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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Almost every gun debate reveals one aspect that I keep saying: there's little doubt that private sales will be banned at some point. Doubt if the NRA would give it more than a token fight either. It's the lowest of the low hanging fruit, has overwhelming national consensus, too. - OS
  2. I say he should sell tickets to rich fat men who can barely walk to hunt him inside one of his fenced killing reserves. - OS
  3. [quote name='LINKS2K' timestamp='1354754369' post='855474'] Can't wait to see if he is a man of his word. [/quote] Well, in fairness, he didn't say he'd kill himself or commit an act to put himself in prison. Was more of a prediction about what the Obama admin would do to him. - OS
  4. [quote name='LINKS2K' timestamp='1354752888' post='855458'] I love you signature OS. [/quote] Thnx, succinctly describes the tyranny our two party system has become quite well, methinks. - OS
  5. [quote name='NRA' timestamp='1354748191' post='855423'] I did not know this time frame [/quote] He said "one year from now" April 14th of this year. - OS
  6. He still has until April. - OS
  7. [quote name='RobertNashville' timestamp='1354743078' post='855386'] If you'll allow me to be a presumptuous elitist; I think you missed my point. These "Tea Party" Republicans have lost some power and are being "punished" for not playing nice with the party elite but they still get to vote and speak out about their ideals and values and ideals which is what the Tea Party is really all about. [/quote] Nonetheless, they are being "diluted" by the GOP, and have less decision making power. Committees are "where it's at" in all legislatures. Anything that doesn't get out of committee can't affect change. And of course, the real power is wielded during elections, so the "naughty" list will get no GOP support, and indeed likely will be sabotaged behind the scenes every two years. I've maintained since its inception that the Tea "Party" will have to become an [i]actual[/i] third Party to affect real change. The GOP, even if it becomes only the "loyal opposition" for the next 20 years or more, will not be changed by true conservatives. - OS
  8. [quote name='MississippiBoy' timestamp='1354736983' post='855331'] They already state that non-student adults can have a firearm in their car on campus, why exclude schools from this issue. [/quote] Why should those schools be able to terminate employees for being in compliance with that law? Especially those who take state assistance. You know, [i]your[/i] money. Why should adult students not be able to do the same? Why should a student or non-student HCP holder not be able to have loaded firearm kept in vehicle? - OS
  9. [quote name='RobertNashville' timestamp='1354687417' post='855153'] Not sure how this equates to the GOP "absorbing" the Tea Party. .... [/quote] The neutralized reps were Tea Party supported candidates. - OS
  10. [quote name='Dustbuster' timestamp='1354714083' post='855197'] ill get the measurements,partial unlocking is possible, face of the bolt had a burned look to it. thanks [/quote] I don't know much re these, just still interested in getting one myself -- but I think Dolomite meant to determine whether it is getting enough gas pressure to unlock at all after firing or if bolt simply stays locked into chamber? What kind of buffer tube arrangement you running? I doubt appearance of a "burned" bolt face means anything, I guess mine could be described that way. - OS
  11. [quote name='S&WForty' timestamp='1354675511' post='855064'] Thanks for the replies. My only concern is if a thief got my laptop, what identity-theft type stuff could they pull from the browsers. [/quote] Well, if you're only worried about the browser parts, you can run without caching or clear cache and cookies after each session. Or can use any number of freebie programs to make a macro that will do those things with one click and even shut down puter afterwards it you want. Of course running without cache and cookies don't make for the most pleasurable or convenient web experience, depending on what all you normally do. Motherboard password is pretty easily hacked by anyone sophisticated enough to know how to search for hidden stuff in the first place, but should stop your average thief from snooping who only wants to resell the puter itself for some toot or whatever. There are encryption programs that will let you run everything encrypted, but haven't kept up with that branch of the industry. Haven't even kept up with the various encryption methods allowed by some operating systems. - OS
  12. [quote name='LagerHead' timestamp='1354652537' post='854867'] Great speech. Too bad ALL politicians are bought and paid for and therefore can't have any nuts. [/quote] Yep, even if they're not bought yet, they get slammed and absorbed by The Party until they are. Or get no party help the next time around, and maybe even sabotaged. Happening with the Tea Party reps, as I assumed: http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/55827-tea-party-is/ - OS
  13. [quote name='AK Guy' timestamp='1354673453' post='855040'] Call Troy at InRange. He usually answers the phone and will give you an honest opinion. He also responds very quickly to PM'S on theakforum.com. He has a vendor section there. Troy is as good as they come in the AK world. [/quote] I used to deliver to him when was still a cop doing the AK thing on the side. Real nice feller. - OS
  14. [quote name='monkeylizard' timestamp='1354678133' post='855092'] Glocks [b]are[/b] double action only. Not in the traditional sense of cocking a hammer then releasing that hammer, but the trigger finishes "cocking" the striker and then releases it, so two actions being performed by the trigger. The striker on a Glock is not all the way back by racking the slide. Springfield XDs are, so they're "single action" strikers. Someone will be along shortly to correct me if I'm wrong on that. [/quote] That's my basic understanding of the two. - OS
