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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. [quote name='Ramjo' timestamp='1352672658' post='843927'] It may be a crappy group for a 22, idk. I never have tried to group shots really. [/quote] No, I consider it quite excellent for a (I assume not hugely jazzed up) 10/22 at 120 yards. My point was that I can tell I would have to try a lot more often with the M-22 batch I have than with my normal Blazer to do same. Just so happens I have shot a lot of .22 at just that distance, because the "100 yard" stands at range I have shot at the most are actually 122 yards. Both my 10/22's are stock regular barrel, guts are stock except for Volquartsen hammer and extractor. - OS
  2. [quote name='nightrunner' timestamp='1352645264' post='843700'] Im pretty sure the admin would let you mail a money order if you really wanted benefactor status [/quote] [url="http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/51719-trouble-with-benefactor-membership/#entry815184"]http://www.tngunowne...ip/#entry815184[/url]
  3. [quote name='EastHipster' timestamp='1352650940' post='843756'] Research this A LOT BEFORE PURCHASING! Some Mossbergs interchange with some parts. Certain barrel lengths are incompatible due to the Feed tube length, how the barells are mountedetc... Some Forends are mounted differently than others and require exa parts than can be hard to locate. Guess how I found out [/quote] One big diff is that as I understand it, Remington 870 barrels will not fit on Pardner, but Mossberg 500 barrels will fit on Maverick. And I'm not sure you can buy separate barrels for the Pardner? - OS
  4. [quote name='Ramjo' timestamp='1352637039' post='843650'] [img]http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f81/_JoeBow_/Mobile%20Uploads/0829121758.jpg[/img] Here is a group I produced with the M-22 at 120 yards or so with the 10/22 [/quote] I could do that also, once in a while. - OS
  5. [quote name='Worriedman' timestamp='1352637895' post='843654'] When Obama Care bombs, (and it will, it was designed to), and we move to a single payer system, and our healthcare system completely falters, we will take the whole conversation back up.[/quote] Yep. Obama and the leftest Dems all wanted single payer. They got it, will just take some time for it to inevitably become thus. - OS
  6. [quote name='Lester Weevils' timestamp='1352655972' post='843805'] ....I registered D in 1970 and voted about every election, but tis been a long time since I voted for a D. Just never changed my registration because I'm no more an R than a D. So they probably count me as a success in getting out the D vote, though I didn't vote for any D's. ...[/quote] Just a note, the only way to "register" in TN by voting in a primary. You're only "registered" as to the one in which you last voted. Hell, I strongly considered voting in Dem primary in '08, to vote for Obama. Thinking that Hildebeeste would be the worst thing imaginable. Silly me. And btw, y'all, total voter participation this time seems to have been about the same or just slightly more than in 2008 at around 57.5% of all eligible voters. And actually, this is highest since 1968, so this is not some new phenomenon or anything, it's the norm. - OS
  7. [quote name='gregintenn' timestamp='1352609084' post='843586'] Can the Commodores get a little respect now? That was a helluva a game tonight!!! [/quote] Vandy has beat Auburn, Kentucky, Ole Miss, and umm, you know, Missouri. [i]At[/i] Missouri, no less. So I imagine they're pretty much up for the little annual intrastate scrimmage in Nashville next Sat. - OS
  8. [quote name='C.lunn' timestamp='1352606193' post='843564'] Yep did that last Wednesday. Oh shoot- yeah they were gator fans. [/quote] And the leg lifts? Captain Morgan? - OS
  9. [quote name='Jonnin' timestamp='1352605463' post='843552'] .... I wonder if the primer is extra hard? [/quote] Rim crush depth looks the same as on any other .22 to me, unless you mean something about the compound used on the inside, whatever exactly .22 primer is made of. - OS
  10. [quote name='FIST' timestamp='1352604618' post='843539'] Captain Morgan, the rum. Standing like the Captain on the bottles label was a marketing ploy for awhile. [/quote] Ah. Thanks. I'll have more questions later. Booze and Tebow? If that's it, pic is even odder than I thought! - OS
  11. [quote name='wewoapsiak' timestamp='1352604252' post='843533'] FWIW I've went through a little over 1k with my 10/22 and buckmark and had less than 10 duds. I've never noticed an underpowered load, but then again I don't know if I would know it when I did. Might be time to get some CCI Blazer just in case my stash of M-22 is bad though. [/quote] I've shot at least 5k rounds of the Blazer in the last 12 months alone out of 4 rifles and 4 handguns ; not a single dud that I remember, and no underpowered load that I've noticed. When I say underpowered, I mean you can hear and feel it. Bang bang bang ptooo. Golden Bullets have often been 2-3 ptoos to every 10 bangs. Many are reporting the "new improved" Golden Bullets are indeed much improved, but they've burned me too many times to throw any more money at them. Plus I really like 40 grain bullets better. Main thing is though, even though I'm not chasing competition type precision, I do like shooting the exact same load all the time for consistent reasonable accuracy. - OS
  12. [quote name='Daniel' timestamp='1352601363' post='843498'] Got a little Captain in them? [/quote] ?? "Captain"? I must be really slow on the uptake tonight.
  13. Seen [i]Trauma[/i]? Brad Dourif does same. But he doesn't stuff it back in. Lordie. - OS
  14. [quote name='G27ATT' timestamp='1352600118' post='843467'] Triple Tebow. [/quote] Oh, right, Tebow, didn't click. What's with the lifted legs? - OS
  15. 2 out of 8 here had many failures to fire: http://www.midwayusa.com/product/2900516961/winchester-m-22-ammunition-22-long-rifle-40-grain-black-plated-lead-round-nose#ReviewHeader 2 out of 10 here failure to fire and/or underpowered loads: http://www.gandermountain.com/modperl/product/details.cgi?pdesc=Winchester-22-LR-M-22-Ammunition-40-gr-1-000-count&i=443453&aID=503AI2&merchID=4006#reviewsInfo Maybe some quality control issues, this stuff ain't the cheapest. - OS
  16. [quote name='C.lunn' timestamp='1352586339' post='843320'][img]http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/397324_10152182616760089_722155353_n.jpg[/img] [/quote] That strikes me as a very strange wedding party photo indeed. What is the symbology involved? - OS
  17. [quote name='zort' timestamp='1352593806' post='843382'] i just feel for the wife and kids. dont think a man would put his family through all of this if it wasnt true. [/quote] Little doubt it's true, it's just that with the timing, it's very likely just part of the story. There aren't many pure coincidences in Washington and the public words generally mask the truth rather than reveal it. - OS
  18. Oh Shoot

