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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Can't vouch that this is true, but found on another forum where someone supposedly screen grabbed WWP's financial disclosure info: [img]http://i603.photobucket.com/albums/tt112/gryphon1994/WoundedWarriorSalaries2011.jpg[/img] EDIT: Seems correct, info available on WWP's financial disclosure page at: [url="http://www.woundedwarriorproject.org/mission/financials.aspx"]http://www.woundedwa...financials.aspx[/url] In their defense, this is their claimed overall disbursement graphic: [img]http://www.woundedwarriorproject.org/media/351229/2011-statement-of-expenses-revised2.jpg[/img]
  2. [quote name='TrickyNicky' timestamp='1353027941' post='846263'] Well I just found out my Frontiers came with commercial spec buffer tubes instead of mil spec. Found out by ordering a mil spec MOE buttstock and having it not fit, my bad. Not that big of a deal, I'm going to send it back and get the comm spec but figured it may be helpful info for anyone considering upgrading. [/quote] I don't understand that. Threads for commercial and mil spec tubes are supposed to be the same, are they not? - OS
  3. Them WASRs must have gotten better all in all. Mike.357 has one that even I can't seem to miss with, and look what this young feller can do with one right out of the box. (he has a bunch of entertaining vids, and his wife is nice to watch shoot too ) [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSuAPjw2Jgw&list=PLEC9E573CEBBBE9E5&index=6&feature=plcp[/media] - OS
  4. Hearing the news from there today, things are really heating up in the Gaza...Hamas admitted they had fired 350 rockets, Israel says they only neutralized 130 of them. Unfortunately some Palestine civilians, including four kids were killed today too, so that's what the Muslim world will mostly hear. - OS
  5. There's another "charity bond" thing in front of Congress today, bunch of billions of "Sandy Bonds". Was just listening to a segment of Larry Doyle on walk home, he went back over a bunch of these, from 9/11 bond programs, Katrina bond programs, about 5 more. Showed that hardly any of the money ever gets to the victims. All absconded by federal and state governments and private investment houses. Last one was one that raised x millions for the 'Bama tornado victims in 2011. Majority went to paper company down there, "to promote area economic growth". Etc etc. - OS
  6. I put it in a text file to read again. Possibly a manifesto for the ages, that folks will refer back to as we crumble. As long as free dissemination of information is still possible, that is. - OS
  7. [quote name='RevScottie' timestamp='1353015334' post='846176'] ...Much of the country see's no need for high capacity magazines and assault rifles yet that is political suicide for a Republican to accept compromise there. What we are saying is its OK for compromise on anything that really isn't important to me.[/quote] Yep. That's what everyone says, from individual voters all the way to the parties themselves. And yep, I'd opine that a national referendum would find that 70% of the nation would be fine with banning "assault" rifles, +10 round mags, all kinds of stuff. Handgun carry would be in the minority, too. - OS
  8. [quote name='Razz' timestamp='1352990574' post='846048'] ....I have also found quite a bit of evidence that the plastic sheath that came with the blade actually dulls the knife, rapidly. [/quote] Known issue, but they changed it 6 months ago or more to remedy that. But you could very well have the original sheath, sometimes the Zon sells older stock. Surprising it didn't have good edge on it though, not sure I've ever heard that complaint before. - OS
  9. [quote name='HvyMtl' timestamp='1353005256' post='846124'] It was while he was in Afghanistan, before he became director.... [/quote] That seems to be debatable. Some reports suggest it only ended late summer/early fall, and only lasted a couple of months. Still lots of smoke, almost as bad as "the fog of war" excuses for Benghazi facts themselves. - OS
  10. Don't know the answer, but I referenced your question to "Tactical11", an instructor who's just become pretty active here in my response in another thread: [url="http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/53959-permit-question-shooting-part/page__st__40#entry846140"]http://www.tngunowne..._40#entry846140[/url] My opinion: if parameters for the shooting class have changed, then they still won't be any tougher than they have been. - OS
  11. [quote name='Tactical11' timestamp='1352970846' post='845961'] I think it may be under course syllabus under instructor forms on tn.gov [/quote] If you mean [url="http://www.tn.gov/sos/rules/1340/1340-02/1340-02-03.pdf"]Department of Safety Approved Handgun Safety Program Rules[/url] No, it doesn't. The closest it comes is just: ------------------- - The handgun firing qualification shall, as a minimum, include the course of fire [b]specified by the Department;[/b] - A minimum score of seventy percent (70%) must be achieved on the written examination and firing qualification separately to successfully pass the Handgun Safety Course [b](doesn't say how scored)[/b] - All firing shall be done on standard [b]silhouette type targets or others approved by the Program Director.[/b] ------------------- So you certified instructors must get some hard copy guide that isn't on site at TNDOS? Also see this other question at: [url="http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/55046-carry-permit-course-switching-to-b-29-target/"]http://www.tngunowne...to-b-29-target/[/url] - OS
  12. [quote name='mav' timestamp='1352950079' post='845886'] Are you talking to me? I haven't participated in this thread outside of commenting on Mike's DWS joke. I don't know what you are referring to. [/quote] I think he missed the c key for moi (Mac). Close, though.
