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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Oh Shoot

    New 10/22

    [quote name='Troutburger' timestamp='1353418639' post='848702'] I saw a 10/22 yesterday with what looked like a plastic receiver. It had a textured finish on it. Maybe it wasn't plastic though. Looked really cheap. [/quote] Ruger made 10/22 receivers are still aluminum, just like from day one. The "satin black" finish on the non-stainless models is just a thicker, gloppier "paint" these days, dunno what the finish should really be called, maybe "powder coat"?. Barrels haven't been blued for a long time now either - OS
  2. [quote name='JeffsSig' timestamp='1353444168' post='848853'] [url="http://www.ebay.com/itm/The-last-of-the-Twinkies-1-BOX-of-Hostess-24-Twinkies-a-Vampire-Mob-poster-/281025030687?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item416e65aa1f"]http://www.ebay.com/...=item416e65aa1f[/url] Love the guns. If they came with the twinkies I may bid! [/quote] The guns might well get that listing nuked before it's done. - OS
  3. Fine if that's out the door, a gouge if + tax/tics - OS
  4. Oh Shoot

    AR Pistol

    [quote name='nysos' timestamp='1353354015' post='848288'] No I wasn't aware. Glad it has been good for you, it worked great for me except for the rear site drifting. ...[/quote] I've shot it beau coup, and so far have NOT remembered to take some LocTite with me to lock it down after setting. - OS
  5. [quote name='Tusculum' timestamp='1353362623' post='848400'] My work place dont allow blades over 4". They dont care if its an automatic. fixed blade, locking blade, even a hawkbill but if that blade is over 4" youll be in HR I would guess [/quote] Perhaps they don't allow that since general carry of +4" blades is also against TN law. Surprised they'd ban over 4" but not autos, which are also unlawful to carry period. - OS
  6. Oh Shoot

    AR Pistol

    [quote name='nysos' timestamp='1353348024' post='848242'] Still haven't gotten that carbine kit yet? I sold you my neos how long ago? lol I guess you need to stop buying m&p sporters ever chance you see one for sale. [/quote] Yup. I never claimed to be exactly rational or anything. Btw, did you know that NEOS I got from you had been modified some where along the way? Custom looking bolt instead of the normal wide slot screw holding down into trigger group under firing pin was obvious first time I took it down. Explains the much nicer trigger than normal one. Has been rock solid for me. - OS
  7. Oh Shoot

    Gruden @ TN

    [quote name='bubbiesdad' timestamp='1353336297' post='848127'] Or better yet, The Fighting Possums of Clyde Clod University. [/quote] Ah old coach Billy Joe Tom Bob Parker. He said he was second choice to run UT football after Kiffin left. When asked who was first, Parker replied, "everybody else". The Possums, in their 40th year of rebuilding, went 8 and 4 this year. That's "8 arrests and only 4 convictions". - OS
  8. If you're well hidden, you might not even need to fire it, just bonk them turkeys and geese on their noggins. - OS
  9. Oh Shoot

    AR Pistol

    [quote name='strickj' timestamp='1353297392' post='847993'] Or just fork out another cnote for a whole rifle. [/quote] I just find the idea of a "kit gun", pistol/rifle, attractive. "Survivalist" and all that type bent. Have actually been thinking about getting the NEOS rifle kit for my NEOS pistol too. Just stays a bit too expensive to bite. - OS
  10. [quote name='JayC' timestamp='1353337356' post='848138'] ....I've lost a lot of respect for certain of members of this forum in this thread, who have repeatedly advocated smaller government, fewer firearm laws to get us closer to our God given rights, but are happy to throw those principles away to get the state to pass a law because it saves them from making some hard choices.[/quote] Agree that ideally, best legislation is to repeal ... 1. statute that going armed is a crime 2. statute which makes carrying past a sign a criminal charge Second best to 1. is to extend exception for going armed to vehicle, for everyone, since it is already covered under "castle law" part of self defense statutes ....and let chips fall where they may regarding public facilities and their employees. Since this is still a faraway pipe dream, most agree we must grab the fruit that can be picked at the time. Btw, this law ain't gonna affect me one way or the other, I'm just for expanding gun rights any way possible, including yes, even adding a few more words to TCA, since it's more feasible to do that than take any away right now. - OS
  11. Oh Shoot

