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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. thread merge needed
  2. [quote name='K191145' timestamp='1352316041' post='841212'] Karma is going to be a real bi!ch for a while. [/quote] Karma suggests only those to blame get punished. The market floats or sinks all boats. - OS
  3. [quote name='Left2Die762' timestamp='1352315091' post='841199'] I think I talked to a secretary, honestly. I don't think she understood what I was talking about, but she could tell I had a bad gut feeling about this thing and told me to go with it, that the situation just didn't seem right. [/quote] That part sounds solid enough. If you're far west TN area, maybe he's not that far away, though. Then again, a 400 mile trip, unless it's a quite rare and valuable gun, increases chances of nefarious intent. On the third hand, if he's willing to have 4473 run, it ain't on you, and that's the only way you can legally sell it to him anyway. Your call. - OS
  4. I hate being right sometimes. DOW is down over 250, one of largest next day drops in post presidential election history. We'll see how it finishes at 4pm. - OS
  5. [quote name='Left2Die762' timestamp='1352314522' post='841192'] Ok. Now I am confused. I called the St. Louis ATF office and spoke to someone there and this is a brief summary of what they said: It is legal for me to sell him the firearm if he comes to TN. However, the fact that he does not want to go through an FFL is suspcisous and a good reason not to sell anything to him. I had decided not to sell to him after my posts here, but I really wanted confirmation on what the law was and I'm still not sure lol. Better safe than sorry. [/quote] Sounds like they told you exactly correctly, assuming they meant you do it though TN FFL. If they told you that a FFL was unnecessary, you got bad info from some (non)functionary there. - OS
  6. [quote name='Left2Die762' timestamp='1352314194' post='841185'] I just called my local office but the phone rang and rang and rang. No one answered. I also didn't know if I needed Group 1 or Group 3 so I called both. [/quote] Don't worry about it. Let him do the calling. Just make it clear you'll only do it through an FFL, and it will cost extra of course (generally $20 to 40 depending on which FFL). Also, most FFLs will probably do an interstate transfer between individuals, but some may not -- they are not required to. Sounds like that will be enough to dissuade him. - OS
  7. [quote name='Kylev87' timestamp='1352310780' post='841105'] When you buy a gun it's registered in your name connected to the serial number right? I've only ever bought 1 new gun so I don't really recall. [/quote] Though the federal 4473 approval info is supposed to be destroyed daily, it is indeed recorded and kept on the 4473 form at the local FFL where it was purchased or transferred. Some people call this "registration", most don't. There is no gun registration as far as some state wide database as in some states. - OS
  8. [quote name='Left2Die762' timestamp='1352313607' post='841170'] .... "I said I'd take it so please consider it sold as far as showing it to other people. Easy way to confirm I can buy it In person is just call your local pd and ask them. My ffl says Since neither of us are ffl it's a private sale and the fact that we live in different states is irrelevant." [/quote] Give him the number of the BATF in the city closest to you or him: TN: http://www.atf.gov/field/nashville/fo-tennessee.html MO: http://www.atf.gov/field/kansascity/fo-missouri.html My Knoxville office has been very responsive on the question or two I've had, agent called me back within 2 hours both times. - OS
  9. [quote name='BryanP' timestamp='1352312785' post='841151'] .... Scenario 3: You buy a rifle OR a handgun from Bill the guy you know in Alabama, but you life in Tennessee. Status: illegal. edited to correct misinformation, thanks OhShoot for correcting me [/quote] Also, on #3, if a long gun, you can buy Bill's gun in TN if transferred through TN FFL, or buy it in 'Bama if transferred through 'Bama FFL. The handgun must be transferred by FFL in the purchaser's state only. - OS
  10. [quote name='BryanP' timestamp='1352312785' post='841151'] He is wrong. You can buy a long gun such as your rifle from an FFL in a state that borders yours. [/quote] Only a couple or three states that require that, I think all in NE. There is no federal "adjoining state" law. - OS
  11. [quote name='Left2Die762' timestamp='1352312384' post='841141'] I searched for this here and didn't find this [u][i]exact[/i][/u] question, but the answers I did find point to NO. There is a guy from MO who wants to buy my rifle. He said he'll drive to my town to buy it. I told him I wasn't sure if it was legal, but he said he does it all the time and any FTF transaction is legal. [b]Is it legal to sell a firearm to a resident of another state if they are in my state?[/b] [/quote] You can legally sell a long gun in TN to resident of another state [b]only[/b] by transferring it to him through a TN FFL. Handguns must be transferred by FFL in buyer's home state. There are a couple of state exceptions to that, like ILL, where a buyer must have a permit to buy, and a state or two in the NE that only allow adjoining state sales don't know how that translates with FFLs in other states, I suppose the 4473 process catches it. But MO isn't one of them. - OS
  12. [quote name='K191145' timestamp='1352274155' post='840865'] Well the popular vote is close. OBAMA 52,524,449* ROMNEY 52,025,784 [/quote] "official" totals today seem to be closer to 2.5 million vote difference. Dunno if that counts FL which hasn't officially been called still. - OS
  13. [quote name='monkeylizard' timestamp='1352299104' post='840976'] Plus the GOP now has a super-majority in both parts of the TN legislature....[/quote] Has been shown over and over that in our legislature, a "TN Republic" is an oxymoron. - OS
  14. [quote name='SWJewellTN' timestamp='1352299285' post='840977'] I disagree. I wasn't talking to just 3rd party. There are plenty of eligible voters who do NOT vote. The last "report" I heard is that 60% of eligible voters do not vote. [/quote] More than 50% of eligible voters vote in presidential election years except for '96.The in between year elections do indeed get well less than half. - OS
