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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. [quote name='MacGyver' timestamp='1352865547' post='845263'] The interesting thing, to me is going to be when all of the rats start abandoning the sinking ship. I expect we may see more than a few trying to cut deals to save their skin. [/quote] You know, one thing that hasn't (re)surfaced, is that the whole reason Chris Stevens was even set up in Benghazi had to do with some sort of a secret arms deal between the CIA and the new Libyan govt. That wasn't even an embassy, just a temporary "diplomatic outpost", for whatever reasons. - OS
  2. [quote name='TripleDigitRide' timestamp='1352864096' post='845241'] He's an admitted adulterer, which diminishes his credibility. Unless he has more than his word as proof, it's going to be deny, deny, deny. [/quote] Documentation is de rigueur for spooks who name names. On unrelated note, General Kip Ward is demoted for living large on the taxpayer dime. Forced to personally pay back $82k, too. Seems like I would be in jail for doing that. - OS
  3. [quote name='MacGyver' timestamp='1352862904' post='845221'] All they lack is someone playing the role of deepthroat. [/quote] Interesting theory here I just heard spouted on Fox by a Rep: Admin knows about Petraeus and the affair good long while ago. Petraeus makes the "nobody in CIA refused aid to the Benghazi consulate" after we know somebody did. Then why would Petraeus then go to the Hill and parrot the "it was the video" spiel AFTER that? Well, it would make sense if BHO pulls the dirt chit from his pocket and essentially blackmails Petraeus with it. Then, after talking to counsel, Petraeus decides to come clean, so that no more blackmail is possible, and resigns. And is then able to wrangle a deal for immunity for any possible criminal charges to testify to Congress. In which case we may indeed hear what he knew and when he knew it. Or more importantly, who [i]else[/i] knew what and when [i]they[/i] knew it. I hope he has bodyguards. This is starting to get very John Le Carre-ish. - OS
  4. And now on the sex side of the mess, sounds like Gen. John Allen, likely next head of NATO, is compromised. Nomination on hold for investigation. And of course, the first closed Senate hearings on Benghazi are about to start, with the ones most knowledgeable not available. Hildebeeste is conveniently in Australia on a wine tasting mission. And of course Susan Rice, who spouted the completely discredited "video explanation", is probably gonna be nominated for next Secretary of State. Somebody made the statement today that Watergate pales to the serious nature of this Benghazi subterfuge, and I agree. - OS
  5. [quote name='JHC77' timestamp='1352833031' post='844904'] .... Being an 870, would it be better just to order an 18" barrel and let it be or just pickup another shotgun? About $170 for the barrel ...[/quote] Mossberg makes 870 barrels too, and they're just fine, much cheaper than Remington ones. - OS
  6. [quote name='TripleDigitRide' timestamp='1352843602' post='845032'] What's the real issue? All I'm hearing about is his resignation because of an affair with this woman. [/quote] Read this whole thread to begin with. There is at the least a Benghazi coverup connection involved. - OS
  7. Plot thickens. Now we find that Clapper knew about the affair in Sept. of 2011, and Holder knew by this summer, and whole investigation "officially" wrapped up 2 weeks before the election. And the kicker is that the affair ended in July and all the involved knew that it had. Which of course makes it pretty obvious that nobody was going to force him out over some strange nookie, only that it was a bit of dirt to keep in BHO's back pocket in case it were ever needed. It's becoming quite apparent that if Benghazi hadn't happened, Petraeus' resignation wouldn't have happened, especially since even he made a "it's the video" statement at one point (likely coerced since the affair was known). But then either his statement about "nobody in CIA denied help" buried him, for BHO to call his "pecker in my pocket" chit in, or, maybe Petraeus just couldn't take the political filth anymore and did indeed resign on his own prerogative, but if so, it sure wasn't over the affair in and of itself. If the latter is the case, I expect his truthfully testimony to come out eventually. Whatever eventually emerges, all this new info shows that the whole shebang is just as dirty or dirtier than any of us have yet opined. - OS
  8. [quote name='clarky07' timestamp='1352781951' post='844690'] If you can't be arsed to register or get an ID to vote, then you aren't interested enough for me to want you to vote. Allen West's District had higher turnout than registered voters, so I think fraud is a bigger problem than you realize. [/quote] Yeah, I'm seeing that (sort of) reported now, but not through any major news outlets including Fox, so just don't know if it's true. See figures as high as 100k more votes than registered, pretty wild fraud if true. Even Beck's site doesn't seem to claim more votes than voters. I'm mainly seeing pretty credible claims about a counting glitch in St. Lucie county, which seems to be West's main claim. Is there somewhere Allen West himself says this, about the registered/actual vote? - OS
  9. Expect to start seeing injuns creeping around perimeter of your 'burbs, I suppose. - OS
  10. Police chief did throw out the ticket, and did apologize to her, according to this: http://www.kctv5.com/story/20018867/mom-gets-2500-ticket-after-son-3-urinates-in-own-yard - OS
  11. [quote name='gregintenn' timestamp='1352765690' post='844540'] I voted for Mark Clayton! [/quote] I voted for the independent, whoever it was. Geez, was really disappointed Corker won. - OS
