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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. [quote name='strickj' timestamp='1353274218' post='847778'] .... Care if my bullhorn and I visit your home at 2am tonight? Your property rights mean nothing to me and I have a constitutional right to yell stuffs. [/quote] Totally specious argument for many reasons, and you know it. - this issue has nothing to do with private residential property - there are public nuisance and disturbing the peace statutes to cover the above latest particular non-sequitur - there are many examples of what you cannot do on your own property, depending on where it is, and many more than that on what you cannot do on business/public property, many of them quite more restrictive than what's allowed in an employee's or customer's vehicle. You seem to have come to see yourself as some sort of philosophical Spartacus regarding this issue but I think Quixotic is more accurate. Starting to worry about ya. - OS
  2. Oh Shoot

    Gruden @ TN

    [quote name='Il Duce' timestamp='1353274487' post='847783'] Yes, but anyone can edit Wikipedia. I could go in and make it say he is the current coach at Southern Mississippi [/quote] I know, thought it would stir something up for those who didn't know that. Spoil sport. - OS
  3. [quote name='ThePunisher' timestamp='1353274257' post='847779'] How about a store that sold Obamaphones! Now that would really be a bad business decicision. [/quote] They're actually Reagan/Bush phones, LifeLine program began under Reagan, cellular part began under Dubya. - OS
  4. Oh Shoot

    Gruden @ TN

    Um, check this out, Wiki author must know something we don't, I made a screen grab, read the first sentence: [img]http://routedriver.home.comcast.net/pub/misc/gruden-wiki.gif[/img] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon_Gruden - OS
  5. <p>[quote name='HvyMtl' timestamp='1353268679' post='847734'] Dooley was not given enough time. He was there, what, 3 years? He was still dealing with Keffin's recruits. It takes 5 years+ to turn a big college football team around. [/quote] It has been over 100 years since UT has had even two losing seasons in a row. It's now three in a row. Not exactly a hint of even holding its own, let alone a "turn around". I'm not even a fan, just looking at the factoids. There's just some combination of stuff going on there that equals oil and water. Likely most any former player could have done about as well with the meat as far as actual game management, just letting them play pickup sandlot level ball and call their own plays ("Jack go over right tackle", "Ed you and Bob cross 20 yards out", "hey both y'all stay with number 33", etc) - OS
  6. Oh Shoot

    AR Pistol

    [quote name='Jonnin' timestamp='1353271412' post='847751'] I have a plr 16. Its awesome for what it is. It cannot be trusted with steel ammo. Its accurate to 200 yards. Its a little heavy to hold but fun to use bench rested. A forend grip would be perfect but that is illegal .... so you are left holding the 30 round mag as a grip which is a little awkward but "OK". I have not had any trouble out of mine, and for the price, can't beat it. [/quote] I'm sue I'd opt for the fore grip: [img]http://www.keltecweapons.com/uploaded_files/ourguns/gallery/b_e66155043969fb004969f195cfa9208bCIMG3630.jpg[/img] - OS
  7. [quote name='dralarms' timestamp='1353247601' post='847554'] Good except for the fact of the warning, now he will get the chance to do it again. [/quote] Yeah, there's that. But there's also that the gun carrier was spared most any type of legal or psychological repercussion. - OS
  8. Oh Shoot