  13. [quote name='TMF' timestamp='1352940696' post='845812'] The Ambassador was being briefed by folks there on the program to track down certain arms, not provide any. ...[/quote] Think we're doing that at the behest of the current Libyan government, such as it is? - OS
  14. [quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1352945039' post='845849'] Senate confirmations can be filibustered, Mav. Only budgetary votes can pass with 50 + 1 vote majority, unless Reid has pulled a fast one. I know he wants to. [/quote] ?? All presidential appointments require only 51% of Senate vote. Yes, they can be filibustered to prevent vote if less than 3/5 support. I don't know how that's determined before a vote, though. - OS
  15. [quote name='HvyMtl' timestamp='1352930588' post='845716'] ....Kerry wont get it. Too much baggage....[/quote] [quote name='AK Guy' timestamp='1352931046' post='845723'] ...I also agree Kerry won't get it ...at least I hope not. [/quote] No worse a choice for the job than Sotomayor or Kagen for theirs, and would almost certainly succeed if submitted -- it's still an Obama Senate, ya know? And only takes 51% vote. [quote name='AK Guy' timestamp='1352931046' post='845723']...at least I hope not.[/quote] I think that's the more realistic statement. - OS
  16. [quote name='Jonnin' timestamp='1352913116' post='845530'] ....I assume by short you mean the 2.75 or whatever standard ammo. ...[/quote] I got that the thread is about the "mini shells" ? [img]http://www.gunguyonline.com/images/aguila%20mini%20shells162922.jpg[/img]
  17. [quote name='mikegideon' timestamp='1352938878' post='845777'] I think Wasserman was in the military back when she was still a man. [/quote]
  18. [quote name='LagerHead' timestamp='1352930000' post='845708'] All the more reason to buy guns at your local gun shop. You may pay a little more but at least you don't have to deal with morons like this guy. [/quote] I dunno, I've dealt with some well qualified morons at more than one of my local gun stores, too. - OS
  19. [quote name='Spook' timestamp='1352907234' post='845454'] I believe it had Consulate status rather than just a temporary "diplomatic outpost." ...[/quote] Yes, you are correct that is was a consulate designation, but seems likely to only have been set in that location more in support of the CIA's covert arms mission than to aid US citizens. A tourist mecca it ain't. The degree to which it was planned to be permanent is moot, since it's not there now at all. - OS
  20. [quote name='Commando68' timestamp='1352926370' post='845676'] ....We are the laughing stock of the world reelecting someone that despises the very country he was elected to lead. [/quote] Most of the world loves Obama. Only in the US are his favorable ratings anywhere near as low as 50%. - OS
  21. [quote name='JayC' timestamp='1352905579' post='845432'] ,,,,,Recent history doesn't seem to support your argument, look at the break up of the Soviet Union... States were allowed to leave and form their own countries, and while all of that happened under a massive economic turmoil... trade didn't stop, cross board travel didn't stop, and life went on in a crappy way...[/quote] I don't think that's a valid analogy. A long complicated affair, but basically Mother Russia kept granting more and more autonomy to its SSRs and eventually cut them loose via it's own prerogative. All spurred by systemic economic failure. So far, Mother USA (Washington, DC) is still tightening control over its states. Perhaps once we totally fail economically as did the USSR, something similar might occur. But what results wouldn't be 50 individual nation states, but regional countries. Like the United South East, Confederation of Mountain States, Rust Belt Federation, New England Union, Pacific Pact, whatever. Might reform into a looser national confederation for trade purposes just as the current CIS that replaced the USSR. Hmm, maybe it wouldn't be so bad. - OS
  22. [quote name='Tactical11' timestamp='1352881055' post='845339'] 70% anything inside the 7 ring . No headshots!!!! You can miss most from the 15 yard line and still pass (barely) all shots onside the seven are concidered combat effective on a standard B27 [/quote] That was my understanding of what the actual course guide from the state stipulates? This doesn't seem to be available anywhere online, I've looked before. - OS
  23. Can't resist, here's a Chris Matthews Show vid about stupid GOP stuff. Unfortunately, there's some truth therein. (30 sec ad comes first, sorry): http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3036697/#49795975 - OS
  24. [quote name='HvyMtl' timestamp='1352872966' post='845324'] Corker. Sigh. I will tell you who dropped the ball on this. The Tennessee Democratic Party. They did NOT vet their candidates, as required by their rules. So, they get a supposed Bigot as their candidate. They then pull all Democratic Party support. Too late. So, you had the choice of Corker, or a racist, as unfortunately, the 3rd party candidates did not have a ghost of a chance. IMHO, the Dems responsible for vetting? They should be out of a job. [/quote] Like the GOP vetted all of their idiots that stuck their feet in their mouths in the last year all over the US. - OS
  25. [quote name='gjohnsoniv' timestamp='1352867729' post='845297'] And that one of the Seals was there hunting down and destroying some kind of other weaponry, like some kind of rocket launchers if I remember correctly. [/quote] And I didn't even mention the shirtless photos that the FBI agent sent to Jill Kelly, the whistle blower that got the investigation started, who also received the beau coup suggestive emails from General Allen. Of course the admin is crystal clear how they know nothing classified was compromised in all this part of the mess, but of course anything related to the night in Benghazi now that they've finally gotten off The Video is still "we dunno, fog of war". Of course, they gave the film maker a quick year in the slammer, they were sure "clear" about that, eh? This whole thing is like a soap opera written by Tom Clancy. - OS


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