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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1.   What objective observer would have believed the encroachments on firearm ownership that we've already seen?   What exactly did the states do about the last AWB? I do believe they rolled right over. All 50 of them, and some have even retained parts of that ban.   - OS
  2.   We're not talking gun confiscation here, just selling them. Selling one that is supposedly on the bottom of the lake to an undercover agent would be same felony.   - OS
  3.   I'd think it would simply be the FFL check route, as set up by the Brady Bill in the first place.     Why would it be held for days? Nothing in the NICS would need to be changed.   Main thing would be the physical hassle of scheduling at meet at FFL and a minimum extra $30 or so here in TN. It would become the "new normal", and buyers would simply understand that a gun costs that much more than it used to.   Some places might even reduce their transfer fees some if they were doing a bunch every day, might become competitive part of the business. And of course the state coffer would increase significantly.   - OS
  4. Forgive me for belaboring the point now and then, but it's obvious to me that all private sales/transfers will be federally outlawed before long.   Among all possible firearm restrictions, it's the lowest hanging fruit of all, and about 15 states already agree partially or totally.   - OS
  5.   Arkansas is a "shall issue" state, anyone can get a permit who has no disqualifying issues, same as TN.   The restrictions placed upon permit holders as compared with those in TN was razorback2003's point.   - OS
  6. http://www.tfaonline.org/   TGO member Worriedman is an activist/lobbyist for the org, you can PM him for any additional info.   Which reminds me, my membership has lapsed, will send off tomorrow   - OS
  7. I'd think mine was in the relatively rare percentile: - OS
  8. I asked in another thread, you a member of the NRA and more specifically to TN law, the TFA?   Certainly more effective long term than the occasional forum rant.   - OS
  9.   Seems right on to me - "any other property owned, used or operated by any board of education, school, college" is about as clear as anything the legislature writes.   That being said, I lived in UT "married student" housing for a number of years in the 90's, always had at least one loaded gun in my abode, and knew several other folks who did also. Had a downstairs neighbor, big hunter, toted uncased rifles to car and back a lot. I also carried a big ole pocket knife the entire 21 years I worked at UT, and wasn't shy about using it during the normal course of the workday either. I also admit I didn't know much about weapons laws at the time.     I feel pretty safe in opining that a loaded gun will always legally suffice for  "going armed" in TN, unless current laws are changed.   - OS
  10. All kinds of ways to go. I think my best advice would be to get flip up sights for the thing first, then consider options for additional optic. Back up iron sights (BUIS) are always there, always work, stay zeroed in, and are fine for reasonable accuracy. I sort of split the diff with my M&P Sport. The rear sight is the Magpul polymer flip up, comes standard on the Sport, a good choice for any rifle though, about $45-50. Can't use polymer front sight on your Sportical though, need metal, the gas block sight base gets HOT. Also note that I think your gas block front sight base is lower than the receiver rail? If so you will need a the higher front sight type than ones made for a railed forearm. If I'm wrong and it's the same height as the receiver rail, you need a low profile type (front sights are adjustable for elevation, but only so far). Contrary to the price expectations of what most will recommend here, the rings were $20 and so was the Barska 3-9x40 scope :). It's held up so far just fine. The high rise quick release rings just barely clear the rear sight when folded down, comes on and off quickly and stays pretty well zeroed when re-attached. I'm doing the same for a second flat top rifle I assembled. It has conventional detachable A2 carry handle rear sight, but can switch to scope back and forth pert quick. I didn't care to go any higher end (might change my mind when/if scope craps out). The iron sights alone are fine long term for TEOTWAWKI. :) Seems more folks run a red dot type optic than conventional scope anymore of course, just do image search for AR-15 and the like and you'll see all kinds of arrangements. But since most of those are unmagnified, and you start getting into real money to get a good one, and magnify it also, it's hard to beat a conventional scope if you're really shooting for precision as opposed to moment of torso at distance. - OS
  11. 1. it had the 3/8" rings. Will not fit on the wider weaver/picatinny rails like your AR has   2. you could have replaced the rings on it, but a scope designed for .22LR rifle won't likely hold up on a more powerful rifle   3.  once you get past .22LR scopes, most don't come with rings at all. Scopes are generally of two diameters for the ring, 1" and 30mm, 1" being the more common. The part that grabs the rail is referred to as weaver or picatinny.   4. most folks want conventional front and rear sights on their AR as backup even if they are running an optical sight of some type. Your Sportical has a railed gas block for sight base so you'd need both front and rear ones. Usually folks use flip up types, would allow a conventional scope to be mounted with high rise rings to clear the rear sight in down position to keep from taking it on and off.   - OS
  12. Not trying to be condescending, but scopes have rings to mount to rails. Did it come with rings?   Your rifle has built-in rail along the top of receiver?   If so, the rings don't fit the rail? Are they too narrow?   If so, then scope is likely designed for rimfire rifles and came with the 3/8" rails that fit dovetail grooved rifle receivers and rails.   If that's not it, please elaborate.   - OS
  13. Wouldn't that also de facto make all "may issue" states become "shall issue"?   - OS