    AR Pistol

    [quote name='barewoolf' timestamp='1353267782' post='847729'] IF I decide to get an AR pistol, I'm leaning towards one with a buffer tube and a 10.5 inch barrel. [/quote] Which to me only makes sense if you either also have a complete AR rifle or a complete AR upper to quickly change the pistol into a rifle. Point being IMHO, if one is indeed gonna do 5.56/.223 at all, one should at least have a long distance capable rifle somewhere in the mix, which to me indicates 14-20" barrel. - OS
  9. [quote name='RobertNashville' timestamp='1353262486' post='847693'] ....Can the government install such a law without violating the Constitution's takings clause.[/quote] In previous and lengthy discussions here, have seen many arbitrary examples to show the extent of how a biz could dictate all sorts of stuff in regard to your vehicle on its property, like only allowing blue cars, or Chevys, or making a Bible or Communist Manifesto contained within a fireable offense, etc. All to make the point that the owner has such power to do so and you agree to his terms by choosing to work there. However, if any future challenges are met with the 5th amendment ruling argument in Oklahoma, which AFAIK is the highest level to which one has been taken, then none of the above type examples would be allowed either, as all of them would indeed be determined to "deprive" one of his "property" as a condition of employment. Though contract law is quite strong, a binding contract can't contain unlawful conditions. - OS
  10. Oh Shoot

