoon flipping back and forth between Fox and MSNBC, and ignoring the middle (middle left of course) of CNN. Ya know, one of those two are gonna be wrong. But of course while a few on Fox positively aver it's Mitt in a walk, they're already inaugurating BHO on MSNBC, so they're got a much longer fall if they're wrong. Watching Chris, Ed, and Rachel over there for a while might be the most gratifying part of the whole shebang if lightening does strike and Mitt pulls it off! If more folks actually [i]wanted[/i] Mitt as president, compared to the 95% who will vote for him just because they want BHO gone, he probably would indeed be a shoo-in. - OS


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