  15. [quote name='quietguy' timestamp='1352299321' post='840979'] Most likely, Ginsberg and Beyer will be the first to retire. No real danger there. [/quote] Kennedy said he would already have retired and was postponing it till after this election, hoping for a GOP victory, so I expect him to give it up anytime. - OS
  16. [quote name='billyscott' timestamp='1352268307' post='840835'] I think you and I are talking about the same thing Oh Shoot. The database may be the problem. Locals not updating it? [/quote] Apparently happens frequently. But most of it from the past, when all the thousands of tiny burgs in America had to start actually using them there computer thangs. Imagine what it must have been like back in '93 when the federal NICS system was first enacted and all those paper criminal court records had to entered into data bases in a format for the various FBI databases. But sure, cases get heard and dispositions get mis-logged all the time I'm sure. I once did a little stint of public service for a legal peccadillo and saw a little taste of it just logging in stolen property reports. Amazing that anything was ever actually found. Btw, TBI will "look farther" upon an appeal, at least as far as contacting the jurisdiction wherein the problem lies and asking for a disposition. Of course, if they don't respond, then it's up to you. Read the first paragraph from NICS site: [url="http://www.tbi.tn.gov/firearm_check/firearm_faqs.shtml"]http://www.tbi.tn.go...earm_faqs.shtml[/url] - OS
  17. The first new infringement I really expect is to see a push to end all private firearm sales. You know, the "gun show" loophole thang. Even though all of the high profile killers in last few years bought them legally from FFLs. - OS
  18. [quote name='Razz' timestamp='1352266225' post='840815'] [url="http://thecentristword.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/red-state-socialism.jpg"]http://thecentristwo...e-socialism.jpg[/url] [/quote] Here, I'll throw that up on screen. I've heard several Dems rant about this before, how we red states rant against the "socialism" but receive the most from it. Pretty irrefutable in this sense, seems. Came up during Sandy in a couple of discussions I heard too. [img]http://thecentristword.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/red-state-socialism.jpg[/img]
  19. [quote name='Batman' timestamp='1352265798' post='840807'] Interesting... Gary Johnson's votes would have put mitt ahead of Obama in FL and OH according to politico [/quote] Have to see final official tallies to believe that myself. - OS
  20. [quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1352264780' post='840792'] She's a doll! You didn't know that until just now?..[/quote] O sure, but don't see her standing much, and never a long swishy walk in heels before!
  21. [quote name='billyscott' timestamp='1352263711' post='840776'] .... I guess what I'm getting at is that if the State sees an arrest they stop looking and leave it up to you. [/quote] We're sort of talking about this at cross purposes, maybe mostly just syntax. I'm telling you when they are checking firearm sale, they don't "stop looking" when a charge shows up -- If the database does not show a disposition of the charge, it's just not there for them to see. Then there is no more looking to be done. They don't have electronic fingers into every city and county courthouse in the nation, or in just TN. Then yes, YOU have to do something about it, by contacting the county/city in which it happened and get the paperwork straightened out so that it gets on the database which they access. And that lack of disposition can be from ANY state, not just TN, TICS checks a number of federal databases also. And no, the TBI is not going to try and fix it for you with the county or city in which the incident happened in TN, or certainly not in some other state. They will also not tell you the problem until you appeal the decision. Then they will take the time to notate what the problem is and communicate it to you. But this started out with you claiming that if they merely see a charge, they stop there period. That is not the case. If the database shows a disposition of the charge, and it is not a disqualifying one, you get approved. Many folks with various misdemeanors successfully buy guns from TN FFLs daily. Hell, you can buy a gun with DUI convictions that would keep you from getting an HCP, as long as the court didn't screw up the paperwork and not submit it correctly so that the disposition doesn't show on the databases they access. - OS
  22. [quote name='CZ9MM' timestamp='1352260355' post='840686'] Although I believe the following quote is "debunked" as to have come from any of our founding fathers, I still personally believe it is true to our current society regardless of who said it: [b][i][color=#000000][font=sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(252, 252, 204)]A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury.[/background][/size][/font][/color][/i][/b] [/quote] Paraphrase from Alexis de Tocqueville. Check him out, pretty fascinating guy. He also coined "we get the government we deserve". - OS
  23. Far out. Megan goes halfway across Fox building to interview the guys in the Decision Desk Room about their decision to call Ohio in response to Rove's ranting. Boy she really is one fine lookin' dame....don't get to see her walking around much. - OS
  24. [quote name='Moped' timestamp='1352262478' post='840743'] Rove is saying Ohio is still to close to call. [/quote] Yep, he's sayin it ain't over till it's over. Course, he predicted a comfortable win for Mitt, too.
  25. [quote name='Pat' timestamp='1352262128' post='840734'] That's why I said that. Not all the votes are counted, but... there's not much point in being optimistic anymore. ... [/quote] NM, I see what you mean, I guess. Carl Rove is still ranting it ain't over till it's over. - OS


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