    AR Pistol

    [quote name='barewoolf' timestamp='1353241513' post='847519'] .... If one could only have one AR, I'm kinda thinking that a pistol with the tube might be the way to go. [/quote] Well, first, I simply don't see not having an AR rifle at all, just to have an AR pistol. However, if you start with an AR pistol you can keep a rifle upper and go back and forth, maximizing use of the lower, so in the sense of a convertible "kit" firearm it has been a pretty attractive idea to me, so been thinking about doing exactly that for a while. But really, have just about come to conclusion that with a 6 or 7" (barrel which I would prefer to keep it closer to real pistol) the anemic performance of the round with that length, the noise, and extra length needed for the conventional length buffer tube just aren't worth it to have something kewl. Makes a bit more sense if I wanted to maybe go 10" barrel and later make it SBR too, but that's another genre that just doesn't much appeal to me for whatever reason. Or do it with another caliber, which I don't really wanna jump into either at this point. So all in all, I'm currently thinking this is one of those things I could do but likely won't. As far as having a "battle caliber" pistol only, I've come to understand the ergonomic attraction of the PLR-16 or the Drago, with the latter easily becoming SBR too for those wanting to go that route. - OS
  11. [quote name='RED333' timestamp='1353215657' post='847475'] For real guys? [/quote] Hey, he said it was important. - OS
  12. Y'all know why there are no Kroger stores in Chattanooga, right? (20 years ago or more Kroger sold 'em all to Bi-Lo rather than meet union demands). - OS
  13. [quote name='gregintenn' timestamp='1353212573' post='847449'] Can I get a big ANCHOR DOWN!!! for those Dores??!!!?? [/quote] Did I call it or what? Hell, they failed 3 or 4 times in the red zone and had two touchdowns called back. Could have scored like 80 or something if they had clicked just a hair better. - OS
  14. [quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1353212307' post='847448'] ...What ever happened to Sunbeam ...[/quote] See logo above, Sunbeam was still being distributed in some markets. All the white breads are much like the former Heileman Brewing Company that bought up dozens of regional breweries through the years, kept the labels, but put the same beer in them all. - OS
  15. [quote name='TMF' timestamp='1353211325' post='847441'] Pure gold right there. You'd be hard pressed to find someone in combat arms who supported Kerry back then. He was thoroughly hated from what I recall. [/quote] Not their call though. I dare say if only the military voted, BHO wouldn't be the CiC either. - OS
  16. [quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1353209191' post='847424'] ....You can't really get good bread from China, maybe Twinkies, but not bread. [/quote] You're suggesting Wonder Bread is good? I assure you it would be just the same if made in China and shipped here. Hell, some plastic decomposes quicker than most "white bread" in the supermarket. And Twinkies don't have a shelf life -- they have a half life rating. - OS
  17. [quote name='strickj' timestamp='1353209246' post='847426'] ....You do not have a right to be on private property. Doesn't matter one iota if it's my house or Walmart. Period. End of debate.[/quote] Obviously not. Many other states have passed it. TN probably will too, eventually, nothing makes this state any different than others in that regard. [quote name='strickj' timestamp='1353209246' post='847426']OS, never thought you would compare the "protected classes with carrying a gun. [/quote] I didn't. If you're read the words that are there without warping them to argue your point of view, you'll see I mentioned the protected classes in passing as simply one set of limitations put on private property owners. Many more have nothing to do with protected classes at all. Point is that the legislated list of do's and don't for both residential and commercial property owners is quite long, and even the ownership itself can be legally wrested away. Certainly, allowing folks to keep a legal possession in their vehicles is rather minor as far as any kind of legal precedent. It's a mostly emotional argument. - OS
  18. [quote name='strickj' timestamp='1353201630' post='847370'] Read it again. The Constitution does not grant you the "right" to carry a gun onto private property no more than it grants you the "right" to yell "fire" in a theater. The Constitution keeps the government from infringing on your rights. Not business owners. Not homeowners. Only the government. [/quote] It also does not preclude various levels of government to dictate certain limitations to homeowners and business owners either. Besides the additional rights of the "protected classes", both residential and business properties are subject to plenty of legal do's and don'ts. And public/business properties are subject to the most. - OS
  19. [quote name='KaNuckles' timestamp='1353202659' post='847377'] I bought the barrel and FSB separate.Both new. Rookie mistake. If I had known I would have bought the barrel with the FSB installed. I will have to drill the holes myself. I should already have a bit that will work. [/quote] Ah, IC. There's a reoccurring debate regarding whether one "builds" or "assembles" an AR. To me, once one get into drill presses and reamers or tap and die, that's "building", and beyond me. - OS
  20. [quote name='KaNuckles' timestamp='1353198468' post='847353'] Mine is only held on by a set screw between the ears that hold the sling swivel. I haven't been able to find anybody to pin it on. I think I'm going to order a taper reamer and do it myself. [/quote] I didn't realize it wasn't already pinned either, which explains how both it and handguard came loose. That set screw is just apparently so you can remove the sling mount, all I've ever noticed use a pin or brad. And still confused, you mean you got barrel and FSB separately? But you mention reamer, so the the FSB and barrel must somehow be already drilled out to accept it? - OS
  21. Ok, I see you have mid length. I can only surmise that as you say, you're just not familiar with the feel, and expected something closer to .22 mag But again, sure you can try a heavier buffer, but you don't want to get to the point where you cut it close on function just to ameliorate recoil a bit. - OS
  22. [quote name='KaNuckles' timestamp='1353123716' post='847021'] ....Brass landed at 4:30. [/quote] As I understand it, 4:00 to 4:30 is optimal range for AR extraction/ejection, shows correct config of spring/buffer for the gassing assuming extractor and ejector are both fine. Sure, a heavier buffer might be a little less snappy. Thing is, if you start slinging out brass at 3:00 or less, you start running closer to fail safe, so lesser powered ammo or a dirty/sticky chamber might cause stovepipe jam, so you'd just have to see what happens if you change to one. I assume you have carbine gas config? I just assembled a mostly PSA mid length, and just as folks told me, it is significantly less jarring than my carbine length M&P Sport, even though they both have 16" barrels and both kick the rounds out at about 4:00. - OS
  23. [quote name='Lions Fan' timestamp='1353191886' post='847324'] IT was the local ABC news that announced the Edy's ice cream was affected. ...[/quote] The WATE gnus team at Greystone has traditionally been a prime example of the Peter Principle. - OS
  24. [quote name='zort' timestamp='1353188345' post='847307'] what i have in my car is my business. im not saying i can walk around with a gun if the owner doesnt want me to. i should be allowed to defend myself to and from work. [/quote] Has always been the crux of the debate. "Parking lot" bills only address keeping a firearm in [i]your own property[/i], while it temporarily occupies space on [i]another's property[/i]. And deals almost exclusively with public and/or business property. Private property rights are not absolute, and certainly public/business property owners already cede many of the options available to the residential property owner, so the precedent there is well established. Which is why none of the statutes passed by other states in this matter have been overturned. - OS
  25. Assuming that the whole movie revolves only around Brad and few other central characters, then it won't have much in common with the book at all. - OS


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