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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. [quote name='Moped' timestamp='1354415821' post='853644'] .... And tomorrow, I am purchasing a Ruger Blackhawk conversion in .357/9mm. I've been wanting one for years and a buddy is finally selling it. He texted me this afternoon and told me it was mine. Can't wait to get it!!! [/quote] You'll love it. Nothing like shooting 9mm and it feeling like .22mag. - OS
  2. [quote name='Lester Weevils' timestamp='1354414119' post='853623'] .... 1-- Paypal will now let you pay thru them with credit card for apparently "unlimited sums" without getting "verified" and letting them get their hooks into your bank account. 2-- When electronically renewing now, the TGO site + paypal offers to "guest" pay via one-time credit card without even being registered with paypal, which I like even better. [/quote] Yeah, for years now they've become a simple credit card processor, no account necessary to purchase. Had to, to proliferate their ownline shopping cart for a bazillion website stores. They also got out of the money market biz. - OS
  3. [quote name='ShamGlock' timestamp='1354413213' post='853615'] I think it's gonna be a much better game than people will give Notre Dame credit for. [/quote] Your avatar suggests you may not be seeing the situation rationally. - OS
  4. [quote name='timcar86' timestamp='1354412156' post='853602'] It was both. [/quote] Sounds like Mr. Trout probably nailed it right off.
  5. [quote name='crimsonaudio' timestamp='1354412110' post='853596'] Since 2008, Bama is now 49-0 when they rush for 150 yards or more... [/quote] Damn close though, helluva ballgame. If the BCS game is even close after the first half, I'll be really surprised. That Lacy cat might be the next Walter Payton or something. - OS
  6. [quote name='timcar86' timestamp='1354411720' post='853589'] Changed the stock on my AR to a fixed length Magpul MOE stock. It required a rifle length receiver extension tube so I had to get one of those too. After I've changed that out I'm having issues with the bolt stripping the 1st round off the top of a full magazine. It won't go fully into battery. After the first round it cycles fine. Do I need to add a spacer or something? Thanks in advance. [/quote] Does it fail if you lock bolt back, insert mag, and drop bolt with release, or just when you use charging handle? - OS
  7. [quote name='ShamGlock' timestamp='1354402347' post='853526'] ....We are about to watch Bama start to pour it on in the seond half. [/quote] I'm not into FB much anymore, but got into this one. Just heard the stat that when 'Bama gets 155 yards or more rushing over the last however many years mentioned, they are 48 and 0. They're at 152 starting the second half, so the Dawgs would really have to cheat fate big time to overcome that. Then again, GA just went ahead, so anything's possible on any given Sat. in college ball. - OS
  8. [quote name='jcj' timestamp='1354238161' post='852628'] I saw Hershel on an X-Files rerun. I don't remember which episode but he was playing a minister preaching to some inmates in a prison. [/quote] Catch "In Cold Blood" sometime. That was his first major role way back when (1967). Played real life killer Richard Hickock. - OS
  9. [quote name='jaxjohn419' timestamp='1354383112' post='853397'] [url="http://ericpetersautos.com/2012/11/24/heres-how-it-will-be-done/"]http://ericpetersaut...t-will-be-done/[/url] [/quote] Yep, America has been slowly but steadily bringing the frog to a boil on lots of fronts for a long time. But look for the AntiChrist to turn up the heat faster. - OS
  10. I don't see how the marijuana is a 10th violation. There are federal laws against it. I mean, you can argue that those laws violate the 10th, but they've been on the books since the 40's. Plus, the feds ain't enforcing them much or at all. Some of the federal interference with voter ID laws comes to mind, but in some of those cases a federal review was already mandated for any election changes, maybe all of them, so if so that wouldn't be a violation either. I mean, you can blame lots of laws themselves for violating the 10th, but you can't blame the current admin for them. The main thing that has galled me is the selective law enforcement on any issue perceived to increase votes, especially the illegal alien area. Another was the initial federal flack over Boeing moving part of the operation to non-union SC. Could see that as interference in SC's own economy. But they relented, so I guess turned out not to be a violation, just a hassle. That presidential order to allow the x number of second gen illegals to get a pass could be seen to encroach on states' right methinks. If passed by Congress, okay, but here's a blanket de facto issuance of a type of amnesty so that states have no recourse but to accept, and of course it was done at a strategic time before the election to increase the hispanic vote. Probably more that I'll think of. - OS
  11. [quote name='Tri-Cities Bob' timestamp='1354373531' post='853339'] My understanding of Tennessee's policy is that if we (TN)[b] have reciprocity[/b] with another state [b]WHICH HAS ESSENTIALLY THE SAME REQUIREMENTS AS TENNESSEE[/b] (including a required course that includes classroom and shooting, and fingerprints) then those requirements are waived, along with $65 of the original permit fee, which goes to the folks taking your fingerprints, and the Tennessee permit will be issued following receipt of the $50 fee, a completed application and the record review by FBI, TBI and your county law enforcement agency. ....[/quote] Not quite that consistent, as a quick scan shows there is no reciprocity with Nevada or Oklahoma , but everything is waived but the 50 clams. I didn't look comprehensively, may be others. The "essentially same requirements" is obviously the key, though. - OS
  12. Yeah, there's actually a Midtown exit of I-40, or was last time I noticed. There is a co-op at: Valley Farmers [b]Co-op[/b] 3058 Roane State Highway, Harriman, TN (865) 882-2127 Which is US Hwy. 70 among other hwy numbers. It has Harriman address, but shows in the Midtown metro area on map. - OS
  13. [quote name='gjohnsoniv' timestamp='1354317157' post='853103'] Cue OhShoot and his gangster Glock shooting.[/quote] It's a Hi-Point. We authentic ganstas can't afford Glocks. - OS
  14. [quote name='myg30' timestamp='1354273327' post='852760'] Thanks Shoot, I was just hoping ! To bad gun pal was a flop. I just can't support pp. Mike [/quote] I don't support banks and credit card companies either, but neither can I spend my bucks totally on principle either. Hell, even TN Retirement and Social Security won't send me a check anymore but I don't have a choice in the matter. - OS
  15. [quote name='swim615' timestamp='1354314168' post='853075'] Not trying to side line the thread but (I have heard) that the .22 will run dirty in a AR if that were a concern but I have no real experience with the set up [/quote] Well, firearms can be cleaned, ya know. . But if anything, that's one more reason to totally separate your AR rimfire function, rather than using adapter bolt. Plus, you get a real .22LR barrel for accuracy. Been thinking about having my last stashed lower into combo gun with .223 pistol, .223 rifle, and .22lr uppers, all in one kit bag. - OS
  16. Oh Shoot