  14.   Colorado totals were quite low, too, for what even an average range enthusiast could accomplish. It's actually never been shown to my knowledge that Holmes had ever even fired a gun before.   Contrast these to a "competent" shooter, like Breivik in Norway, who killed 69 and wounded at least 33 more, with a Mini14. And he was moving around an island where folks were not nearly as compacted in as in a movie theater (or crowded mall). So whatever this guy's plans were, max mayhem didn't seem to figure in, but who knows with the sparse info so far.   - OS
  15.   Yeah, one of my first thoughts, that depending on ruling, all "may issue" states might have to go to "shall issue".  The degree of onerous regulations to do it though is indeed another matter, even if that comes about.   - OS
  16. [quote name='6.8 AR' timestamp='1355167319' post='857951'] The way the rule is makes me want to make all future purchases "other" rather than rifle. ....[/quote] If FFL marks a lower as "rifle", he is not following BATF instructions on the 4473 itself. Says even if it's a receiver that can [i]only[/i] be made into a rifle, it's not to be checked as "long gun". As we were kicking around at the gunshow, one of the quirks of this is let's say you are selling a used lower. The buyer has no idea what the thing was originally configured as, beyond the seller's word. Further, what if you are selling it, but actually even transferring it through an FFL. According to the instructions on FFL, it's to be transferred as "other firearm", period. Even though according to the law, (1) if it were originally sold as a complete rifle, it would be illegal to make it into a pistol, or (2) same if the original owner had originally bought it as only a lower, and made a rifle with it before anything else. Difference there though is that should push come to shove, (1) could be verified, but (2) couldn't be, whether re-sold through FFL or privately. - OS
  17. [quote name='Dolomite_supafly' timestamp='1355176530' post='858059'] I would not touch a J&T gun with a 10 foot pole. Doublestar is a great brand but J&T not so much. Dolomite [/quote] But they are the same company! Same address, same phone number in Winchester, KY. J&T makes the DoubleStar branded components and sells components retail. DoubleStar sells complete rifles and lowers retail. [url="http://jtdistributing.net/store/index.html"]http://jtdistributin...tore/index.html[/url] [url="http://www.star15.com/index.html"]http://www.star15.com/index.html[/url] Whether they are "great" or not, I'll have an opinion soon, as Mike hinted. - OS
  18. [quote name='CM1021' timestamp='1355169069' post='857969'] Have any of you guys shipped to another individual in the state? I have a guy that's wanting to buy a stripped 10/22 receiver that I have for sale but he lives in Memphis and is wanting me to ship it directly to him because he says his FFL charges him an extra $35. First I have heard this is legal but have you guys done this and would you reccomend to do this? He says he will send me pics of his DL and his HCP. [/quote] It's legal by both federal and TN law. Can use USPS (no handguns) or UPS (can use overnight or ground for rifles, or rifle receivers). Possible glitch is that by federal law you are [i]supposed[/i] to notify carrier if it's not going to a licensee and UPS terms of service require notification for all firearm shipments (Fedex will only send to or from licensee), and you'll occasionally get a postal or UPS clerk who doesn't know their own rules and will give you grief. 13 oz or under, USPS First Class package rate is under 4 clams with tracking. - OS
  19. [quote name='Il Duce' timestamp='1355167724' post='857956'] Everytime I have head something about price they have always talked about tax, etc being included hence my nope. [/quote] I agree with the nope in that case.
  20. [quote name='Il Duce' timestamp='1355159691' post='857862'] Nope.[/quote] [quote name='Dolomite_supafly' timestamp='1355159862' post='857863'] The best "budget" AR is the S&W M&P Sport. [/quote] And a few folks have gotten them for $599. Mine were $619. Assume OP did not include tax/TICS or shipping/transfer in his $600 criterion. - OS
  21. [quote name='JohnC' timestamp='1355133160' post='857685'] So my stripped MEGA MATEN upper and lower set, when D&T registers it, will be registers as "other" instead of rifle because it is not configured as either a pistol or rifle yet? Interesting if I got it right. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk [/quote] Correct, except that the stripped upper doesn't have anything to do with it, only the serial numbered lower is the firearm. Question 18 should be "other firearm" and question 29 should be "receiver". Wow, a .308 pistol. Kewl. - OS
  22. [quote name='RED333' timestamp='1355109808' post='857605'] Look up CC Dickson on the web, there is a store in Hendersonville, ask for some pipe insulation, they have it in all sizes. [/quote] Yeah, I was thinking of using that stuff myself . Is there a special glue made for it for when you slit it? Hope can slip it on over tube, but was thinking of gluing in an end cap. - OS
  23. [quote name='Clod Stomper' timestamp='1355108318' post='857589'] Oooh, my calculations weren't correct. I've only used a Butler Creek with an [b][u]18+"[/u][/b] barrel. If it is only ~25" with a 16" barrel, is it legal? Will [/quote] Feds measure total length with stock extended, no worries there. A state or three doesn't though, from what I've gathered. Fine in TN. I only mentioned those measurements to compare as seems just getting it to shortest possible for carrying convenience or whatever seems to be OP's aim. - OS
  24. Ever jump on the pistol - firearm - pistol thing? Can't imagine why you couldn't do it. Can't see how you would be making an illegal config any more than pistol - rifle - pistol. Not to mention it's a part that might break and fall off anyway. FWIW, nobody on arfcom could see any other rule it would violate once BATF has gone as far to make it's ruling. Btw, grabbed a 10.5" pistol upper at the show yesterday, and with regular carbine tube on it, it's 26.25". Didn't really plan it, but have to admit a forward grip might make it handle better than just sling tension. - OS
  25. [quote name='spikehunter' timestamp='1355105359' post='857543'] Thats a good option I didn't think about the folding stock....[/quote] They work and hold up well, had one for 3 or 4 years now (that's regular 18.5" barrel + the tactigoofus extension). [img]http://routedriver.home.comcast.net/pub/1022/1022-tac-1.jpg[/img] - OS


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