    Mini-14 Sights

    Tech Sites make a great rear one: [url="http://www.tech-sights.com/mini14.htm"]http://www.tech-sights.com/mini14.htm[/url] Here's factory sight if yours is 181 series: http://www.midwayusa.com/product/330595/ruger-rear-sight-assembly-ruger-mini-14-stainless-models The front one may be more problematic, though. I see some aftermarket ones, all pretty pricey, though. - OS
  19. [quote name='Ramjo' timestamp='1352593550' post='843381'] Ive never had issues with the M-22 ammo. Good stuff. No FTF ever. [/quote] I'll give it another go to rule out bad astrological mojo or something. If same results, I might try contacting Winchester just for yuks. Never have done that before with ammo. I still have one whole box of the two, between me and some newbies at the range I let shoot a couple of my .22s, shot the whole 500 of the first one. Or actually, about 90% of it. I wanted to like this stuff as backup brand if it's gonna be available for a while. 'Bout the only other 40gr bulk I've seen at Wally's. - OS
  20. [quote name='thefinder808' timestamp='1352588030' post='843346'] ...What 22LR ammo do you prefer OS?[/quote] CCI Blazer. 40 grain lead round nose, same as the M-22. It really seems to be exactly same load as the MiniMags, just not a plated bullet. Most consistent ammo I've ever shot, just as reliable as the MiniMags. Runs great in my 3 rifles, a pistol, couple of revolvers. I've never chased 1" groups or anything but my bud Garufa has a tack driver Savage and a souped up 10/22 with bull target barrel, and gets almost as good a results as with higher end Eley and whatever, so that's recommendation enough for me in the consistency area. Been shooting it for a couple years now, highly recommended. Wally has never carried AFAIK, though. You can find it online for about $15-17 per 500 (brick) or 525 (loose), delivered, if you buy a case. Probably some other gun stores sell it. I first started buying it at a Sportsman's Warehouse in 'Nooga couple years ago. - OS
  21. Nah. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/54810-minor-earthquake/
  22. [quote name='eli4407' timestamp='1352568586' post='843137'] Well, I guess I cant do that. I dont mess with paypal and it said I had to have a paypal account. [/quote] You don't have to have a PayPal account. Just use credit card through PayPal interface. - OS
  23. [quote name='ArmyVeteran37214' timestamp='1352474289' post='842455'] I'm betting on Black Friday pricing. [/quote] Correct.
  24. [quote name='TMF' timestamp='1352569815' post='843150'] I got the impression he was looking for an economical shotty. In that case there are plenty of great 12 and 20 GA shotguns out there for around $200. Don't know what Saigas are going for now, but I know they aren't too cheap. [/quote] Wally is selling Stevens on Black Friday for $169, at least here in Knoxville, dunno how it compares with Pardner or Maverick: [img]http://akimages.shoplocal.com/dyn_li/450.0.88.0/Retailers/walmart/121123_Stevens_Model_320.JPG[/img]
  25. [quote name='HvyMtl' timestamp='1352570515' post='843153'] Gentlemen, You seem to be forgetting something. What was the source of the information? Who found the affair? The FBI figured it out, from what I gather. The FBI and the CIA have always tried to limit each other. Looks like the FBI won this round. It is not a cover up. Seen any video interaction between the reporter, and the General? His demeanor changed, he was very favorable to her, and it showed. I wish they would not boot him for this, though his actions did create a major security breach. I like the fellow. I think he has served this nation exceptionally well. I hate to see this happen. [/quote] One prob with your assertion: FBI may have known about this for a year or two. Petraeus first met Broadwell in 2009. I think it's quite reasonable to think BHO had this dirt available for some time. It's the LBJ way, "I don't trust a man unless I've got his pecker in my pocket." - OS


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