    got laid off

    [quote name='nysos' timestamp='1354313713' post='853068'] ....The best part? about a 40% pay increase from my last position. I won't be rolling in money, as I was extremely underpaid at my last position, but I should no longer be struggling month to month. This also frees things up for if I get a roommate to be able to put a good portion of money in savings. [/quote] Wow, dude, loan me fifty bucks. Seriously, that's rare good news these days, hope it all pans out. - OS
  17. [quote name='RobertNashville' timestamp='1354312842' post='853058'] ...I've nothing specific against the "petition" above (I don't really know anything about it other than the post) but it just rubs me the wrong way to have someone from Colorado join just for the purpose of posting a link to a petition. [/quote] "presumptuous elitist" indeed. (Actually, that sort of thing sorta bugs me too.) - OS
  18. [quote name='Spiffy' timestamp='1354313118' post='853060'] I'm not sure it could ever be argued that it is a right. Rights are something you can never have taken away. They can take away your right to own a gun and your right to vote, so are these rights or privileges? [/quote] Semantics. If you can't exercise a right, you don't de facto have it, regardless of what the federal or state constitution may say. Indeed in both documents, our firearm rights are clearly stated, yet in both cases they are denied. - OS
  19. [quote name='swim615' timestamp='1354310188' post='853030'] If I were after something bad in the .22 line and money was not a factor I would have a dedicated .22AR.[/quote] Or if you already have an AR, a fully dedicated .22 upper to swap back and forth. - OS
  20. [quote name='RobertNashville' timestamp='1354310927' post='853039'] That's true if you are talking about the TN legislature but the TN Constitution clearly reflects and supports the 2A right to keep [u]and[/u] bear arms; perhaps even more strongly than the U.S. 2A - however, [i][b]WE [/b][/i]have let politicians assume power not granted by the documents they have sworn allegiance to uphold and that's our fault. [/quote] No winkie appropriate methinks. The unlawful carry statute is clearly unconstitutional on the face of it according to the TN Constitution, unless the state can clearly prove that legislating carry prevents crime -- which of course it cannot. Another case of getting the government we deserve. I agree fully with that. Freedom never grows as a bureaucracy does, it always becomes more restricted, in every nation in every time. A certain degree of that is necessary so that people may live in groups without continual chaos, but the restrictions always become disproportionate to optimal societal functionality. - OS
  21. [quote name='RobertNashville' timestamp='1354310089' post='853028'] ....It may be a bit subtle but there is a difference, I believe, between acknowledging that you have a right to do something but apply regulations VS saying you don't have a right to do this "thing" at all but we may let you if....[/quote] Well, any number of states already agree that you have no right to carry, but we may let you if... Including TN. So I repeat, I see no change. If we here ever get partial (open) or full (open and concealed) constitutional carry [u]rights[/u], it will granted by the state of TN, not the federal government. - OS
  22. Nothing changed, just ruled that the states of NY and MD can set their own carry laws, an affirmation of states' rights in that regard. Is there a state that would [i]not[/i] agree with that? Think SCOTUS would make all states (and DC) allow constitutional carry, or even make them "shall issue"? I think not. - OS
  23. [quote name='razorback2003' timestamp='1354303455' post='852956'] If you are using a hotel outside Chicago city limits, you can bring your pistol and keep it in your hotel room. .... [/quote] Many of the restrictive Chicago laws are also in effect in Oak Park and the whole of Cook County. Like 10 round mag limit, whether you are a resident or not. - OS
  24. I've been quite a critic of current Buck knife quality on various models, but their customer service will often do amazing free things for you. The 124 has been discontinued for some time, but apparently they're making a new model of it or something, even though it's not in their catalog. Their policy on discontinued stuff is usually to offer you a choice of knives in the same price range. But if you want that same model, you may have no choice but to have it welded and the broken tip re-profiled into a slightly different blade shape. But worth a call to Buck. If you send it in, one option is always to do nothing after hearing what the options are, and they'll send it back. - OS
  25. Oh Shoot


    Nobody on TGO won? [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBTpjkPiVyg[/media] - OS


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