  12. [quote name='vujade' timestamp='1352760320' post='844480'] another curiosity; how bad was it during the Clinton ban years? I heard of high cap mags going for over $100. Was that the price tag and no one was buying or were shelves empty and so folks can command those types of prices and folks would actually buy them?[/quote] ??? No hi-cap mags were on shelves because new ones couldn't be made and sold. Only existing pre-ban ones could, which just like machine guns after the '86 ban, meant that the prices soared since there was a finite number of them available. And yes, people paid exorbitant prices for them. - OS
  13. "When squirrels rule"? That mean you can't hit any of them with it? - OS
  14. One stat that rather debunks the voter ID disenfranchisement claim is that nationwide, had about the same % of eligible voter turnout this year as normal, actually a bit higher than 2008. Seems if the various ID laws that were enacted since '08 were really keeping folks from voting in any measurable degree, turnout would have been less? - OS
  15. [quote name='Lester Weevils' timestamp='1352737962' post='844310'] Perhaps complicated in determining "over 100 percent turnout" or fraud, because the districts were freshly gerrymandered since West's first election 2 years ago and he was running in a different and "changed" district. [/quote] That whole area is traditionally strongly Dem, and abuts with Debbie Shultz's. But perhaps more of a factor, if that redistricting made his area less black could certainly account for it too. (I didn't research whether this is true). - OS
  16. [quote name='Will H' timestamp='1352751100' post='844401'] ... It's like a calling yourself a Republican and supporting all the social programs that come down the pipe. [/quote] I've recently just started listening to Jerry Doyle some on talk radio. Really like this guy so far, he's like Boortz squared, without any Savage wackiness. He had a guest on not long ago, Nicholas Eberstat, who has written [i]A Nation of Takers: America's Entitlement Epidemic [/i]. Haven't read it yet, but he made a brief but pretty persuasive case on the show that the GOP has actually been just as instrumental through the years, dollar for dollar, for expanding entitlements as the Dems, who first thunk them up and implemented them. the book: [url="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1599474352/?tag=jerrydoyle.com-20"]http://www.amazon.co...rrydoyle.com-20[/url] Jerry Doyle Show: [url="http://www.jerrydoyle.com/"]http://www.jerrydoyle.com/[/url] - OS
  17. [quote name='RobertNashville' timestamp='1352736262' post='844288'] ...Moreover, when it comes to specialized things like firearms, I support stores that specialize in those things. A firearm isn't a box of dishwasher detergent nor a package of pork chops. [/quote] No, but a Ruger 10/22 is a Ruger 10/22 no matter where you buy it. Wait, I forgot that the ones at Wally's are made from Taiwanese pot metal parts assembled in Tierra del Fuego! - OS
  18. [quote name='Sour Kraut' timestamp='1352690878' post='844112'] Oh crapp....I thought Carol was dead and burried..What was the part with flower at the grave? I must have missed that part somewhere..Wasnt she with T-dog at the end? [/quote] Carol disappeared, so far, Daryl found her head wrap only. I assumed the grave was Carol's symbolic one as they assume she's dead. In preview they show Daryl finding her knife though, so I'd wager she's still around, live or as a walker. Amazing how TGO goes just about totally dead on Sundays at eight, that's usually prime posting time. - OS
  19. Oh Shoot


    [quote name='bayouvol' timestamp='1352605626' post='843554'] I was told that the new ammo being sold today had a component which would break down after a few years. [/quote] Don't buy any bridges from whoever told you that. As Nightgunner said, only WinClean and maybe any other "enviro friendly" brands I don't know about have any possible storage problems. edit: CCI Blazer makes some too. Today's ammo should last just as long as ammo from the 1940's has, kept dry and if possible, in moderate temperature ranges. - OS
  20. [quote name='Mark@Sea' timestamp='1352684348' post='844055'] West is contesting. He asked that all ballots and machines be impounded but judge denied. The lowest turnout in any ward was 113%. Right now they are focusing on recounts, and one of his staff said it was ridiculous to do recounts, it doesn't address the issue. I don't know when or if the question of fraudulent ballots will see airtime, suspect there is a reason this isn't getting any. [/quote] Seems to me only way you could know if votes were "over 100%" would be by comparison to voter registration list? Which should be easily shown? If they're claiming voter registration list itself were doctored, how could you have a figure? I guess you could compare to the 2010 census, but would seem that's somewhat of a leap. - OS
  21. [quote name='RED333' timestamp='1352683766' post='844049'] .... the long barrels, from what I have read, a 22LR uses up the powder in the first 14 to 16", and after that the barrel just slows the bullet down. [/quote] But you don't need a bullet at all for nearby squirrels, just bonk 'em!
  22. The worst is perhaps yet to come. Vandy beat Missouri, ya know. In Columbia, no less. - OS
  23. [quote name='Mark@Sea' timestamp='1352680864' post='843996'] 158% turnout in Allen Wests' district. Fraud on a masssive scale. [/quote] That could be easily proven if true. Haven't seen West state anything like that? - OS
  24. Wowzer, that's some amazing stuff!
  25. [quote name='sigbrown1297' timestamp='1352677020' post='843963'] I can buy a rifle out of state. Just not handguns right? [/quote] Yes, although there are still some states that have the "contiguous state only" law that used to be required by federal law. Have never been able to find a reliably current comprehensive list. None in the SE (or entire South short of Kali) as far as I know, though. - OS


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