    AR Pistol

    [quote name='Triggerhappyzach' timestamp='1353299579' post='848021'] ... @OhShoot- completely legal! See ATF letter here: [url="http://www.calguns.net/calgunforum/showthread.php?t=381738"]http://www.calguns.n...ad.php?t=381738[/url] [/quote] Why address me re Magpul AFG legality? - OS
  12. [quote name='RobertNashville' timestamp='1353299917' post='848025'] Your veiled assertion that there is a difference between a regulation that is based on "taxes" or "wages" as opposed to any other regulation is both flawed and immaterial because it entirely misses the point....[/quote] Yep. And even Strick's vehement refusal to equate ADA with handgun carry is specious. In the the same vein as your comment, it is simply one more set of regulations, showing just one more precedent for adherence to one more set of regulations. I've certainly never claimed that disability and handgun possession are on any kind of equal status, that is not a valid argument, or does it need to be. And much of this is red herring territory anyway. The parking lot bill is not so much about anything the business owner must [i]do[/i], but simply about something he must [i]not[/i] do. Just like the hundreds of other things he must not do, whether it's to quarter top staff in your home, or commandeer your car. Or in this case, effectively prevent you from self defense while in your own property, something that TN law specifically allows, HCP or not, actually. - OS
  13. [quote name='strickj' timestamp='1353297747' post='847996'] Name one non-tax or wage related law that all businesses or "business property" owners must follow. [/quote] Never said all businesses. Single Proprietorships not open to the public are pretty much same as any other non business property. But for businesses with employees.... TN OSHA TN Child Labor Act TN Whistle Blower's Act TN Non Smoker Protection Act TN Illegal Alien Employment License Suspension TN Fire Codes .....to name a few obvious ones, and I didn't even mention any federal regs, and certainly not the ADA to which you take such vehement exception for comparison to the current issue. - OS
  14. [quote name='QuietDan' timestamp='1353295558' post='847971'] ....I have opinions that I believe could convince, but I'm going to hold off until folks settle down a little bit. [/quote] You should have espoused them about a year and a half ago to forestall the last umpteen threads on the matter -- could have reached group consensus if not a complete state of satori. - OS
  15. I guess I'll see 'bout contacting Winchester, just to see if they respond or anything. - OS
  16. Years ago, I had the ultimate bad landowner neighbor. Long story, old mountain man type family in Union County, current crop were about the same level of sophistication as 200 years back, I reckon, but a couple of the current crop were inbred with junkyard dog too, near as I could tell. Reason I say the ultimate is that it came down to a standoff with firearms in both our grasps. Didn't happen that day, but I do indeed know the post adrenaline droop. Sheriff at the time told me to just drop the cat and pull him over to my side of the line next time it happened, then call him. Of course he warned me that wouldn't be the last one I'd have to take on ether if that happened. So we actually wound up buying them out, really didn't even want the extra land, and surely didn't want to go into debt for it either, not to mention paying more than it was worth mainly to keep a life out there. Then wouldn't you know it, the same imbecile gets snuffed a couple months later playing drunken tag with a truck from a mining company they also had a feud with. - OS
  17. [quote name='RobertNashville' timestamp='1353292933' post='847938'] You can call it "private property" all you want but society has decided that how a property is used has a bearing on what can and should be regulated with regards to that property. You may not like it...you can ignore it all you wish...you can disagree with it all you wish but the reality is that society, through the government, treats property used for business purposes differently than property used for private purposes and has done so, as best I can tell for at least 130 years and perhaps longer. [/quote] Two of us saying almost exact same thing won't change their minds. It's worse than "2A will not be infringed!", or even "Citizen's arrest, citizen's arrest!" - OS
  18. Duck out. She'll blame you when she decides she needs something different. You'll be selling and buying handguns till kingdom come; and I'm more than half serious. - OS
  19. Oh Shoot


    [quote name='lawson' timestamp='1353288979' post='847896'] I sold my favorite handgun Friday afternoon so Saturday evening I went and bought the new xds 45 very very nice range report and pics coming soon [/quote] IMHO: step 2 wasn't a mistake, but step 1 was. - OS
  20. [quote name='strickj' timestamp='1353287980' post='847880'] Private property is private property.[/quote] There's the basic fallacy you refuse to see. There are already [i]many[/i] more regulations on business properties with employees and business properties open to the public than on residential or unimproved rural properties. I won't even begin to iterate them again because you will continue to ignore that regulatory agencies and jurisprudence obviously do [i]not[/i] consider them the same, and keep parroting that mantra. You and JayC need to be sure to collaborate on a strongly worded amicus brief if the thing is finally passed, assuming it ever is indeed challenged in court. - OS
  21. [quote name='runningfree' timestamp='1353287777' post='847879'] Since Man is a Mammal does that mean that all mammals could become a Zombie? If so that is a pretty large group. [/quote] Well, we're dependent on main stream Zed lore here I guess, but the only ones I can think of are the zombie Dobermans in a couple of the [i]Resident Evil[/i] flicks. - OS
  22. [quote name='OhShoot' timestamp='1352865994' post='845270'] ....That wasn't even an embassy, just a temporary "diplomatic outpost", for whatever reasons. [/quote] [quote name='Spook' timestamp='1352907234' post='845454'] I believe it had Consulate status rather than just a temporary "diplomatic outpost." .... [/quote] Turns out it did not have consulate status, was referred to as "diplomatic facility" by state department. Almost certainly primarily there to aid CIA covert efforts. I wouldn't be at all surprised that it comes out that a CIA local asset turned to help organize the hit on both of the locations. Similar has happened in 'Stan frequently. - OS
  23. [quote name='Razz' timestamp='1353248745' post='847570'] I guess it depends on what zombies we end up with. According to walking dead, everybody is infected and just waiting to turn but so far, animals haven't been affected. [/quote] Zombie mosquitoes, ticks, and biting flies would pretty much end it for all the human beans, methinks. - OS
  24. Oh Shoot

    AR Pistol

    [quote name='Jonnin' timestamp='1353273128' post='847764'] I have it, but you can't really hold it by that easily. I find the mag easier to deal with. And it adds a fair chunk of forward weight that the gun does not need. I took mine back off. [/quote] Maybe one of these too, then? [img]http://www.spartanimports.com/store/components/com_virtuemart/shop_image/product/466b9e714b23692a0b4c16dbf78d415d.jpg[/img] If I get a gimmick gun, I want all the other gimmicks I can find. - OS
  25. Just a followup ... shot about a 100 out of the second box (same lot) Friday. Quite obvious variable powder loads, and 5 duds. The duds are really [u]duds[/u] too, tried all 5 3 times each, doesn't seem to be any primer at all in them. - OS


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