  15. [quote name='GoneBallistic' timestamp='1354675973' post='855070'] I hadn't seen that but it looks pretty interesting!! Yeah I would really love to shoot one but I don't know anyone who has one. I have shot a Keltec pistol or two and didn't care much for them. I would definitely be willing to give it a fair shot though. [/quote] I have the 9mm Beretta/Sig config. Love it. Beretta 30 round mags work great, and unlike Glock happy sticks they're even molded so to fit as natural extension of the existing grip. [img]http://www.midwestgunworks.com/mm5/graphics/00000001/C89282.jpg[/img] - OS
  16. [quote name='AK Guy' timestamp='1354676158' post='855072'] .... And since your getting real close to calling me an agenda liar, I've worked at Walmart and the gun industry. [/quote] Not real sure what your agenda would be. But since you're intimated something that I had no intention to do, that will prod me to mention that one reason my credence level is low on this matter with you is because in the same previous thread about this you claimed that you knew for sure that WalMart Winchester White Box was made in China. Which of course is patently and laughably false, unless you'd also like to claim that Winchester is blatantly flaunting US import embargoes. [quote]BTW - you do know that the Marlin 336"w" standards for Walmart? Its was sourced for Walmart as a more affordable option and then they kept it in their catalog.[/quote] That may or may not be true. No source from Marlin has ever confirmed it, and even the most exalted gurus on MarlinForums.com don't seem to know. Certainly you have been able to buy a W model from any number of retailers for many years. It and the A denote birch instead of walnut stock (the A also had a cap instead of barrel band) Even if it was a WalMart only rifle at it's release, that is simply a distributor's exclusive. It wasn't pretending to be a 336c. Ruger distributes a "Wally Special" 10/22 also, and it's actually a quite sought after model, being the only source for it. But it's not pretending to be any other model either. And of course in both cases, the specs for fit of standard modifications are the same as the rest of their same model variations. - OS
  17. [quote name='CCI' timestamp='1354674715' post='855055'] 127,000 veterans have been added to the gun-check registry since 1998! That is a huge number to be mentally incompetent ! [/quote] Got a cite for that? - OS
  18. [quote name='AK Guy' timestamp='1354673274' post='855037'] Remington told me directly that they did in the past make guns specific for Walmart and that in in one particular case aftermarket stocks world not fit. We had an 870 that an aftermarket stock didn't fit. The gun came from Walmart.... [/quote] Ah, Smith. Didn't know that was you. You've told this before, and the claim stands unique on whole web, not any other report I can find of that. Not one. Perhaps you had a stock that was out of spec, rather than the shotgun? - OS
  19. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/55794-veterans-with-no-finance-skills-may-lose-gun-rights/
  20. ... being absorbed by the GOP, just as I have always predicted. Boehner has morphed from a cop out to full thug, along with the rest of his steering committee. They make a list and check it twice, better not be naughty but nice, toe the official party line or you get whacked. [url="http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=166509773"]http://www.npr.org/t...oryId=166509773[/url] [url="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/04/house-budget-committee_n_2237347.html"]http://www.huffingto..._n_2237347.html[/url] He's gonna give away more of the farm to "fix the cliff", too. And there won't be a buck less spent in coming year, and not a dime put toward principal of the national debt. - OS
  21. [quote name='atlas3025' timestamp='1354656414' post='854906'] So you are saying that Remington and Mossberg could be different at Walmart, at some point. That is similar to what I have heard, that sometimes parts are made from plastic instead of metal to lower cost on specials, but I don't think I would let that scare me away. I wonder what kind of parts in those cases. [/quote] Without an exact description of the same model rifle that was changed to suit WalMart, I still call urban legend. It would actually cost manufacturer more in time and disruption of process line to make a "cheaper" one. - OS
  22. No expert here, but my take is that private browsing ain't all that. It's mainly helpful to hide porn activity from one's somewhat 'puter savvy parents or spouse. Though it's implemented a bit differently in different browsers, the main thing it does is negate cache on your own puter, and disallows storage of many cookies, but not necessarily all. Like most things in 'putering, it's a constant battle between browser developers and online programming. It does NOT hide your IP, however. It also has zero added security for online transactions. IP anonymizers will, but also have zero affect on transaction security. Your best and simplest hack security is still a hardware firewall (router), assuming you activate security protection/encryption on it, change default username/password and etc. - OS
  23. [quote name='TankerHC' timestamp='1354585187' post='854559'] I cant find a date but this is supposed to be the 2012 Catalog released last March. [url="http://i.walmartimages.com/i/if/hmp/fusion/SpecialOrderGunCatalog.pdf"]http://i.walmartimag...rGunCatalog.pdf[/url] [/quote] Says 2010 on it first page. Too big to notice, perhaps.
  24. [quote name='gregintenn' timestamp='1354589649' post='854603'] ....and thought I'd share with you all that they have a current promotion of free shipping with $150 order! Not a bad deal if anyone here needs some ammo or reloading supplies. [/quote] Never heard of them, always glad to have another source to check, thnx. - OS
  25. [quote name='wareagle' timestamp='1354592595' post='854645'] Thanks guys. I'll check it out. Sounds like a place I need to visit! [/quote] $20 transfers, too. And they're happy to do it, too rather than treat it as a burden. - OS


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